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98.45% God succession system / Chapter 573: The Gods of War

Chapter 573: The Gods of War


Ares shouted as he led a tidal wave of soldiers into battle, each one of them glowing faintly due to the divine power flowing through their bodies.

He had felt the descent of Ra and the others, and Ares knew he couldn't just wait for them to potentially steal his war from him right out from under his nose. If they were going to attack, then they needed to attack NOW while there were still opponents left for them to fight.

As soldiers, the men and women of Rakia were all able to become battle-ready within a matter of moments after the call went out, while the fighters from the other factions alongside them were also ready shortly after. They were now charging towards the walls of Orario, every single warrior amongst their ranks feeling boundless energy thanks to the blessing of Ares now that his divine powers were no longer sealed.

Ares himself rode above the soldiers in his war chariot pulled by four immortal steeds, while the rest of his allied gods were also mounted up and spread throughout their formation. And there was PLENTY of space for all of them to watch over their troops

Accompanying Ares was of course the numerous subordinate gods and goddess that had been conquered by Rakia, such as Phobos. Also amongst them were the darker gods like Resheph and Erebus, as well as the gods belonging to various other regions.

There was Veles, Hecate and Heka of Altena, the city of magic, Goinbniu, Ptah and Völund of Solingin, the city of swordsmiths, and with the dwarves were the gods Vulcan and Pluto.

There were several other factions and gods present as well, but these were some of the bigger names.

In all there were dozens of gods present and taking part in the battle, all of which had their full divine powers returned to them along with the full scope of their followers.

Had some factions/gods deserted them after the Dragon Emperor's previous visit? Yes.

But Ares cared not for their loyalty, as they may very well be conquered anyways once this war was over with. There was always another battle to be had after all, and with the descent of several big name gods and even a great god, he did not think much of Alex's chances of living throughout the night.

That was why Ares' blood was boiling with both anger and excitement that he was finally going to have the war to be the crowning jewel of all wars, but he would have to hurry before his prey was snatched away from him.

Like a great tidal wave, the forces of their alliance surged forward at the walls of Orario with unstoppable momentum. Hell, there was an ACTUAL tidal wave as the earth itself began to crack and break apart, only to be filled with seawater as Poseidon charged on his chariot pulled by Hippocampi, while also being followed by dozens of warships.

Ares flashed a maniac grin as the walls grew closer, allowing him to see what kind of force was waiting for their arrival. Only, there was hardly anyone waiting for them.

Standing atop the walls of Orario was a small group of men and women, all surrounding a figure whose mere presence made Ares' skin crawl.

He was bound in pure muscle, radiating a type of energy that felt completely foreign to Ares, along with a touch of the divine. The man before him was a war god.

That fact alone spurred Ares as he charged forward at the mysterious war god with reckless abandon.

First he would prove himself the SUPERIOR war god by killing this inferior 'god', and then he would take on the Dragon Emperor that this war god obviously served.

In response to the divine wrath coming down on him though, the man just smiled wryly. He then said in a calm and quiet voice, though Ares heard him clearly,

"Now Rossweisse."

In an instant there was a line of women standing at the foot of the walls surrounding Orario, all of which were beautiful while dressed in silver armor, and possessing wings with matching plumage.

"What the-?" Ares uttered in surprise at their sudden appearance, particularly the woman standing at their forefront.

He quickly dismissed his surprise though, as they would either fall quickly to his army, or they would make this battle even more fun.

"You are to defend this wall and the people behind it with your lives! Do NOT let the enemy through!"


The small army of women saluted the lead figure with military order and obedience that Ares was more than a little impressed with. Maybe he'll keep some of them that survive the battle.

But only if they survived the incoming attack of course.

"ARCHERS!" Ares roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield as the aforementioned units quickly knocked and drew their bows.


At his command, tens of thousands of arrows filled the sky as they sailed through the air, right at the line of women that seemingly made no moves to defend themselves.

"Hold." The leader ordered calmly, even as the arrows reached their zenith and honed in on them.

There was silence in the world as he watched the arrows sail towards their targets, with Ares unknowingly holding his breath as he waited whatever show these mysterious women would put on for him. Then, right before the arrows reached them, the woman at the forefront raised one of her delicate looking hands, and wordlessly produced a magic circle none of them had ever seen before as she cast some sort of spell.


The mages and gods of magic amongst their army were shocked from the chant-less spell being used by their opponent, even more so as they watched the arrows slow their descent, before stopping in midair altogether.

Tens of thousands of arrows hung there, suspended in midair as she maintained the spell, before releasing it and allowing them to drop harmlessly to the ground before them.

"We must capture them for study!" Declared Veles, one of the gods of magic from Altena. Though Ares could practically feel the greed and lust coming from the magic/trickster god as he eyed the beautiful women.

Both he and Heka charged forward at the women on their own, both charged with their curiosity and lust towards the unusually powerful mortal women, while Hecate hung back with their army/Familia. She too was exceptionally curious regarding the strange women, but didn't feel that three gods would be necessary to deal with them.

Rossweisse's brow twitched slightly as she saw the two gods rapidly approaching them with obvious intentions. Scratch that, they were approaching HER specifically.

She shook her head in exasperation before glancing up at Sairaorg questioningly. This was HIS operation after all.

The slight nod from him was all she needed though, and Rossweisse declared while pointing at the rapidly approaching gods, "Valkyries, ATTACK!"

As she gave the order, Rossweisse spread her own silver wings and took flight to meet the gods head on. Following behind her, each of the few hundred Valkyries she'd brought similarly took flight as they prepared to do battle against the gods.

At the same time...

"Looks like they're finally here." Sairaorg commented wryly from atop the wall, where the rest of his peerage was gathered around him as they awaited the order to join the battle.

They had gotten the notice from Shizuku and the others right as everyone was preparing for bed, so it had taken them a few minutes to marshall themselves to fight. But they were here now, as indicated by the blood-curdling howl that tore through the air.

On a hill overlooking both Orario and the plains before it where Ares' army was attacking from, thousands of large wolves appeared carrying riders with varying shades of either green or brown skin, and enlarged incisors protruding from their lower jaws.

They appeared to be wearing a variety of different armors and clothes for each class they belonged to, warrior, shaman, Hunter and so on. But one similarity between them all was that they left their upper body bare, regardless of if they were man or woman.

And while a few women amongst them wore bands to cover their breasts, and others didn't, they all made sure their backs were bare so that the insignia upon it could be seen by all. A lion's head complete with a mane, along with a series of runes under it to create what anyone in Orario would recognize as a Falna. Though not one belonging to any god or goddess they knew of.

At the head of the army was the one named Thrall, High Chieftain of all orcs in Asora, including their cousins from Tamriel. And surrounding him were the chiefs that led all of their settlements and villages in Asora, who were waiting for his command.

Thrall looked over the army before them, which numbered in the hundreds of thousands, and snorted disdainfully before raising his axe.

"For Lord Sairaorg, AND THE EMPEROR!"

Thrall then spurred his wolf down the hill to charge at their enemy, followed by thousands of orcs who were crying out with bloodthirst and excitement.

At the same time, the earth began to shudder and rumble as a massive cloud of dust and dirt was kicked up, courtesy of thousands of bull-like creatures charging at the rear line of the invading armies. Which was made up entirely of the dwarven units.

"FOR THE EMPEROR, AND THE EARTH-MOTHER!" Cried out the creature at the head of the herd, which were the tauren that called Asora home.

And etched onto THEIR backs was the sigil of a massive tree surrounded by a forest, which belonged to the Dragon Empress, Anne. Or the Earth-Mother of Asora, as the tauren liked to refer to her as.

Ares blinked in disbelief as the two forces, neither of which he had been able to detect until right before they made their charge, attacked his men in what appeared to be a pincer move. The cut through his lines as if they were nothing, their warriors slicing and smashing through his men like they were merely slabs of meat, and their mages used their strange magic that was also unlike any the women from before used to prevent their own mages from attacking.

And amazingly enough, despite either one being outnumbered by more than a hundred to one, they were WINNING!

Whether it was the orcs or the minotaur-like creatures, Ares watched as they cut through his men like they were nothing more than blades of grass. And as if that weren't bad enough, his men still had yet to even touch the walls of Orario since the line of women were still defending it, despite literally fighting TWO gods at the same time.

Annoyed he would have to step in personally for what should have been cannon fodder, Ares prepared to kill them all with his divine powers when suddenly...


Ares' attention shot out towards the inland sea that Poseidon was in the midst of creating for his ships, where half a dozen titanic figures were flying through the sky.

At a glance they DID look like dragons, but from his position Ares quickly realized they were in fact ships with dragon-like figureheads. But then that raised the question, how were ships able to FLY?

Before he could even begin to be fascinated by such a concept, and what it would mean for Rakia and the future of warfare if he managed to capture even just one of them, thunder tore through the air.


*Minutes prior*

"Before we begin, let us all offer a few words to our lord and leader, Nagumo Hajime!" Declared a short green-skinned man with large ears and a pointed chin. A goblin that was dressed sharply like a naval officer, complete with a hat nestled between his floppy ears and a patch that named him as Holb.

Surrounding him were dozens of goblins, though there were in fact a few hundred assigned to each ship in their fleet thanks to spatial magic expanding the interiors. And adorning each of their backs under their clothes, was their own Falna of two handguns crossed.

"May our bullets find their marks! May our ammo be plentiful! And may we kill the enemies!"

A resounding cheer filled the deck of the ship as dozens of goblins hurried to their battlestations, which appeared to just be a series of chairs towards the bow of the ships. The moment they pressed a button beside the chair though, the wooden decks opened up and began to transform.

On either side of each ship, a goblin appeared between a pair of massive machine-guns with a joystick gripped in each hand. Atop each deck was another goblin poised to fire, except these one were armed with missile launchers. And finally was a goblin appearing beneath the bow of each ship along with elongated cylinders.


The goblin commander Holb shouted once they were all ready, and thunder filled the air.

The machine-gunners were the first to act, firing over ten-thousand rounds per minute to literally cut entire ships in half, and cutting large swarths out of the army on land.

"HAHA! Get good scrubs!" One of the goblins cried out, with several of his comrades making similar remarks and insults that they had learned after their god, Hajime, introduced them to something called 'first person shooters'.

After them the bombardiers acted, blasting the floundering ship fragments with their rockets to engulf them in fire and shrapnel. Of course, several of the bombardiers also lamented that they had not been cleared to use the higher grade explosives for this mission, or the nuclear weapons at that.

One of them even aimed their launcher at the coral chariot being pulled by hippocampi, blasting it to pieces and sending Poseidon cascading into the ocean. Except a moment later they were face-to-face with a furious looking sea-god that was growing in size exponentially.

"You DARE bare your fangs at me, you pathetic sea slugs?!" Poseidon roared with fury, the waves around his tossing and turning while the very earth itself began to splinter and broil.

"Turn up the heat on him." Commander Holb ordered almost lazily, as if they weren't faced with a VERY pissed off god.

Immediately the goblins at the bottom of each ship fired their weapons at the god, each one spewing out gouts of flames in temperatures rivaling the core of the sun. And with the fuel of the flamethrowers being that of Hajime's own creation, not even the waters surrounding him was able to wash it off.


Poseidon roared in both rage and pain as the flames burned his body, preventing any form of regeneration that his divine powers granted him.

"Ready the harpoons." Commander Holb ordered, prompting several goblins manning the ships to begin hurrying too and fro.

Another section of the ship opened up to reveal numerous lethal-looking harpoons that had each been specially enchanted by Hajime to seal the energies of those struck by them, whether they be magic, physical, or even divine.

"Fire the first volley."

With sounds similar to gunshots, two harpoons from different ships shot out at the god of the seas, impaling his hands to catch on the barbs.

"Bring him up." Commander Holb ordered his men, who readily steered their airships higher up in the air to drag Poseidon out of the sea. Their ride was a little rocky thanks to Poseidon struggling and resisting, but not to the point their ships couldn't handle it.

With the enchanted harpoons sealing his divine power, and being forcefully separated from both land and sea, Poseidon was practically helpless as the fire continued burning his body.


In every direction Ares looked, his armies were being slaughtered.

Between them and Orario were the mysterious women, to their rear was the army of minotaurs, on one side was the army of orcs, and then there were the flying ships. And of these four groups, the ships were the worst.

They slaughtered hundreds of his soldiers within the first few seconds with unknown weapons, and then that number reached the thousands less than a minute later. Not only that, but now they were even bullying a GOD with these unknown weapons that they possessed. Or was it a type of advanced magic?

Either way, Ares was disgusted by them.

Where was their honor? Their PRIDE of being warriors?

As much as Ares loved war, this could only be considered a one-sided slaughter.

"Every remaining god and goddess, ATTACK!" Ares ordered while raising his sword up high, intending to wrest control of the battlefield back from these monsters. If his armies were useless, then they would see how these mortals and monsters would fare against the unbridaled power of the gods.

As if waiting for that exact moment, the men and women surrounding the war god standing upon the wall of Orario suddenly moved, each one targeting each of the gods and goddesses that were about to attack alongside Ares.


Ares raised his sword to parry an attack that was directed at him, dealt by the claws of a resplendent golden lion.

"Greetings, god of war Ares. I am Regulus Nemia, Pawn of Sairaorg Bael." The brilliant lion stated, introducing itself as if it hadn't just attacked Ares.


"I need no servant for my opponent." Ares sneered in disdain. "Bring me your lord, or is he too cowardly to come and fight me himself?"

the lion's brow twitched at the taunt from Ares, but he did not retort. Instead he merely stated, "If my master believes that I cannot defeat you on my own, then he himself will step in. As such, you shall have to put up with me for the moment, and I shall have to live up to my master's expectations."

Ares' scowl deepened, but he refrained from speaking further. If this insect persisted in getting in his way, then he shall simply squash it before moving on to the opponent that was actually worth his time.


Never in the length of her entire existance had Hades ever been this humiliated.

She was one of the first of the many gods within their section of the divine realm to exist, proceeded only by Hestia, Demeter and Hera.

As the goddess of the underworld, ruler of the dead, she was supposed to embody power, respect, and authority. So she adorned her armor, that none would ever look down at her or with desire that was unbefitting of her station.

From the day of her 'birth' until now, Hades had never once removed her armor, or had her true appearance exposed to others. Until now.

"OHHHHHHHHH!" Alex exclaimed as his eyes literally bugged out of his head at her naked figure, and his tongue rolled out of his mouth to fall to the ground. Then both his eyes and his tongue were retracted, before his face changed to resemble a wolf as he began howling.

"Bastard..." Hades swore indignantly, hearing her real voice for the first time in her life. She was so indignant, that she didn't even try to cover her body from view as she glared hatefully at Alex.

Her skin was deathly pale, which contrasted her blood-red nipples, lips, and eyes. Her hair meanwhile was straight and white, hanging down to the middle of her back while shimmering like jewels in the light provided by Alex and Ra. Her figure meanwhile could only be described as full, being thick in all the right places, with a pair of breasts that would easily fill the hand of anyone who handled them, and then some.

Even the remaining gods and goddesses were transfixed by her momentarily, mostly because none of them expected THAT Hades to be a woman. And such a beautiful one at that.

But here she was, pale skinned, beautiful, and utterly furious.

At her will, the earth itself split open to allow the legions of spectral souls under her command to flood the earth once more in undeath. And in a great tidal wave of death, they descended upon Alex to unleash unholy fury on behalf of their mistress.

"Oh no! Whatever shall I do?!?" Alex cried out in mock despair, before a sinister looking scythe appeared in his hands.


Hades stared at the scythe in disbelief, feeling a power similar to her own emanating from it. But that wasn't all.

Despite his goofy grin, and the occasional chuckle escaping his lips, Alex slammed the butt of the scythe down onto the ground right before the wave of undead spirits reached him. The result?

The gem embedded within the scythe glowed with a mixture of unholy and divine power, before thousands of spectral figures appeared to stand between Alex and the horde Hades had summoned.


With a cry, Alex ordered the souls he had summoned to also attack, pushing back the army that Hades had conjured.

"Damn you..." Hades snarled angrily from seeing him mimic her.

As her eyes blinked, she was surprised to see Alex standing before her suddenly as if he had teleported.

"Come here beautiful." He said while suddenly pulling her closer, allowing both of his hands to immediately grope her ass while her chest pressed against his body.


"You-?!" Hades started with indignation, having never so intimately close to someone before, let alone manhandled.

"Don't ignore us!" Yama roared in fury as he attacked Alex from behind, having just reverted from the ball form Alex shaped him into previously.

"That's not very nice! We WERE having a moment!" Alex proclaimed, or at least, one of them did.


The remaining gods blinked in disbelief as a second Alex appeared directly behind the first, protecting the original and Hades from the attack that had been directed at his back.

"How-?!" Yama demanded, before being kicked away by the second Alex. The unfortunate god was launched into the sky above them, where he began to ricochet around at high speed off of the barely visible stars.


The second Alex began to laugh madly at the scene, before launching into the next round of combat against the gods. This left the original Alex to focus his attention on Hades.

"Now, where were we?" He asked, giving her plump butt a squeeze to punctuate his question.

"You-!" Hades began to say before she suddenly found her lips sealed by Alex's own.

Any other woman would be focused on the fact that she was currently experiencing her first kiss. Hades however was pushing against Alex's chest to try and get him away while a feeling unlike anything she ever experienced before began to form in her gut.

However, despite all her strength, Hades was unable to even get Alex to budge as he violated her lips. It was as if he were an immovable object that was perpetually anchored to this exact point in the universe. Unable to be moved until he himself willed it.

And he did eventually move, releasing Hades' lips as his face inched back slightly from her own.

"What are you doing to me?" She demanded in a voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm the warrior of liberation. I'm going to 'liberate' you." Alex replied back in the most serious tone she'd heard from him yet, despite the fact that he was still transformed.

Hades wanted to demand what Alex intended to 'liberate' her from, but before she could he sealed her lips once more. She then found herself being pinned to the city wall behind her, her heart thundering in her chest for some reason as the kiss became significantly less tame.

She could taste what she could even begin to try and describe was sunlight itself entering her mouth as Alex's tongue forced its way past her lips and teeth, entangling her own tongue as she tried to force it out. When she tried to use her hands to attack him, Alex captured them both in one of his own before pinning them above her head, leaving only her legs free to move.

With one hand occupied pinning both of hers, Alex's other reached up to grope her breasts, alternating between them while stimulating them in ways that Hades was completely unknowledgable and unfamiliar with.

The goddess of the underworld felt an unfamiliar heat beginning to build within her body at Alex's machination, heat completely unlike the fires of the underworld, or any other fires she had experienced before.

Alex's hand soon disappeared from Hades' breasts, only to reappear down below as he cupped her maidenhood. Having NEVER explored there herself, Hades felt as if a bolt of lightning from Zeus himself was sent through her at the sudden stimulation.

Soon her hips were bucking with the movements of Alex's fingers as he massaged and probed her with them, and had her mouth not been covered by his own, then numerous inelegant and slovenly sounds may(or may not) have escaped her lips.

Hades did not know how long this continued, only that she could feel a sort of pressure building within her body the longer Alex continued to massage and probe her, until his hand suddenly disappeared from her nethers.

"Its time Hades." He told her after separating his lips from her own.

"Time for what?" She demanded between deep breaths with flushed cheeks.

Alex then proceeded to hold his hand up for her to see, which was covered with a clear viscous fluid.

"Time to 'liberate' the woman you've caging for your entire existance." He said, lifting one of her legs up to spread them, before something prodded her nether regions.

Hades barely had time to draw in some breath, before a burning hot rod entered her body.


Hades gasped as she was deflowered, her virgin hole being filled and expanded far beyond what should've been humanly possible. But then again, she wasn't exactly human, was she?

And neither was the man plundering her virtue.

"Ng..." Alex groaned from the feeling of Hades around his cock, which he plunged entirely inside of her to stretch her out and place the tip right at the entrance of her womb.

He could not only feel her insides coiling and wrapping around him, but also a shift within Hades herself.

"I can feel it." Alex whispered into her ear, even as he began to pull out of her until only the head was left inside.

"F-feel what?" Hades asked.

"I can feel that you have been suppressing your inner woman. Denying your very existance to push this facade of mystery and ominousity." Alex then punctuated his words by thrusting his entire length back into her, making her entire body tense.


"I am the ruler of the underworld!" Hades declared, trying to sound firm.

"And? That doesn't mean you can't enjoy the benefits LIFE has to offer." Alex whispered into her ear, now easing himself into a steady rhythm as he fucked her.

"You-! I will NOT fall to this!" Hades declared defiantly, making Alex smirk since he felt that her words were more for herself than for him.

"We shall see." Alex stated, continuing to fuck her as if there wasn't still a battle going on behind him.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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