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next Sunday morning Alex wakes up at Sarah's house

Alex:where am I??

she looks at her clothes which are not hers

Alex:OMG whose clothes are these??

Sarah:mine..u puked all over your clothes

Alex:oh , for one second I thought I had slept with someone at party ...then I looked around and I saw there's no red stain..then I thought maybe I slept with girl

Sarah starts laughing

Sarah:so it means you are still virgin?


Sarah: that's great..

Alex:you don't have to say that...are you too

Sarah:I'm not telling u that but I can give you a advice its really fun

Alex:omg you are so not virgin

Sarah:shut it mother will hear us

Alex:sorry..let's go downstairs and meet ur mother then u can give me ur house tour

Sarah :sure..first get ready

Alex:wait I remember something..tell me about that guy.. everything


Alex:really u are trying to fool me...tell me

Sarah: his name is Max


Sarah:and what?

Alex:what did you guys do??


Alex: look u r blushing..tell me

sarah:okay we made out and he's going to come pick me on Monday that is tomorrow for school..and also he was the one who dropped us home last night

Alex:omg ...that's awesome....atleast you found someone last night .I missed on guys

Sarah:really??you don't remember

Alex: remember what??

Sarah:first I saw your dirty dancing with Mason then you were about to kiss Justin

Alex:omg did I??

Sarah:no I came in between

Alex:omg..I'm never getting drunk again..I'm gonna feel so awkward there around now I'm remembering everything

Sarah:simple ..act like you don't remember

Alex:yeah that's good

Sarah:Get ready and meet me down in 15 mins..



Alex:hello mrs.osborne ..I'm Alex Russo..Sarah's friend who drunk crashed your house

Mrs.osborne:oh honey it's all good..

when they hug each other mrs.osborne suddenly seems shocked

Sarah:is everything okay Mom?

Mrs.osborne:yeah everything fine..I made u guys cupcake..have some Alex

after this the day goes smoothly and mostly fun

Sarah drops Alex. outside manor even Alex begged her for 100 times to come inside she didn't come inside

since it's late night Alex comes quietly inside the manor and hears a voice crying

she sees Veronica crying and goes in her room

Alex:is everything okay?why are you crying?

Veronica sobs

Alex:come here

then Alex hugs her

Alex:calm down can talk to me

after lots of crying Veronica finally says something

Veronica:my boyfriend is dead...what I'm gonna do

Alex:oh how?

Veronica:it was a car accident..we dated for 3 years..I have to go to his funeral tomorrow..but I can't face everyone yet..

Alex:oh have to go..don't you wanna say last goodbye to him...

Veronica sobs more

Alex:imagine he's watching everyone there but not you isn't his soul gonna should go atleast for him

Veronica:will you come with me? .I'm not forcing u..I just want some moral support...

Alex:of course I don't cry ...sleep now ...

after Veronica sleeps Alex goes away from her room

in the corridor she sees Justin ..she remembers leaning to kiss him..and starts feeling awkward

Alex(mumbles):act as if you don't remember



Justin:I saw what you did downstairs..thank you

Alex:it was nothing..

Justin:no really thank you

Justin comes closer to her and leans towards Alex which makes her Hearst pounding

but Justin kisses her on cheek and whispers in her ears

Justin:you are better now probably you don't remember what happened last night at good night

as Justin was just leaving

Alex:I remember everything and I really wish we could continue our conversation of last night

hearing this Justin comes to her and holds her cheeks in his hands and kiss her..Alex kiss him back too..but Justin suddenly pulls away

Justin: sorry I remember something really important

Alex:what the hell..good thing I didn't kiss you in front of everyone or you would have run away from there and embarrassed me in front of everyone..

with this Alex leaves Justin in the hallway and slams the door really hard in Justin's face

Mason:you really are a bad kisser should watch some of u tube videos or I can teach you

Justin:now's not the time brother

Mason: yeah you are right you should just go Inside without wasting time and drink her off man..go

Justin: shut up Mason..u know I can't control

just help me think of something else..if I do something wrong you all will be in just help

Mason:fine...think of how she's gonna ignore you after this and I'm gonna go for her..make short work out of her and leave later you can go and console her sadness and be her new's the plan?

Justin:I told u to take my mind off ..not to make me angry ..why do you want her,Mason?

Mason:it's not like I like her or something it's just that I wanna play with her...and she's very challenging too

Justin:admit the truth Mason..

Mason:what truth you don't know the truth

Justin:that she doesn't fall for you that why u want her

Mason:yeah u are right ...and that she shows interest in you not me makes me want her even more...and now I'm gonna use your trick...she likes good boys so I will be one

Justin:u don't have to do this any of this..everyone is not like Elizabeth..every girl won't cheat on you like she have to move forward in your life. from your past

Mason: you will teach me what I should do or not...u will teach mother killer..

Veronica: stop it you guys why I always I have to come between and solve it..I too have my problems to deal with which you don't even care any bit I just lost my boyfriend...

Mason:come here Veronica...we are so sorry

Justin..yeah..I'm sorry...

Veronica: and we cant kick her out we need her

they all hugveach other

Alex calls Sarah

sarah,:hey WhatsApp...

Alex:Justin and I kissed


Alex:he pulled away in between if our kiss ..I don't understand him whats his problem

Sarah:honey just leave I don't know what his problem maybe he isn't able to control himself around you..

Alex:what's there to control??

Sarah:I don't know about that...


Sarah:hey don't pout...I can set u off with Max's brother


Sarah:we'll see

Alex:I just have met one of the brother after distarous party the other one is left...I really don't wanna face him ..I dont know what he is gonna say

Sarah:you are thinking too much relax..I'm with you...

later after talking for a while Alex sleeps..


Alex:good morning Sarah was your ride with Mr.Max..?

Sarah:it was good..and stop that mam thing

Alex:it's so cool you will be dating a senior now..


Madison:Sarah can you teach me how to attract seniors without even having a nice face nor a nice heart like me

Alex:if you have nice face and heart then according to that I am the queen of England

Sarah and Alex starts laughing with this

Madison:you shut your mouth ..did you forget your dirty dance with the player Mason..

Mason:atleast she was dancing with only me..unlike you giving lap dance to each and every guy in the party...right Madison..

Madison:no I wasn't saying that ..why would I even say that to my friend..

Mason:get lost...

Madison: I'll go...

Sarah :I'll leave you two alone

Alex:thanx Mason .that was unnecessary..I would have handled

Mason:I know you would ..let me walk you to class

Alex:look I'm sorry about last night I shouldn't have danced with you that way

Mason starts laughing

Alex:what? why are u laughing??

Mason:you are the first girl who's apolizing to me after dancing with me was just a dance

Alex feels bad cause she thought he might have felt something for her just because they were dancing

Mason: you are listening or not?

Alex:yes I am...I forgot something I'm gonna get that..okay..bye.see ya

Mason:wait I can come with you if you want

Alex: no it's good you go..bye


Justin: so you really are going for her?

Mason:I told you I will

Justin:atleast don't hurt her that bad

and rest of the day goes in peace ..

later Alex goes with Veronica to support her..

Alex , Veronica, Justin ,Ethel,and Mason...all are sitting in dining room and eating

when suddenly Ethel glass accidently falls on the floor and breaks Ethel ,Veronica and Alex goes to pick the pieces of glass..when suddenly Alex accidentally cuts her hand by glass piece..and blood start coming out..

Alex:it's just a little blood..

suddenly Ethel eyes colour changes and her face becomes kind off dangerous...

Alex:are you okay Ethel??

Veronica pushes Ethel with such a force that Ethel crashes with the wall behind her

Mason:you need to go up now...

Alex:but is Veronica okay...and Ethel..??

Mason:justin tell her to get out

Justin:you ...need go...upsta...

Justin doesn't even complete his sentence and runs out of the window with such inhuman speed ..

Alex couldn't believe her eyes...Alex started running upstairs out of fear..and locked the window and door

she couldn't sleep all night after what she saw...she was very confused now....

later she somehow the morning she woke up and wanted to know the truth from the Greyback's.....

and with this in mind she went downstairs....

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