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Chapter 2: Chapter 2:Piranha Corpse Flower

[Crimson Blade]:This blade, now dagger, will grow and evolve as the User grows and kill others with this blade.

-Soul bound:Yozora

Although there was only this dagger my Inventory, it was better than nothing considering I was in hell.

As I was walking around the cave with Map, seeing it there was any live forms showing up on the Map. I didn't fully trust or rely on the map function since I was just reincarnated and was basically level one while there's probably a lot of things stronger than me that might not show up on the Map.

As for the other functions I have right now; I couldn't use the store since I haven't earned any points yet, I didn't gain a spin yet and have to wait another 20 hours before I can used the daily spin. While the mission function only had 7 missions I could do right now;



[Main Mission]:Max Stats; Physique:10/25, Strength:10/25, Dexterity:10/25, Intelligence:13/25, Mentality:15/25, Charm:10/25


-Deals:Use [Demons Deal]; 0/100, Reward:+10 Mentality.

-Harem:Start a Harem; 0/2 Harem Members, Reward:+5 Charm, 20,000p, +Extra Reward based on girls, method, & intimacy.

-Hunt:Kill Monsters; 0/1, Reward:Cooking Utensils

-Hypnotism: 0/100 Hypnotized, Reward:+5 Mentality, +5 Charm.


-Blade Training: 1,000/224 blade strokes, Reward:1,000p.

-Exercise: 10km/1.6km, 100/0 push-ups, 100/0 sit-ups, Reward:10,000p.




While I was walking, I picked up some Netherwart that was on some soul sand since I knew they were ingredients need for potions.

Although I don't know how I knew that they were Netherwarts, I figured that I must have played Minecraft when I was younger or with my siblings if I had any.

Although the place was called the Nether, there was glowstone and netherwarts, I knew that this place wasn't completely the same as the one in Minecraft.

The reason I knew this wasn't fully the Nether from Minecraft was that the netherrack didn't have the same texture, and because of the thing I'm looking at right now.

Farther down the tunnel, I could see a giant flower that had with large open petals and thorny vines or roots coming out of it. The petal were dark magenta with white polkadots, while the vines were ivy green with violet tulip looking fruits.

Since I had poison resistance, I carefully walk towards it, getting ready to cut it.

Since I didn't know if my poison resistance could neutralize the gas coming from the flower, I got towards what look like the edge of where the gas spread and sniffed a little before backing off.

System:Warning! Poisonous gas has been inhaled by User.

System:Poisonous gas was ineffective against User due to [Lvl:1 Advance Poison Resistance].

Yozora:"Hmmm... I wonder if I can level up my poison resistance if I breath enough of the poisonous gas?"

System:User's hypothesis is correct, the User can increase the level of your Advance Poison Resistance using that method. Please Note that, the User would have to wait 2 hours, and 46 minutes.

Grrr~rer* (Stomach growling)

Yozora:"Can't I eat it? I bet that I'll be more effective toward leveling up my poison resistance as well"

System:User's assumption is correct. Although refining the Piranha Corpse Flower would be more effective towards increase the User's poison resistance level. For now the User should just eat the violet fruits, while saving the rest of the Piranha Corpse Flower to use as an ingredient later.

Knowing that I that poison of the flower couldn't affect me, I calmly walk towards the flower before stabbing it.

The flower was bleeding somehow, while trying to emit more poisonous gas as an defense mechanism. To bad that it's poison couldn't hurt me.

Ending its misery, I stab deeper into the flower before slicing downwards.

System:Ding! User has killed Lvl:6 Piranha Corpse Flower, User has gained: 600p & Xp.

System:Ding! Side-Mission Complete:Kill Monsters; 1/1, Reward:Cooking Utensils

System:Ding! User has leveled up from Lvl:1 to Lvl:2, User has gained: +5 Stat Points

Although the flower was bleeding, I notice that my dagger was absorbing some of its blood. Knowing that this was probably a good thing for my dagger, I allowed it to "drink" all of the flower's blood.

Looking at the somewhat dried up flower, I picked it's fruit before putting it into my inventory.

Although time still passes in my inventory, it's still better to keep the flower there since nothing else can speed up its decomposing since the Inventory will leave behind any bacteria that was on the flower.

Yozora:"Wait, does this world monsters have cores?"

System:Yes, almost every monster has some kind of core that's where their mana is condensed to generate and store mana.

Yozora:"Did the flower monster I just kill have one?"

System:Yes, but the User has no real use for it right now.

Yozora:"Ok... hey System, why do I get so little points from killing the flower monster compared to the missions I have?"

System:The amount of points and experience gained correlates to the level difference and difficulty of the kill.

Yozora:"I guess I did just walk up to it and stabbed it... whatever, since there's a flower monster here, that means there are probably more nearby"


Walking throughout the cave system, I found a couple more flower monsters to kill. Although they varied in size and level, they couldn't do anything to me with my poison resistance.

After killing about 22 flower monsters, eating their fruits, and letting my dagger suck the blood out of them, my level is now 8. Due to the poison in the fruits I ate, my poison resistance also leveled up.

Since I get 5 Stat Points every time I leveled up, I now have 40 Stat Points I can use.

Thinking about which Stat I should use my points on, I conclude that I should try to max out Physique first since it'll give me the energy to search the cave system more and to increase my other stats.

After putting 15 points in Physique and maxing it out, I felt burst of energy brimming through my body. I felt like the fatigue from going through the cave for the past hours go away, and my body started metaphorically expanding.

System:Ding! User has maxed out Physique, User can chose to selected: [Low Stamina Conservation], [Low Stamina Restoration], [Lvl:1 Energy Burst].

Ignoring the System's notification, I looked at my stats, I saw another happy consequence of maxing out my physique; due to my body also physically improving a little bit, some of my stats increase by 1 or 2 points.



Age:16, Birthday:Oct 30, 20XX

Gender:Male; Human

Level:8 {1.6%}









Stat Points:25


After looking at my stats, I felt hungry again. It was probably due to the energy used to improve my body.

Taking out the fruit I have stored up to eat, I decide find another nearby flower to eat by. The reason I wasn't going to kill it was because it's poison would protect me when I'm not paying attention.


After finding another flower monster, I surprisingly ate almost all the fruit I have stored up.

Not wanting the fruit I ate to be stored up as fat, I started finishing the exercise and blade training mission.


System:Ding! Daily Mission Complete:1,000/1,000 blade strokes, Reward:1,000p.


System:Ding! Daily Mission Complete: 10km/1.6km, 100/0 push-ups, 100/0 sit-ups, Reward:10,000p.

Maxing out physique was a great idea on my part since I had the energy to do that long workout; increasing my strength by another point. Due to those reasons, I could see faint lines of a six pack forming.

While I was working out, I thought about how I should distribute my remaining Stat Points. After which I concluded that I would be in my best interest to max out Charm since my abilities [Lvl:1 Hypnotism] and [Lvl:1 Demonic Charm] are effect by my Charm stat, one of my Mission was to start a harem which I most likely need Charm to do, and it would increase my survival since my abilities would make work better on demons and monsters here. Allowing me to probably not get attacked right away if a demon sees me.

System:Ding! User has maxed out Charm, User can chose to selected: [Lvl:1 Womanizer], [Low Charm Inducer], [Lvl:1 Charismatic].

Seeing the similar notification I've gotten from the System when I also maxed out my physique, I looked at the skills or abilities I could choose.

[Low Stamina Conservation]:This ability allow the User's body to use 25% less stamina while doing any activity.

[Low Stamina Restoration]:This ability allow the User to restore stamina 25% faster while at rest.

[Lvl:1 Energy Burst]:This ability allow the User's body to gain a burst of energy, but for every second the ability is used, the User will experience 100 seconds of weakness. The weakness will depend on the amount of time the User uses this ability; Max Time:60 seconds.

[Lvl:1 Womanizer]:This ability allow the User to have a 5% and +10 increase in Charm from the eyes of females.

[Low Charm Inducer]:This ability allow the User to increase the Charm of the User by 25% towards the User's target.

[Lvl:1 Charismatic]:This ability allow the User's Charm to be increased by +5.

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