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80% Unseen World / Chapter 4: Mario Revenge

Chapter 4: Mario Revenge

Like a normal day, I woke up from the bed because the alarm woke me up.

But the incident last night was still on my head, even so, today is a special day because today. I and my friend will come trough to the human world.

I quickly took a bath, ate breakfast, said goodbye to my Mom and left.

"Be careful Fritz!" my mother shouted.

Like any other day, I met Kenji in the street.

"I can't wait, i really want to go to the human worl," I said.

"Me too desu," Kenji answered.

Yeah this going to be a fun day.

"But ... I worried about Mario desu."

"What? What are you worried about?" I asked with a little confused.

"What, you dont know? Mario is an ambitious person and rich. He always gets what he wants!"

"Really!?" I shocked.

O... what a disaster, he can send his friend to kick my butt.

"Yeah, but dont worry, Writerz is on our side desu."

                        - School -

"WHERE THE HEAVEN IS WRITERZ!" we both shouted panicly.

"Oh my,  dont say Writerz knew, so he doesn't come in today desu!"

"I don't know Jie!"

"Holy! I heard Mario had many friends on 'Good Boy' gang and 'GNOOM' gang, what  if Mario send his friends to kick our butt desu?" Kenji trembled out of fear.

"BANGSAD!" I shouted fearly.

Well kid, bangsad is a curse word that still lvl-1, just a lower curse word, but dont do that at home kid, Ifritz is on depress condition now.


Someone just stand, right behind me.

My body freezed for a moment.

Maybe it's Mario friend, I try to turn around to peek without being seen by them.

Oh ...! they were ... 'GOOD BOY'."

Slowly I put my neck forward again.

"Jie lets sit down before something bad happens," I whispered.

"Yeah desu," Kenji answered in whispers.

We quickly sat on each bench. My bench is on rear and row number 3 from the left, and Kenji's bench is in front of me to the right.

"Hey! Which one, one of you Writerz!" shouted Good Boy gang.

They consist of 3 people, their bodies are tall and big  with his spooky temperament.

"...." All kid were silent.

"Look at to seat map!" shouted one of Budiman's gangs and it seemed like he was the Boss of the children.

"Okay," someone from Good Boy geng said.

That boy look at the seat map, and pointed his finger to my desk.

My head was immediately hit by a surprise attack because I just remembered that the seat I was sitting is, it's was the Writerz seat.

Immediately as fast as lightning but not one hundred percent fast as lightning, I don't know why I use these overrated words but why do I think about it, then why while I move the bench I can think during and throughout this? could it be I really moving fast as lightning?

In confusion and fear I moved the seat.


My head was hit by a surprise attack for the second time, because I just remembered, that my seat was here but if on the bench map! this is Writerz seat.

That was because the Writerz persuade me to sit on his seat even it had been arranged by Mrs. Camila.

"Hey!" The boss of the gang pointed at me.

"So you are Writerz?" asked the boss of the gang.

"No I'm not ...--"

Before I explain the truth, one of Good Boy gang interrupted me.

"Yes it is!" said the boy that stand right after his boss.

"Oh, so this is a boy who is dare to mock Mario." said the boss of the gang.

I was just speechless and confused, you can see from my face expression mixed between confused, scared, nervous, and a little annoyed to Writerz.

Suddenly the Writerz came and casually passed the three men with innocent faces, innocently and casually he sat without worry to see me very clearly in a very, very insecure condition.

He looked to the four of us, and also four of us also looked back to him.

Then he looked forward again like Idiot!

"BANGSAD ...!" I shouted madly on my mind.

"Hey!" The boss of the gang stared at me while hitting the table.

The position of my body immediately automatically facing forward again.

"You dare to messed up with our friend, then you will get the consequences," said the boss firmly while he crushed his hands.

Suddenly the Boss's hand shot towards my face with that big hand.

And suddenly Writerz feet shot towards the Boss face ....


No actually it was just my imagination, actually I just gave up and hopeless.


This time Writerz hand really shot into his face.

The boss body seem feel nothing after an Writerz attack.

The boss smiled. "You think that attack--"


Writerz launched his hand again, towards the boss face.

"You--" said the boss.



A barrage of attacks from Writerz is launched quickly without stopping.

The boss finally sat on the floor.

"...." Everyone fell silent.

Two Good Boy kid start carrying their boss.

"Hey, whoever you are, you are going to pay for this humililated," said one of the members.

Writerz rises to the table and stands up stoutly. "You and what army?"

The class fell silent on epic situation.

One of the gang members pointed at me. "And you Writerz, we're not done with you."

"Me?? Is he still thinks if Writerz is me?"

"Hei I'm not—" Before I explained that I was Ifritz, they were gone and I could only be silent in the silence of misery. "

"Writerz! He thinks I was you," I asked panicly.

"Calm down Ifritz," answered Writerz and of course the answer immediately calmed me down.

Writer smiled sweetly and patted my shoulder then said, "I don't mind if ridiculoud people like you use my name."

"Fuckkkkkkkkk!" I shouted and this time 100% MAD! and sad .....

Well kid, fu*k it's not a bad word or curse word on Ifritz world. It's a good word everybody. For example. "Did you guys just read this story? You guys very fu*ked up." See it's good word, I don't know why Ifritz use this good word in this depression condition, but maybe just maybe, sometimes they use the good word to shit condition for show an madness, but the mean of the word is opposite for what they said.

Yeah but, back again, Ifritz it's on depress condition.

Well at least I cencored the 'fuck' word to myself.

"That's not what I meant! The gang will come back until their revenge is avenged!" said me loudly.

Mamat looked curiously at us.

"Writerz, is there is a problem? Are you fucked up with Good Boy gang?" Mamat asked.

"Yes desu, this is because Writerz is made Mario mad desu," Kenji answered.

"What me?" murmured the Writerz.

"Wow, did you don't know who Mario is? He's the richest and smartest person in school," said Mamat.

"And arrogant," Brog continued.

Introducing time. Brog is our classmate, he has a big and tall body, he is a boy that we can say he is not very smart boy, because he is always in a last rank, but after Writerz and Brought become friend with the result exam and experience suddenly increased dramatically.

"I know Mario, I ever be one class with him in grade 1," said Brog.

"He was my friend before ... but suddenly he keeps away from me, maybe because since he thought I was stupid," said Brog.

Writerz stares at Brog with empty expression.

"Wow, it's bad, he certainly won't stop till he get you Writerz," said Mamat.

"Jezz! This is dangers," I said anxiously.

"He he he, luckily I'm not involved  desu," Kenji said with his annoying smile.


Kenji cellphone ringing.

"What's wrong Jie?" I said with my cynical eyes.

"Nah... nothing, just a notification from the Good Boy grup on facebok desu."

"Huh? when did you join the group?" I asked with little confused.

"Actually, I really like the Good Boy desu," said Kenji with that disgusting shy face.

"He once want to join Good Boy gang but was refused, because of his report rank and because he didn't have a m-motorbike," said Mamat.

M-motor, 'M' means to magic.

"Wow, the entry requirements are really high huh? So Kenji not rank not pretty high?" asked me.

"Eh ... it's not lower, but it's higher," said Mamat.

"Higher?" I murmured, confused.

"Yes, already fast, read Jie's post!" force me.

"Yeah yeah, relax, bro." With that disgusting smile face Kenji laugh little.

I just wear flat expression when see that silly smile.

Kenji began to focus on his GeniusPhonenya

"Notification from Good Boy desu, Good Boy just posted status desu."


Big boss : New mision! Capture this boy on the list after school

List :






Minion 1 : Ok boss

Minion 5 : As your command

Minion 11 : Yes sir!

Minion 2765 : Yes boss!

Cool minion : You mean 3 of them boss?


Kenji smile was faded and turned into pale face. "Is that my name desu?"

"NANIKKKKKK !?" Kenji shouted hysterically.

"HOW THAT FEEL ANIME BOY ....!" With enthusiasm I vent my frustration that has become satisfaction.

"Hah, the justice is real," I said while staring at the sky.

"So they will come to us when we going back to home right? So they know our faces," said Writerz with his empty expression.

"I'il help you, and beside, I still have business with Mario," said Brog.

Suddenly the teacher came and entered the class.

"Stand ... up ....!" shouted Mamat while standing.

"Good ... morning .... teacher ...        Shit!," greeted us.

"Okay, now sit down," said Mr. Math.

Introducing time. Mr. Math is a math teacher at our school, he has a not very tall body, has round glasses, a middle mustache and he always passionate when teaching us.

"Math time!" shouted Mr. Math with enthusiasm.

"This time, we will learn about squared root."

"Kid there is squared root on mathematics," Mr. Math continued.

"What's use for, in real life?" Mamat asked.

"You know ... for some goals but ... It's your job to find out," replied Mr. Math.

After a pretty long explanation Mr. Math explains about squared root.

"Okay, any question?" Mr. Math asked after finishing explaining.

"No sir!" answered us.

"Okay my time is almost over, only 5 minutes left, and then we break. How about some quiz."

"Who can answer will get chocolate?"

"Okay here the question, 8 + 8 = 16 if the answer is not 16, what is it the answer?"

All students start thinking hard.

Answers began to be thrown, some said, "8 + 8 = 8 + 8.", some said "8 + 8 = ....", some said, "8 + 8 = 88." some said, "8+ 8 = 15.".

Mr. Math shaked his head which it mean they're all wrong.

"The answer is ... Pfft ..." Mr. Math was seen holding back laughter when he almost gave the answer.

"8 + 8 = 16 if the answer is not 16, the answer is  ...


"HAGHAGHAGHAGHA!" Mr. Math laughed after telling the answer, he even rolled around.


"... "Kenji.

"....." Me.

"....." Writerz.

"...." All the student on the class.

"...." Author.


The ring of bell immediately stopped this awkwardness.

Mr. Math is indeed a very funny comedian in his mind.

Mr. Math immediately stood up from his rolling laughing earlier.

"Okay kids, time to break, see you soon."

Mr. Math left the class.

"Yaikz, so want go to canteen?" ask myself.

"Are you not worried about Good Boy?" Kenji asked anxiously as he remembered the post.

"I told you I'll help you," said Brog.

"Wow, Brog-sama desu." Kenji hugs Brog which increases my disgust with him.

"Relax, I have a hat," said Writerz.

"If you use a hat, your face is 80% invisible," said Writerz.

"Eiy? Hat?" I murmured.

"We just made a backup plan," said the Writerz again.

"Okay, let's go to the canteen first," I asked.

"Yok desu."


We were queuing at the canteen hiddingly to get our food, actually only me and Kenji were hiding until finally we were highlighted by everyone because of our walking style.

Me and Kenji immediately changed our walking style become elegantly and coolly.

Right, Kenji!?

Then there were boy who seemed to be looking for someone, and the someone is definitely us.

I lowered my head with a hope they wouldn't be recognized us.

I started taking food until the food on our plates was complete.

We started looking for places to eat.

"Let's just go there." Point me to the end of table.

"For greater good," I said.

We sitted down. It seems that some people are still trying to looking for us, but still I have to eat casually so as not to be suspected.


Someone struck our table, and someone that struck our table is a boy, a boy from a crowd that soround of us.

"Which one Writerz?" asked one of boy.

"He is Writerz."Writerz appointed his finger to me.

"What? No, I'm not Writerz."

"So you who insulted Mario and attacked the First Boss?" said the person.

My body is frozen and my mouth is speechless.

"You may be happy now, but when you out from school, you are mine?" That boy is opened his hand in front of me and close it back.

A group of gangs looked at us and of course my body froze with fear.

Writerz seems to want to say something. "Here's the problem, Writerz already knows you're going to fight like a loser, but he's just confused about where the great place finish you all?"


What are you talking about Writerz!

"Oh ho ho ho, I'm very scared Writerz, but, you no need to worry about the place, because we are coming for you," said the boy while looked at me.

"Oh ... so it's clear now, now it's going to be easy right Writerz ...?" Writer turned his eyes to me.

The boy from the gang immediately glared at me closely, yeah close, very close.

"..." I just fell silent.

"Good Boy out!"

A group of gangs left immediately after the man's strange words were spoken.

After the gang really left, I immediately vent my questions on anger.

"WRITERZ!" I shouted.

"Yeh?" Plainly Writerz answered.

"Yeh!? What are you saying if I was you?"

"I have a plan," said Writerz.

"What plan?"

"Saved what you can save." With that Stupid! Face he answered.

"NGAHHH !!" I shouted irritably.

"Calm down Fritz, Writerz must be have a plan," said Mamat.

"Okay, calm down Ifritz, calm down, the Writerz must have a plan." I flick my own chest to calm myself.

"Calm down Ifritz, we have 80% invisible hats," said Writerz.



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