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100% Our Journey of Magic / Chapter 1: Chapter 1:Shocking Reveal
Our Journey of Magic Our Journey of Magic original

Our Journey of Magic

Author: FelicityAtaraxia

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1:Shocking Reveal

In the dark and cold night of France there was a girl destined to be born in the night of 16 October in a full blood moon .A prophecy one said that this girl will become the salvation of the magic world and will resurrect the death.However the girl's parents died killed by some witch After several years living with her cruel and malicious aunt , little did she know that this 16th October, her life will drastically change.The girl have become a teen and her name is Delphine.She wake up to the sunlight streaming in her windows.Her room was bright but cold and the October morning air contained a windy chill that shook the windows. She would have given anything to stay beneath her warm covers and hide from the day, but she knew that wasn't an option.Instead she got up, wrapped herself in her blue terrycloth bathrobe, and made her way outside to fetch the newspaper.

There was no paper on the front porch, but Delphine did find Lucien, her boyfriend, curled up beneath his jacket, asleep on the porch swing.She watched him for a moment.How peaceful he looked, but he couldn't be comfortable.His long legs and arms were pretzeled into the swing, hanging halfway off.He'd probably been there all night.

This boy really loves me,Delphine thought to herself , looking down on his beautifully sculpted body , crunched as it was within the confines of the swing.He probably loves me too much.

She reached out and grazed his cheekbone with her finger tips.

He smiled sleepily at her, stretching

"What In the world are you doing out here,"she asked

Lucien quickly took inventory of his surroundings and rubbed the back of his sore neck."protecting you."

"From who?"Delphine wondered.Lucien blurted out"witch hunters"Cassie wondered why would she needed to be protected from witch hunters while she is not a witch.Lucien then suddenly look serious and confessed to Delphine that he is a witch of water while Delphine is the witch of moon.Delphine struck awe not wanting to believe it , shove Lucien away but Lucien give her proof for example a letter from her parents and that her parents are actually witches, a sleek shadow book belong to her mother, and a chalcedony quartz crystal rose necklace for protection.Finally Delphine started to accept her true self.

Lucien said that they both have to attend a magic school in London called Arcane Academy so they can train their magic.

Delphine took his face in to her hands"what am I going to do to without you?"She kissed his chapped lips slowly and warmly

Lucien kissed her back passionately.He wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled her in close.She could smell the oceans on his clothes and on the creases of his neck.She kissed him there and expected to taste salt, but instead it tasted fresh and cold like ice.

The next day, they went to Beauvais-Tillé Airport(one of the international airport in France),and after some 2 hours of waiting in the plane.They finally arrived to London City Airport.Lucien then saw 3 people holding a banner with their names on it.Lucien and Delphine approach the woman and asked her name.Her name is Adelaide, she has a beautiful long and lustrous hair as black as charcoal.Lucien asked where is Agathe (Lucien's friend),but nobody seemed to know.

Adelaide had found a protective spell in her Book of Shadows, . and she wanted to cast it upon Lucien and Delphine and the others soon as possible.But they'd been waiting at the airport for over an hour since the driver haven't came yet.

"Archer(the driver)has been late to every single pick ups in the airport,"Adelaide said.This is unacceptable. Agathe , will you call him again?

"He's not answering,"Agathe said

"He's been totally irresponsible lately."

After waiting for some several hours ,Archer finally arrives with a black limo gilded with gold.They went into the car and on their way to the harbor , magnificent view always come to them whether it's the buildings, scenery or the nature.Delphine was glad to be with Lucien in London rather than in France alone.She felt safe there among the long stretch of roads, the steady repetition of the chilly wind, and the vast limitless sky.She wanted to enjoy every last second they had before tourist season littered the roads with strangers.After a while lost in her thoughts, they finally arrive to Chelsea Harbor Pier(ferry terminal in London), a lot of young people gather there to wait for a magnifique cruise which help them have access to go to Arcane Academy.Then a girl appeared to them rushing in a rapid speed"Am I late,"she said "sorry."

"Where have you been?"Adelaide asked

"Trust me you couldn't handle it."Adelaide ignored her comment."We need to begin the protection spell before the sun starts to set."

Delphine tried to assume the role of this girl as the group went to a beach near the harbor ,arranged themselves into a wide circle formation.Adelaide kneeled in front of a stone kettle, mixing together a dark and oily concoction.

"In this cauldron is salt water from the ocean mixed with blueberry oil and eucalyptus,"she said.Then she looked up at Delphine and Lucien."Will the two of you, together , use the dagger to draw our circle around me?"

Lucien unsheathes the silver dagger, which had been concealed beneath his black skinny jeans.His eyes narrowed when he had a sharp object in his grasp.

"Give me your hand,"he said to Delphine.He guided Delphine's thin fingers around the dagger's pearl handle and envelopes them with her own.Together as one, they drew the circle in the sand

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