Mark walked along the gray streets, pulling a filter-mask over his face. The airscrubbers only hit Jimstown once every few months, and so the nearly ever-present smog once again prevented sight of the stars, or of Liechten's twin moons. He trudged past numerous identical building complexes, gray and obsolete for the 2300's, past dirty, garbage-filled sewers and under dripping overpasses. Finally, he stopped at one of the many government-issued housing complexes, placing his palm against the door and pressing lightly. After a moment, it slid open, a slight creaking noise accompanying it. He did so again for his apartment, before stepping into the one-room space and towards the machine nearly falling off a small desk in the corner.
As his Quantum Terminal booted up, Mark stared dimly as the day's news scrolled by.
"Trade war continues between Manifest American States and Dharmic Republic."
"Californian Democratic Republic's A- Tier 'Albert Stone' assassinated by Hinego Cartel."
"Price of VitaFlour increases 15 Marks due to tornadoes in West Steinberg."
****, he thought. Back to rice for him. Shutting it off, he flopped into his bed - another day of wandering had led nowhere, and eating vita-carbs was starting to make him crazy. He flipped over, stared at the concrete ceiling of his flat. Today, by Earth Calendar, was October 18th. It was his birthday, and he'd again received no messages from his estranged parents, from childhood friends (few to begin with), or from even his kind uncle. How could he expect one, when he had not even prepared himself a candle in ceremony?
He flicked open his lighter, spun its wheel, lit it. 'Happy Birthday, Mark', he thought. Then, closing his eyes, he wished for the same thing he'd wished for the past 30 years - that he'd had a system.
System Tiers:
SS - Legendary (1/1 trillion)
S - Heroic (1/hundred billion)
A+ thru A- - Imperial Talent (1/one billion)
B+ thru B- - High Talent (1/one million)
C+ thru C- - Upgraded Talent (1/1,000)
D+ thru D- - Average Talent (8/10)
F+ thru F- - At least you have a system. (basically 2/10)
Systemless - Ouch. (1/100,000)