[Gp3 Apolo]
[5 seconds before the collision]
Kim: "Hahaha, I am alive!!! Oh YEAH!!"
Kim thought that 'their' worked and they managed to dodge the asteroid.
After loudly celebrating and dancing, Kim, finally decided to check on his comrades, that were presumably in the panel room.
Kim: "Hey guys, we did it! We are freaking alive!"
But no one responded.
There was a thick smell of alcohol in the air. When Kim closely observed the panel room, he noticed two figures unconsciously floating around.
One was a ginger haired middle-aged man with a thick Norwegian-like beard who had a bottle in his hand.
The other one was a young man around 25 years old. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes and pinkish skin. He, unlike the middle-aged man, didn't have droplets of alcohol flying around.
Kim: "Mmmmmhhhhh, I get why Ivan is sleeping, but what the hell was John doing"
Kim cam closer to John and smacked him a couple of times on the cheek.
Kim: "Jooohn *Slap* *Slap* Wake up John! *Strong slap*
John didn't move.
Kim checked nervously for pulse and sighed with a relief.
Kim: "Jesus John. What the hell did you drink?"
Kim ignores Ivan and goes directly to the main control panel and inspects it.
[Ship status]
[Damage: None]
[Fuel level: 67%]
[Speed: 8 km/s]
[Engine 1-4: Online]
[Communication systems: Online]
Kim: "Alright, no damage"
Kim: "Now, where is the asteroid?"
[Unknown place]
Voice 1: "Left, right, up, down. I see. I can't move😐"
Voice 2: "Who are you?! Where are we?! Are we dead?! Is this the underworld?!"
Voice 1: "Don't know. This place is boring. It reminds me of where I was before"
Voice 2: "Why were you in such a dark place?!!"
Voice 1: "I tried something 'new'"
Voice 2: "You are not much of a talker, heh. Can you get us out of this place?"
Voice 1: "Don't know. I might create an exit, but it can only fit one entity. But I feel like I can't leave unless you leave with me"
Voice 2: "So, what do you propose?"
Voice 1: "I will make a circle around us. It will contain us and let pass through the exit"
Voice 2: "Nice!! When will yo..."
Voice 1: "I'm done"
Voice 2: "Huh?..... Alright, I still can't see s**t though. Hey, what's your name?"
Voice 1: "What's a 'name?'"
Voice 2: ".... It's a..... way .... people usually call you"
Voice 1: "You are the first one to communicate with me"
Voice 2: "WTF??!!!! That's so sad! Alright, I will give you a name. How does 'Filipo' sound to you. 'Fil' for short"
Fil: "Fil?....Don't like it. What is your name?"
John: "My name's John"
Fil: "It was interesting to meet you"
Then a bright light shone and reviled a figure. A guy with brown hair was shining with white light.
[Gp3 Apolo]
[5 minutes before a new collision]
John started shining and the whole space station started shaking. The next moment all of the apparatus including the air regulators stopped working. Suddenly the station started working again. The engines started working and were going crazy.
Kim: "..... Welp. We dead for sure"
The space station started moving towards Earth.
If I see that there is at least one person that reads my novel, I will be happy.