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51.61% You can be my full time daddy / Chapter 16: Chapter 15: Shib oh ♡

Chapter 16: Chapter 15: Shib oh ♡


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rain was pouring like the sky has just broken and Jimin sighed, pleased by the way raindrops were sliding down the window he was leaning against. He was holding a cup of hot tea and he couldn't have imagined spending the day any other way because he didn't feel like leaving the house or interacting with people he wasn't fond of. A part of him was worried because he was skipping a lot of classes but there were days like this one – in which he couldn't properly function.

He was happy he had the apartment for himself because as harsh as it sounded, he couldn't have possibly faced his best friend's constant jolliness. It didn't last long until he slipped in between the covers once again and tried to count while breathing, futilely trying to get rid of the suffocating pressure that nested inside his chest. It felt like his insides were strangled so he could only curl on a side, mirroring Bunny who was sleeping at his feet. Jungkook was supposed to drop by for lunch and as much as he wanted to see his boyfriend he hoped the time would pass slowly because he couldn't even think of verbal communication.

He muted his phone and closed his eyes, trying to inhale and exhale while listening to the late autumn rain but his heartbeat didn't slow back down to normal. He didn't know what to do in this type of situations because his thoughts were out of control and he was used to just endure it until it naturally passed, no matter if it took minutes, hours or days. Cutting made it a lot better; it might have been the placebo effect but whenever he was hurt physically he felt his mind going blank and it had the most calming effect. He cried out of frustration because he promised he would not harm himself so by the time Jungkook knocked on the door he looked like a puffy-faced mess.

"Hello." As soon as their eyes met the elder understood where they were standing so he dropped the bags he was carrying and initiated a bear hug that enveloped the entire smaller body. "I'm happy to see you."

"I'm happy to see you too." Jimin whispered back against a soft shirt and pulled away, his stomach in knots but protesting because of the hunger. They ate in a silence that could have been uncomfortable if Jungkook wouldn't have known that was what his boyfriend needed. They were abandoning the dirty dishes in the sink when the pink-haired boy decided to voice his feelings. "It's a bad day, you don't have to stay with me if you have other things to do"

The tattoo artist smiled sadly at the selflessness and leaned to press a kiss to his baby's forehead before shaking his head and letting himself lead to the bedroom. It was the first time they were together in the small room ever since before that terrible night so he has been surprised to find all the plushies away from the bed, as if they were meant to be forgotten by their owner. A pile of books was stealing the show and Jungkook suspected they were his boyfriend's monthly reads so he read the titles as Jimin searched for a pair of sweatpants in which he could change. They climbed in the narrow bed so they would face each other, their knees touching, Jungkook's hand shyly placed on the other's waist, its owner not sure of how much closeness was needed.

The pink-haired boy was beautiful, he decided for the thousandth time. He couldn't get enough of that adorable slightly-swollen face, he would have spent days searching the mesmerising features with his fingertips, making sure to memorise every patch of pale skin and warmth. Eyelids were trembling with every blink as brown orbs were studying his face, parted lips betraying the uneven breathing. Jimin was a work of art and the man swore he wouldn't give up until he would make him realise that.

"What are you thinking about?" He could hear the buzzing of his insecurities. An almost imperceptible smile followed and the elder wondered why he was feeling like he was stepping on his own breaking heart.

"You." The boy's eyes became glassy so he blinked slowly, feeling his eyelashes getting soaked as he encouraged his teardrops to roll down his face. He knew he must have seemed crazy but he couldn't stop himself, the sobs becoming more violent as soon as the elder scooted closer. Their foreheads were touching and Jungkook pressed their lips together shortly and sweetly, not wanting to suffocate him.

"What about me?"

"You didn't leave." You never leave. Jimin was not used to having someone by his side when feeling like this because he never allowed other people reach his vulnerability. Taehyung has been by his side for more than a decade and not even him witnessed these type of episodes. It wasn't that he didn't want to be comforted, he just didn't want to be a burden.

Jungkook was different – he knew how to bring him relief, touching him as if he was made of glass but never missing a word he said. Having the man he loved looking at him like he put the stars on the night sky was the best form of therapy he could ask for so his fingers reached for the soft shirt in front of him in order to cling on it like his life depended on it.

"I'm not going anywhere." The whisper brought even more tears to the younger's eyes but the tattoo artist didn't regret it, knowing they would wash away all the angst that bothered him so greatly. They didn't move for hours, words only leaving Jungkook's mouth from time to time in order to soothe the other's pain, his hand daring to offer feathery caresses so the other could feel his company at all times.

The front door opened at a point so they understood Taehyung was home but they didn't move an inch, knowing the student was going to assume his best friend was sleeping because of the quietness.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Jimin smiled at the other's words, his eyes still stingy from the crying.

"What's gotten into you?"

Jungkook put his signature bunny grin on display before grabbing a small hand in his and bringing it to his mouth to place a kiss on it.

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you know how much you mean to me." There have been praises before but Jimin never saw things from that perspective. He could go to such a length and accept that he was attractive in the other's eyes but he could have never thought that the elder was feeling fortunate to have him in his life. It was an abstract concept, a first.

The boy didn't intend to fall asleep but the sadness got the best of him so his eyelids began to slowly drop, offering Jungkook the chance to change their positions. Jimin's breathing became even by the time his head rested on a toned and warm chest so the tattoo artist decided to let him rest but didn't manage to do so himself, his mind active. He wanted to help his baby, he wanted these bad days to decrease in intensity and the cutting habit to disappear forever and that was exactly why he offered to accompany him to therapy. He could feel their bond growing stronger and he was happy they were heading towards happiness with baby steps.

Jimin's nap didn't last an hour and the boy woke up with a little jump, disoriented. The room was dark and his heartbeat was beating wildly but everything became alright when he felt a big hand cupping his face.

"Hey, kitten." Jungkook murmured and kissed his cheek lovingly. "It's okay, you just had a nap-nap."

"I'm thirsty." The student's voice was hoarse so the elder immediately reassured him that he was going to bring him something to drink, turning on the lamp and offering him a plushie before heading to the kitchen.

His mission was clear but he stopped in tracks when he found Taehyung in the kitchen, dressed in purple satin pyjamas and eating cereals. It was a strange dinner indeed but he wasn't going to comment about it, feeling brown eyes studying him from head to toe defensively. He could understand where the boy was coming from and he adored the fact that Tae was so protective because he could trust him with Jimin's well-being.

"Hi." He was the one to break the ice and the younger nodded in his direction, his stare not weakening. "Do you have juice –"

"In the fridge." He felt like an intruder and that was all he could think about as he grabbed the box of orange juice and filled a tall glass. He could have gone back to the bedroom and wait for the tension to dissolve naturally but he hated to ignore his problems so he turned towards the boy who was still burning holes into his skull with his eyes and cleared his throat before talking.

"I know I've fucked up." Taehyung hummed in agreement and he could feel the sarcasm in the sound of it. "I never intended to hurt him."

"I know. I just hope you understand that Jimin needs to be handled with care. He needs a sticker with fragile on him at all times." The grey-haired boy was speaking frankly so he could only admire that about him. "Min cares about you but if you hurt him again I'll cut your dick off."

Jungkook needed to stifle a chuckle when hearing the last part and extended his hand for the other to shake.


Jimin was still under the covers when he entered the room and he greedily gulped the juice, his eyes widened in what seemed to be distress. He looked sweaty too and that must have been the result of the agitated sleep.

"Better?" He nodded and grabbed the penguin plushie he had by his side in order to hug it close to his chest. "Why doesn't Jiminie go and take a shower? We can watch a movie afterwards." He was trying to bribe the boy into doing something he knew would help him relax and it worked. The squeaky clean Jimin was feeling brand new so he helped preparing the dinner before the three of them decided to watch a movie together, the literature student safely seated in between his favourite people in the entire world.

"Are you spending the night?" The question took him by surprise because the credits were still on the screen when Bambi eyes searched his face, their owner waiting for an answer. He cupped the soft face in front of him with both hands and leaned to kiss both chubby cheeks.

"I can't baby. I have to be at the parlour before eight." A little pout formed so he pressed a peck on it, not wanting to see it but unable to give in.

"You never slept in my room."

"I will." He promised with a smile. "We can have a sleepover this weekend." It was a silly suggestion because they were mostly sleeping together but Jimin enjoyed the sound of it so he nodded enthusiastically, reminding his boyfriend that it was a promise and that he couldn't take it back.

They parted before midnight could catch them embraced and the pink-haired boy snuggled into his soulmate's bed, wanting to fall asleep by his side. His day ended a whole lot better than it started and he was grateful for all the support he was receiving. He wished he could change the neediness that worried everyone but at the same time he loved nothing more than being babied and taken care of. There was a constant war in his mind between what he wanted and what he thought the others wanted.

"Taetae." The ash-haired boy hummed, obviously half asleep. "I love you, thank you for today." Eyes barely opened to study his face and a little smile played on the other's lips.

"No worries, bubba. I love you too."

Even if he wasn't sleepy he decided to be the big spoon for his friend, his nose buried in the nape of his neck. In the darkness of the night he decided that all the love he constantly received could really make him happy.

He was happy there were three of them working now because there were days when he felt restless and all he wanted to do was to get out of the parlour. They would sometimes go out for a drink after the place closed but that was not one of those days so Jungkook grabbed the keys to his car before heading home a little too enthusiastically, his only wish being to take a warm shower.

As soon as he reached the flat he looked under the flowerpot where he usually left his key and his eyes widened when he saw they were gone. Yoongi has told him before that it was not a good idea to leave your apartment so vulnerable but he really hoped he wouldn't find a burglar inside because he didn't feel mentally prepared to handle something like that. He slowly opened the door and exhaled loudly when he saw Jimin's black winter boots carefully placed next to his other shoes. It was still strange that his boyfriend didn't tell him he would come over before doing so but he was happy the student felt comfortable enough to act like that.

"Min?" He called but there was no answer so he began to untie his shoelaces. "I'm home." This time his words came out loud enough so he heard hurried steps and looked up to find Jimin. The pink-haired boy was dressed in one of his largest t-shirts that was plainly white and that was falling around him like a dress and baby pink cat ears were placed on top of his head, the image earning a grin from Jungkook.

"Hello." His baby's shyness was confirmed by the pretty colour his skin turned into.

"Hi, baby." The younger tiptoed so their lips could meet briefly and the tattoo artist wrapped his arms around his body, pulling him closer for a passionate kiss that turned into a little make out session. Jimin's hands fisted his shirt when his own slid down the slightly arched back, his fingers eager to fondle the bubble butt he came to adore. The boy moaned against his mouth and he understood why when he felt bare skin under his touch so he broke the kiss in order to look incredulously into cinnamon eyes. "Did you forget to put underwear on?"

Jimin giggled and shook his head.

"I'm a kitten, Daddy. Kittens don't wear panties." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in thing in the entire world and pointed towards the fake ears.

"Is that so?" Jungkook wondered if it was an invitation; he didn't dare to lay a finger on his sub ever since that night and decided he would stop himself from doing so until he was granted clear permission. Jimin nodded and bent to grab the other's shoes and place them next to his, the shirt riding up and putting his backside on display. He was sporting a semi so the elder understood he was doing everything on purpose. "Is my kitten in the mood to play?"

"I am." There was no hesitation but eyebrows furrowed above his eyes. "Don't you want to eat first?"

"I want to eat you up." The implications were clear so Jimin's blushed deeper as he rubbed his thighs together, probably hoping the other wouldn't notice. "Would you like that, angel?" An eager nod followed so the dom smiled at the cuteness before kissing the tip of his nose. "Good boy." They half-kissed, half-walked to the bedroom where the student began pulling at Jungkook's shirt, frustrated that it stood in the way of what he wanted. The pink-haired boy was lowered on the bed as their tongues tended for each other, their teeth colliding from time to time; they would have smiled if it wouldn't have been for the passion they poured into the whole act. "Tell me baby, do you want Daddy to play nicely with you or can he be mean?"

Jimin could feel his erection twitch, a wet spot already forming near the hem of the borrowed shirt.

"You can be mean." Jungkook grinned and spread his legs right before lifting the only item of clothing he was wearing. The boy was leaking so he gathered the drops of precum with his thumb before offering them to the then-parted lips. A velvety tongue didn't need to be told what it was supposed to do and its owner let out a breathy noise.

"Such a nasty baby." He purred and kissed him again. "Tell me your safe words, pretty boy."

"Green if everything is alright, Yellow if I want to slow down and Mango if I want to stop." Jungkook hummed in approval and reminded him not to hesitate if he wanted to use any of those. "I promise I will."

"Okay, I was thinking about edging, you've told me you enjoy that." It was a masochistic preference Jimin agreed with and as much self-control as Jungkook had he was sure he would experience feelings he couldn't have imagined. He moaned at the thought of big hands searching his body and denying his release and his cock twitched again, gaining attention. A fist closed around the base of it so he buckled his hips needy right before the touch was gone and the elder got up from the bed, heading towards the closet.

He could recognise the box of toys so he felt his mouth salivating, wondering what was in stock for him today. He gulped when he saw baby pink rope and a glittery vibrator in the same colour accompanied by what he could recognise as being a cock ring. There were endless possibilities when it came to the items so he looked at his boyfriend with puppy eyes, searching for clues.

"On your hands and knees."

"Yes, sir." He giggled when he received a stinging slap on his bum but felt more precum gushing, his penis heavy in between his legs. He expected to be stretched but felt Jungkook's tongue against his entrance, reminding him of the previous promise of being eaten up. "Daddy –" Another slap, this one causing for his ring of muscles to tighten around the eager intruder so the dom grabbed his ass cheeks with both hands, forcing them apart as he did his job. Rimming was a thing Jimin has always enjoyed but never had the courage to demand, not wanting to act too selfishly.

Jungkook was working wonders so he relaxed against the mattress, his hands giving out and his chest colliding with the bed sheet as he closed his eyes. The man's low moans were what turned him on the most so he didn't wonder where the delicious clench inside his lower abdomen came from, trying to push against the warm muscle so he would get more. Slap.

"What do you say?"

"Thank you." He knew that his skin would bruise if more spanking was going to follow but he didn't want to stop it, remembering how proud he was of every mark his boyfriend left on his body. He enjoyed looking at himself in the mirror and searching for all the spots that confirmed that he was owned.

"Good boy, now turn around and spread your legs." He did as he was told, his eyelids heavy with lust as he looked the other in the eye. A fingertip glided from the bottom to the tip of his fully erect member and he had to bite down on his lower lip to silence the whines that threatened to escape, his flesh being a lot more honest. He was twitching, desperate to be touched so Jungkook took the tip inside his mouth for a few seconds before letting go and grinning. He grabbed the bottle of lube and soon a finger was entering him in order to make sure he completely relaxed.

They hadn't been intimate for a long while and masturbation has been the last thing on his mind so he was tight and needed a lot of stretching. Jungkook knew all of that so his patience seemed never ending, the movements of his three fingers not slowing down even if the bottom was trying his best not to wiggle, even if his prostate was stimulated with every thrust. He was near the edge when he whimpered a "Daddy" that convinced the tattoo artist he was ready.

Capable fingers smeared the lube they were still coated in on the pinkish skin of his butt cheeks before delivering another slap and grabbing the cock ring.

"Are cock rings a hard limit?"

"No." There was something bugging his mind so he decided to open his mouth and confront his fear. He promised to be communicative and Jungkook noticed his expression and waited before making another move. "It's a – uhm. A soft limit, Daddy."

"You're such a good boy." The elder whispered and leaned to press a kiss on his forehead. "I'm proud of you for being honest. Do you want Daddy not to use the ring on you?"

"No, it's 'kay." Jimin smiled sheepishly and waited for their lips to press together, picking up from where they were left before the confirmation. Jungkook wrapped his fingers around the erection and began to pump it slowly, making sure to bring the boy to his breaking point before taking the silicone see-through toy and rolling it down the meat. He has worn one before but that didn't mean the sensation was pleasurable because he knew he wasn't able to reach a climax while wearing it.

"I want to tie your hands behind your back now. Tell me your colour."

"Green, Daddy." That was all he needed to roll his sleeves up and execute a double knot in order to restrain the submissive's arms. He slipped his index finger under the rope to make sure it was as comfortable as possible but didn't fail to ask for verbal confirmation.

"Does it feel too tight?"

"No, sir." He could even move them a bit but there was no way he could bring them in front of him and he suspected that has been Jungkook's intention from the start. What came next was the vibrator and Jimin thought he would go crazy as soon as the tip was pressed against his rim.

"Colour, baby."

"Green." He whimpered and closed his eyes at the unfamiliar stretch. It was cold (which was completely normal) and not as thick as the one he was used to but the magic began as soon as his Daddy turned it on. "Fuck." Jungkook slapped his right thigh.

"You're not allowed to swear, sweets." Were the last thing he's heard before he felt vibrations against his prostate and he jolted with pleasure, his erection becoming painful. The man rode the shirt up and took a pale nipple into his mouth in order to add to the pleasure and grinned sadistically at the loud moans inundating the room. "How does it feel, kitten?"

"So g-good, Daddy." He was trying to get away from the object as he knew the release was nowhere near so Jungkook lifted his whole body and placed them in a sitting position against the headboard, making sure the vibrator would slide all the way in and touch all the right places. "No, Daddy. I can't." He hurried to whisper, eyes following the other as he moved away from him.


"G-green, sir." Jungkook ran his hand through the pink soft hair.

"Good, I'm going to take a shower." He knew he had to be quick because the cock ring couldn't stay more than thirty minutes on so he grabbed the first pair of pants he found, knowing he needed nothing more. Jimin's moans became breathy as he rocked his hips slowly so the tattoo artist arched his eyebrows. "If the vibrator slips out of you, you won't get any cummies today."

Cinnamon eyes were getting glassy but the boy nodded, desperately fidgeting against the pillows.

"Call my name if you want to safeword and I'll be here in a second." The student whimpered an "okay" so the tattoo artist hurried to do the do, cautious to leave the door open and to pay close attention to every sound that was not a moan. It was more of a psychological than a physical impact but he tried not to push the limits too far because it was not the right time, not when they were craving each other so badly.

Jimin's dick was twitching helplessly by the time he entered the room, the vibrator nested exactly where he left it, tears running down rosy cheeks. It was a sight he would have wanted to immortalize but he didn't have his submissive's consent to do so and it was not the proper situation to ask for it.

"D- Daddy, please." The younger whined as soon as he entered the bedroom and wiggled, unsure if he wanted more or if he wanted to get away. "Take it off, please, I need to – agh, cum." He sounded desperate but Jungkook didn't have enough yet so he picked him up as if he was a doll and rested him on his back, watching as his rim contracted with need around the toy. "Please." The tattoo artist answered by grabbing the pink vibrator and pulling it almost completely out before sliding it back in and placing the vibrations on a higher setting. "No, Daddy! Please."

"You're so wet, baby." He was referring to all the precum that was dirtying his shirt and that didn't stop to leak. "What do you want?"

"Cummies, Daddy! Please! I've been a good boy, I've held it in!" The orgasm was nearly there but it couldn't take place due to the ring strangling the base of his cock.

"You've been good, my good boy." Jungkook decided and pecked his lips, tasting the salty tears that managed to reach them. "I think Baby deserves to have the ring taken off." Jimin nodded hurriedly and watched as fingers rolled the device of f his erection and threw it across the bed, doe eyes widening as soon as spurts of cum began painting the already-dirty shirt without direct stimulation.

Jimin looked surprised himself, his moan getting higher-pitched at the unsatisfying feeling washing over his body. His every nerve was tingling, his back arched as he felt more teardrops rolling down his cheeks, this time of disappointment.

"Da –ddy –" He whimpered and Jungkook watched the muscles of his stomach contracting, not wanting to miss a glimpse. The orgasm passed by rather quickly so the boy began squirming at the overstimulation the vibrator was causing. The brown-haired man hurried to turn it off and slowly took it out as soon as he realised his baby was sobbing wholeheartedly, his eyes betraying a sub drop. He cupped a wet face and rested his head against a sweaty one, trying to get the other's attention.

"Min, look at me." He whispered and a particularly loud sob ripped through the heaving chest. "You're okay, sweetheart. I've got you." The knot was easy to untie so Jungkook focused on doing that with his fingers as his lips encouraged the boy to focus on his breathing and to calm down, reminding him that they were together and as overwhelmed as he felt, nothing bad could happen to him. As soon as little hands were released they wrapped around the tattoo artist's neck so their bodies would press together, semen getting on the elder's naked torso. "I've got you, little one. You've been such a good boy for me."

"B-but I –" Jimin sniffled and gulped. "I came w-without permission."

"Daddy never said you're not allowed to come, kitten." Honestly, it has been one of the hottest things Jungkook ever saw so he told the boy that before kissing the top of his head and putting some space in between them to study his face. "My sweet sweet boy is so thoughtful." Their lips met briefly for a peck and the man moved so his boyfriend could rest on him, a naked leg hooking over his. He was painfully hard but he knew his priorities and the top of his list was his baby's comfort. The crying subsided and he believed that was going to be the end of their playtime as there was no way he would ask for more but he was took by surprise when the smaller body began rubbing against him almost imperceptibly and Jimin began mouthing the side of his neck.

"I need you." The words were barely audible but Jungkook figured out the meaning behind them.

"Are you sure?" A soft pink head nodded, the cat ears crooked on top of it, so the elder pulled its owner closer in order to start a make-out session, feeling a little hand hesitating around his groin area. He still had sweatpants on and if Jimin wanted to continue it wasn't going to be that easy so he wanted to make it clear. "Tell me your colour."

"Green, sir." So there was no second thought so Jungkook understood the play won over the simple love-making. The boy was getting hard – he could feel it against his thigh but he didn't stop him, enjoying the way the pace of his breathing changed with each little trust. He needed a real release but the dream of it disappeared when the elder moved away from him and hooked his fingers into the pair of his own sweatpants, enjoying the way sandy orbs were hungrily watching him.

Jimin was too shy to usually say it but he knew he admired him as a man. He found him beautiful, from head to toe, from bunny grin to tattoos. He grabbed his erected member and pumped it a few times before pushing the pants downwards and chuckling at his boyfriend's stunned expression.

"Come here." The student did as he was told and was instructed to raise his arms so the shirt could be removed and thrown beside the bed. Jungkook's tongue was teasing his when his fingers fondled the bubble butt, pulling him closer so their cocks would brush tantalizing. Jimin was twitching again so he whined as the elder bit his lips and moved lower so he could leave hickeys all over his neck and collarbones.

"Daddy." Jimin whispered, trying to get the man's attention and succeeding. "Can I suck you off?"

"Does kitten want to taste Daddy so bad?" The pink-haired boy nodded, his mouth salivating at the thought.

"Please, sir."

"Go ahead, pretty boy." The cat ears were placed better on his head before the one wearing them leaned forward and let the tip of his nose slide from Jungkook's belly button to his pubic area. The artist received no warning, he felt his length enveloped in tightness, no boundaries set. Jimin decided to go straight to deep-throating so a choking sound caused for the other to open his eyes in order to tangle his fingers in light-coloured strands of hair and pull him back slightly. "Easy." He muttered but Jimin didn't seem to like the idea because in no time he was swallowing against him, his nose buried in the trimmed pubic hair. He knew he was good at what he was doing – the best, in his boyfriend's opinion – so he let his tongue do its tricks, enjoying the train of swearing words escaping the pleasured one's mouth.

"Mmm –" He hummed in approval sending vibrations all the way to Jungkook's spine and had to stop himself from smiling when he saw how affected his lover was by his ministrations.

"Such a good – ah, boy." The praises kept flowing, he couldn't get enough of them. "Such a fuckable mouth." He looked like the sin itself, his eyes glistening as he tried to breathe through his nose, and he could feel his own erection pulsing under him. "Off." He hesitated so Jungkook tugged on his hair lightly until he released the meat and felt saliva running down his chin. Their kisses turned messy as his jaw hurt and he got even more aroused at the kinkiness of his boyfriend who was tasting himself on his tongue.

"Daddy, kitten's needy." He whined and tried to rub his thighs together, receiving a slap on one of them.

"Keep them spread until I tell you otherwise."

"But –" He pouted so Jungkook raised a brow at the unusual behaviour.

"Daddy's not fond of brats, Minnie." He was a dominant, he didn't enjoy misbehaving but there was something cute about the way Jimin tested him; he enjoyed seeing him getting feisty but that didn't mean he wanted things to get out of hand.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." The student pouted and looked at his hands who were placed on his thighs.

"I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss." It came without a question, a loving peck on his cheek and he smiled at the adorableness. "Good boy." He rubbed the backside on which a few bruises were still visible from the previous spankings and let his index prod at the still slick entrance, making the younger jump in surprise. He mewled and smiled when he heard a hoarse chuckle. "Maybe Daddy should buy you a kitten tail."

The student was aware the other was talking about a buttplug so he moaned in agreement, unconsciously pushing back against the warm finger.

"Okay, that's it." Jungkook muttered and manoeuvred his body as if he was a rag doll so he would lie across his lap. His bottom was in the air and a yelp escaped from his lips when a large palm landed on one of his cheeks harshly, leaving a red handprint behind.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." He whimpered and squirmed on the lap, his heavy member brushing against a thick thigh and sending jolts of pleasure up his spine. A second strike followed, this one harsher. "Shit –" Jungkook sure knew how to make the blows sting so when the third fell he felt precum gushing out of his cock. "I'll come, Daddy. I'll cum." He warned desperately.

"Never without my permission." Jimin moaned at the words and rested his cheek against his arm, his breathing still uneven. "Colour, kitten."

"Green, sir."

"Good boy." He found himself picked up and carried to the middle of the bed where the tattoo artist rested against the pile of pillows and spread his legs only to guide him in between them, his erection aligned with Jimin's entrance. "Is my kitten ready to be bred?" It was not a concept he imagined he would have enjoyed but he wanted to be taken like that – raw. He wanted to be used until Jungkook would be satisfied, until his body became sore.

"Yes, sir."

The hands that were holding his hips guided him down the hard meat so he moaned until his Daddy bottomed out, the position allowing him to feel every single twitch. The stretch was delicious, it was something he could never get tired of.

"Spread your legs." There was no movement but Jungkook's hand headed towards his neglected erection, picking up a slow pace that made him whimper with need at every single stroke. "You're so wet, kitten." A thumb teased his slit so he buckled his hips only to have an arm wrapped around his middle in order to hold him in place.

"Please –" He couldn't take any more teasing, he wanted to cum and to satisfy his Daddy. A pair of lips pressed behind his left ear.

"What do you need, love?"

"Please move, Daddy." He could imagine the grin that spread on soft lips so he furrowed his brows, thinking about throwing a tantrum. He realised that would have ended up with him not being allowed to come so he resumed to begging. "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck your kitten, breed me."

"Does my kitten want Daddy's milk that bad?"

"Yes, sir, pretty please." He wanted Jungkook's everything so he sighed relieved when the latter shortly moved his hips, causing for the boy to lift his own so they would meet halfway. It was still dissatisfying but it was better than nothing so Jimin bit his tongue so he wouldn't ruin everything, closing his eyes and enjoying every touch. He could feel his boyfriend's skin radiating, his fingertips burning where he was gripping his body.

"You feel so good around me, babydoll." The elder groaned in his ear before the thrusts became longer and harsher, the sound of skin slapping inundating the room. Jimin could feel his tip being pressed against his prostate with each stroke so he turned into a moaning mess, his body eager for more and more. "So fucking beautiful." They were moving gracefully against each other, like they were molding their bodies together. A tongue pressed in between sharp shoulder blades and moved all the way to the nape of the student's neck where teeth dug into white skin possessively before he pushed the arched back forward, the movements never stopping. Jimin was barely able to hold himself up so he let his front fall on the mattress, reacting only when a slap fell on his ass.

"S-so good." He groaned and closed his eyes, letting his dom have his way with him. He could barely breathe because of all the pleasure he was feeling and he was sure he wasn't going to be able to move the following day without wincing in pain but decided it was all worth it. "Da-" Jungkook grabbed his leg and turned him around, taking in his fucked-out face, drinking every sound his tongue formed.

"Shh, you're doing just fine." It was not that easy, the boy was feeling overwhelmed but he was still buckling his hips, trying to get as much cock inside of him as possible. "You're doing such a good job, I can't wait to cum inside of you." The dirty talk was doing magic so Jimin's moans got louder, his orgasm approaching with every passing second.

"Breed me, Daddy."

"Desperate, kitten?" Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in concentration as the thrusts became even faster, his eyes landing on Jimin's leaking cock. "Make yourself come all over yourself." He didn't need to be told twice and it didn't take but two strokes for liquid to spurt from the tip, painting his chest with white. It was the sweetest relief, his entire body quivering as he rode through it. "Good boy."

Jungkook's brown eyes remained focused on his face as if they were trying to absorb his every reaction, his body still chasing his pleasure's peak. He could feel the walls tightening around him and soon Jimin began to whine in oversensitivity, his words turning into blabber as he grasped the white sheet with both hands; his brain was fogged with arousal so his body stilled for a few seconds, his breathing halting.

He heard a small "Daddy" but went back to moving, making sure to fuck every drop of cum deeper, ignoring the mewls of protest. He knew Jimin adored when he reminded him he was owned and there was no better proof of his dominance than the seed that was coating his insides. A few moments were needed for him to get hard again and he didn't give up until he obtained another orgasm from his baby, his palm pressed onto his stomach in order to feel himself moving inside.

The pink-haired boy was a sweaty mess when he finally pulled out, deciding it was enough for tonight and let himself fall beside his boyfriend, pulling him closer until the tips of their noses were touching. Jimin's face was tearstained and his cheeks were the prettiest shade of pink so the tattoo-artist allowed himself to run his fingertips on his back encouragingly, trying to get him back from the heights.

"Hey, baby boy." Even the younger was surprised by how fast his manner of speaking could change from dominant to loving. "Are you okay?" A small smile followed slow nods before the boy hid his face in the crook of his neck, begging to be spoiled. "You've been perfect, kitten." The cat ears have dropped during the process but Jimin still purred at the compliment, his eyelids getting heavy.

They took a bath together, the narrow tub allowing them to do so because of the student's smaller frame. The water turned glittery green because of the bath bomb the pink-haired boy picked from the brand new stock and they had another go, this round gentler but just as satisfying. The younger needed to be tended for and carried back to the bedroom where he closed his eyes as soon as his body made contact with the soft freshly-changed sheets.

"Good night, angel." He was truly worn out so Jungkook's voice was distant as his body lost the battle against the sleepiness.

He woke up feeling his throat dry and he struggled to look at the digital clock on the nightstand, finding out it was 6 AM – way too early to get up. He tried to get out of the spooning position without bothering his boyfriend but his mission failed because he soon felt the other stretch.

"What's the matter, baby?" He didn't want to bother but he knew Jungkook was headstrong.

"I'm thirsty." He expected the elder to grunt and go back to sleep but instead felt the mattress moving under him and watched as the tattoo artist got up and headed towards the kitchen from where he came back holding a glass of water. He took small gulps, enjoying the refreshing feeling and whispered a small "thank you".

"Do you think you can go back to sleep?" Fingers brushed pink strands out of his eyes and he smiled when he met a genuine happy expression. Staying up cuddling and talking to Jungkook sounded like a good plan but the tiredness he still felt took control and they ended up going back to sleep for a few extra hours, the tattoo artist being the first to get up and head to the bathroom.

He was in high spirits so he hummed his favourite as he brushed his teeth, content that he had no appointments until later that evening. He was thinking about what he could cook for breakfast when he heard a loud "Daddy" and rinsed his mouth, surprised that Jimin woke up in headspace. The boy looked even smaller in the middle of the bed, sheets wrapped around his body as Bambi eyes searched his expression.

"Good morning, Min." His greeting was accompanied by a forehead kiss and he indulged the arms that wrapped around his neck.

"Morning." The student whispered back and felt arms picked him up and held him safely.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did." Jimin winced when he was placed on the edge of the bathtub and was offered his own toothbrush. It was pink and glittery so brushing his teeth was an easy task, especially because of Jungkook who stood by his side the whole time. His whole body was made of jelly so he whined until he's been carried to the kitchen and spent the entire morning being spoiled.

They were colouring some pictures of fish and the coffee table was a mess of crayons when the tattoo artist remembered he had a little gift for his boyfriend. It had been bought the previous week but he never found a good time to offer it so he was going to take advantage of the quiet moments they were enjoying. The boy squealed as soon as he spotted the heart-shaped box, his eyes sparkling.

"Thank you lots!" Jungkook placed his legs under his body and rested his head against a hand, smiling serenely at his excited baby.

"Why don't you see what's inside before thanking me? Maybe you won't even like it." Jimin pouted at the suggestion.

"I know I'll love it."


"Because it's from you." The words caused for the big smile to widen and Jungkook leaned to kiss a chubby cheek before the younger opened the box. It was an elegant silver necklace but the best part of it was the Saturn-shaped pendant that caused for the pink-haired boy's jaw to drop in surprise.

It was absolutely beautiful and the meaning behind it elicited a crystal clear giggle.

"It's so pretty." Jimin whispered and ran his index over the little planet as if he was trying to make sure it was really there. A little "I love you" was engraved on the ring so the younger couldn't stop himself from jumping onto the other so he could hug him tightly, the box safe in his grip. "I love you too. So so much." His voice began quivering at the end and all the bliss turned into emotional sobs at the thought that the tattoo artist couldn't comprehend how real his feelings were.

"I know, baby." Jungkook kissed the side of his head tenderly. "Daddy knows how much you love him, I promise." The student sniffled and then chuckled wetly at the euphoria drowning his senses; he couldn't remember another point in his life when he has felt that happy.


This chapter took a rather strange twist but I hope you enjoyed the angst that abruptly metamorphosed into shameless smut <( ̄︶ ̄)> I don't know if this should be tagged as "pet play" but I enjoy the idea of kitten Jimin a lot and it might not be the only time he will make a cameo ~ Thank you so so much! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week.

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