The sound of hooves quickly catching up behind me.
I'll never outrun them...I have to find a way to get them off my trail!
Shifting my eyes around the thick forest for a way to escape I find a tree branch that looks low enough to grab.
I don't have much of a choice so I might as well go for it.
Before running underneath the tree I grab onto the branch and effortlessly swing myself up hidden in the leaves.
I hold my breath praying I'm not found and climb a bit higher to ensure I'm not seen.
The galloping of horses stop suddenly,
"Dammit! We've Lost her..."
"Sir, we have to keep looking! The prince was very clear that if we didn't find her our lives would be at stake." A deeper voice tunes it.
"Don't you think I know that you fool! Come, she must have ducked around a sharp corner further back."
The hooves begin to move again and finally, I'm safe and alone.
Climbing down the tree I take one more quick glance around.
Luckily, No one is in sight.
Damn, that was close...I really need to be more careful from now on.
I continue my "walk" back home.
Such a beautiful day to be running from the law...
The sun is stretching through the branches of trees finding it's way on my tan skin.
The cool breeze lifting my brunette locks as it passes through.
After a few minutes of walking, I come across an old broken down cabin.
Home sweet home~.
I mean come on, I'm an outlaw. Where do you expect me to live? A castle?!? Ha!
I walk in and set my bag down on my sad excuse for a bed.
It's comfortable in its own way...however comfortable a rotten wood frame and some cushions can be.
As I sit down I reach over for my satchel and rummage through looking for the one thing I needed.
Pulling my hand out a small lavender bag lined in gold stitching rest on my leather glove.
Opening it the shimmer of a large assortment of jewelry enchants my eyes.
I wonder how much this all will sell for?
I sort all of it into 3 piles.
Rings, Circlets, and Necklaces.
While sorting it all out a particular ring catches my eye.
I pick it up to get a closer look.
The ring has a fairly simple design, yet somehow it stands out from all the rest.
It's silver with two stones the same kind in the middle, a peridot.
Maybe...I won't sell this one.
I place it in my side table drawer hidden in a clean empty bottle of ink.
Along beside it I place the lavender bag.
Shutting the drawer, I take 3 older coin purses of mine and place each group of jewelry in a coin purse.
I set those coin purses into my satchel and set it on a small table near my doorway.
I hear a small knock on my door and hold my breath hoping it's not a guard trying to trick me.
I hold out my hand and a long vine sprouts from the center of my palm.
Swinging the door open quickly and throwing the rope of vine, I see a pair of innocent blue eye flood with concern.
It's my friend Paris.
I sigh, "Sorry, Paris...thought you were a guard."
She smiles with relief, "No worries! Did you get chased down again?"
I nod and widen the door allowing her in.
She steps inside.
Her soft, light-blue dress swinging from side to side and she walks.
Silky golden hair rests on her youthful peachy skin as she takes a seat on one of my chairs.
"So, what did you steal this time?" She asks nervously.
I walk over to my side table and open up the door taking out the ring.
"I took some jewelry, but this ring. I think it's too pretty to sell."
Paris takes the ring and looks at it, "...It-It's really pretty."
She glances up at me.
"Too pretty for any village market to sell." Paris looks at me with great suspicion. "Araya, where did you get this?"
I dart my eyes from side to side thinking of a lie.
"Uh...I got it from..." with no ideas coming into my head, I sigh and mumble, "I...stole it from Princess Coral while her carriage was riding through..."
Paris's eyes widen.
"Araya, I'm her sister and only friend!!! I'm going to have to hear her scream and complaining for weeks!" Paris shouts with a frustrated tone.
I feel a hint of regret, though I can't help but smile.
"I'm sure she has a ton of jewelry back home. Besides, it's what she gets"
Paris sighs and fights a smile, "Just because she's an awful ruler doesn't mean she deserves to be stolen from."
I roll my eyes and sit down next to Paris, "Where's she going anyway? I saw a bunch of luggage in the carriage."
"You haven't heard? Almost the entire kingdom knows!" Paris exclaims
"Let me guess, she's getting betrothed?" I ask
She nods, "Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I read a lot of books," I mention now laying my head on the table.
"Oh, makes sense."
I smile and stand up grabbing the satchel.
Paris turns towards me, "Where are you going?"
"What? These jewels aren't gonna sell themselves!" I state as she stands up.
"Are you serious? You just stole them like what an hour ago?? If you sell them in the village you're gonna get caught by the guards."
I laugh and Paris gives me a puzzled look.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Whoever said I was selling them in the village?" I glance back with a smirk and walk out the door.
The clicking of her heels against the wood floor follows me out.
"Araya, you haven't been doing anything dangerous have you???"
"Relax, I've just been selling them to a friend of mine. He gives me jobs that pay well enough for me to leave this place one day."
She stops following, "Where do you plan to leave?"
I flash her a smile, "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you later."
Paris rolls her eyes and continues to follow me to my destination.
The forest is rather calm on this sunny afternoon.
The only sounds are the Leaves dancing in the wind and a few birds singing with it.
This is such a beautiful part of the woods.
It's a fair distance from any villages and a nice spot to go for much-needed relaxation and time to think.
I really don't want to leave it...
"So who is this person we're meeting?" Paris pipes up after a few moments of silence.
"His name is Cyrus, I've known him for a year. I feel...forever indebted to him."
"What do you mean?" Paris questions with an interested tone.
I sigh, "Well, when I was still a captive of Prince Tristan's. I wouldn't be fed for days on end, but Cyrus always made sure I was, then eventually he helped me escape and run far enough as to not be caught again."
Paris smiles to herself, "He must care about you a lot. To break a captive out of a castle and help them with their escape takes nerve."
I don't reply, I simply lower my head and smile.
We then approach a tall firm oak tree.
Hidden within its branches was a small dusty red tree-house with a black roof and a single window.
"Here we are!" I call out to Paris while walking behind the tree.
Her eyes travel up the trunk with amazement.
"This is it...?" She faltered with a breathless voice. "This tree is so much taller than the others."
I kick a hidden hatch within the tree to reveal a small lever.
Pulling the lever there's a small click and a wooden ladder is dropped.
I make my way back to Paris, "You better stay here. I don't really feel like introducing you two."
She glances back at me with worry, "But what if something tries to get me? Like a wolf or...a bear!!!"
I laugh and flip open my satchel, then pull out a small dagger and throw it at her feet, "Use that."
"But- Araya!!!" Paris squeaks.
Without responding I climb the ladder.
I hear her huff and shuffle the grass around with her feet.
Once I've reached the top I open the door to a small room.
The walls are painted with small little drawings, along with some homemade furniture and a table with one broken leg.
There's a wooden couch with a few pillows and cushions resting on it.
The only well-made item is a nice evergreen rug lying in the center.
A hummock hung from the edge of the room holds a sleeping Cyrus.
A young boy, my age with jet black hair.
His glasses rest on his forehead.
Underneath the hammock, there's a chest filled with his belongings.
I softly walk over and poke his face, "Hey, Sleeping Beauty~! I brought ya some new shiny things!"
Cyrus opens his eyes.
They're a deep Caribbean blue so bright they emit a faint glow.
He sits up and moves his glasses back down to his eyes, "You could have knocked first."
I smile and toss my satchel over on his lap, "I'm not one for formalities."
He opens the satchel and looks through the jewelry, "Wow...these are beautiful! Where did you get them?"
"Oh...you know! Just took them from Princess Coral on her ride to Valentina." I state rather proudly.
"Oh, I see-" Cyrus stops mid-sentence and glares at me.
"What?" I smirk holding back a laugh.
"You stole from the soon to be Queen of Valentina?!" He shouts grabbing my shoulders.
"All by myself~ Pretty impressive huh?" I mention while flashing a smile.
"Yes, that's impressive I have to admit, But what is with your problem with Royals?" Cyrus lowers his head, "You're always getting into some kind of trouble with them!" he adds, his voice close to a whisper.
"I don't have a problem with Royals. It just so happens that everyone I get in trouble with...is one."
Cyrus frowns, "I don't want to have to save you from another corrupted royal. Just...try to stay safe okay?"
I smile and nod, "Okay...can I have my money now?"
"...Araya! I'm trying to have a moment!!!" He squeaks.
I just laugh and smile.
He's too much fun to mess with...
Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of Fighting Fate!
If you're enjoy reading it so far please let me know it would really make my day!
Have a nice rest of your day!
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