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Chapter 3:Hero Class is Broken

After eating the description of all the skills or abilities I could select, I chose [Lvl:1 Energy Burst] and [Lvl:1 Charismatic] because both allow me the chance to level up and improve. While charismatic allow me to use less Stat Points for my next max stats for Charm.

System:Ding! User has selected [Lvl:1 Energy Burst]

System:Ding! User has selected [Lvl:1 Charismatic]

Since I didn't have a mirror or any reflective surface nearby, I couldn't check out the effects of my now maxed Charm. Although saying that, I could feel my skin far smoother than what it was originally.

Tired, I started making plans to keep my safe when I go to sleep; going around taking the flower monsters off the walls of the cave, I made a large patch of them were I plan to sleep. This way, I can slowly level up my poison resistance and keep myself safe with the dense mist of poisonous gas the flower monsters are producing.

Considering that there's only hard rocky surfaces around me, and large flowers that have thorny vines growing out of them, I decide to make something I could sleep on.

Taking the corpse of flower monsters from my inventory, I plucked the petals off them one by one; making a bed made out the flower monsters petals, I laid on it and went to sleep.


Walking up to what I think is morning, I put the bed of petals in my inventory before eating breakfast; Piranha Corpse Flower Fruit.

Although I had some Netherwart I collected before, I wasn't going to eat them since I didn't know if they were edible. Plus, the fruits from the monster was surprisingly delicious and full of juice or poison to quench my thirst.

After eating breakfast, I thought about killing all of the flower monsters I collected yesterday, but decide not to because I might come back here if I'm in a dangerous situation. Plus I didn't want to kill every single flower monster nearby since they were a decent source of points and Xp right now.

Exploring the cave system once more, I found some chunk of quartz. Knowing that quartz could really be used for anything useful for me right now, I didn't collect it since my inventory is already full of flower monster corpses.


Not know when I would get out of this cave system, I decide to rest since I've been walking for over 4 hours. Although I wasn't tired, I was just bored seeing almost the same scenery wherever I go.

Since I still had a lot of energy in me, I decide to finish my daily exercise and blade training missions. Thinking about my daily mission, I remember I had a daily spin.

Mentally clicking the spin icon, I looked that the wheel displayed; there was a large wheel that had 360 places the point could land on. Although they didn't have anything written on them, I could tell what color was best based on how many there was of that color displayed on the wheel.

There was 8 different colors scattered on the wheel; 180 white, 90 green, 45 blue, 23 red, 12 purple, 6 light blue, 3 orange, and 1 gold.

Crossing all the fingers on both my hands, I mentally press the spin button.

Seeing the wheel slow down, I try guess where the it's going to land. Looking at the next few colors ahead, I hoped it landed on purple.

Unfortunately I got my hopes up to high, the wheel stoped at blue, not even passing the purple that was only 3 away.

System:Ding! User Spin has landed on an Advance Prize, User Prize is [(Advance) Slave Collar].

Pressing the accept button, I looked at the collar that was in my hand. The collar was a made of black leather, had dull silver spikes around it, and a silver belt buckle.

Slamming it on the ground, Yozora:"How the fuck is this going to help me to survive? Give me accessories once I can protect myself" while saying that, I stomp on the collar.


Calming down, I picked up the collar. Surprisingly, the collar didn't seem like it had taken any damage from my abuse.

Curious, I looked that the collar's description and stats.


[(Advance)Slave Collar]:This Collar can be placed on any being to restaurant it's stats, skills, abilities, and actions to the User's will.

The effectiveness of the Slave Collars depend on the target's level, stats, skills, abilities, and willingness when put on. The Slave Collar effectiveness limit on the being is at or less level 249, 1,000 Mentality, or Low/Intermediary Mind type resistance.




Yozora:"I guess I could be useful to capture a monster. Maybe something like a hellhound"


Walking, I was thinking of what the heroes skills and abilities might be. Thinking about it, the System said that it couldn't get any information about any of heroes, but didn't say I couldn't give me information about skills I think they might have.



Yozora:"When someone choose a class they can some kind of buff, skill, or abilities related to that class right?"


Yozora:"I could probably assume that at less one of the heroes summoned will get the hero class right? If so what does the hero class do?"

System:... The System would like to remind that the User isn't allowed information about the heroes. While there is certainly a hero class, the System can't disclose information about the heroes; including there class they pick or given.

As for the User's question about what the hero class does; the hero class gives the User 2 times experience, +10 Stat Points, 50% damage resistance towards unholy/dark attacks, Bonus Stats every level up, and increase rank of 3 affinities they have. The class also gives the User [Hero's Drive], [Hero Blessing], [Hero's Last Stand], [Heroic Death Protection] and other skills and abilities based on the User's previous class, subclass, and major. Although other classes also this to, the hero greatly increase the lifespan of the User.

Yozora:"... That's a broken class"

System:Thats why the hero class can only be given by higher beings or achieved by pacific requirements normality.

Yozora:"What are the requirements for the hero class?"

System:To gain the hero class, the User must be a level 250, have a class that's holy/light based, participant in a kingdom class disaster, not kill any innocent beings of the same race. (Max Level is 1,000)

Yozora:"Wait, isn't it more broken that at less one of the heroes gain this class only being level 1?"

System:No comment.

Yozora:"... Ok, whatever. I'll just digest the information I got from you. first, I can take it that at less one of the members of the hero group will have the hero class"


Yozora:"Second, since a higher being is giving someone a hero class, that means they might be given other OP classes, skills, or abilities"


Yozora:"Going on with the second point, I should expect classes, skills, and abilities that will have a high effect on me or my army no matter what I do. Probably something like demon slayer, charm or mind type resistance or immunity that effects themself or others, and they might be given OP weapons like in "The Rising of the Shield Hero""


Yozora:"Thinking that they might also be given OP equipment, I should also try to equipment myself and people close to me with high grade equipment as well"



Note:Grade Tiers to Colors.

Basic(White) > Intermediary(Green) > Advance(Blue) > Elite(Red) > Ultimate(Purple) > Mythical(Light Blue) > Legendary(Orange) >...

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