"Hey, Hey, are you okay?!" I asked her, "Yeah just a little shocked," she answered. I was confused I was sure La Capa was a guy but I guess not. When she got up she was taken aback, "God damn it! Why do I always have such bad luck?" she exclaimed. My jaw dropped in confusion, she noticed "What are you looking at? Are you going to look down on me because I'm a girl?!". I took a step back, "What?! No, of course not! You are probably the strongest one here, Id be an idiot if I did that!", "I kind of wish I knew at first but you did say you wanted to keep your identity a secret, its not my business," I finished. She relaxed a bit but still looked tense, she still scared me. "Let me reintroduce myself, Hi I'm Ravyn, I misguided all of you, I'm a girl but I will still kick your ass," she said confidently, we strolled through the store gathering all the supplies we needed. I went over to where they had ammunition and firearms, one rifle stood out. The Henry U.S. AR-7, it was less than three feet long so I could easily wear it on my back. It took .22 LR bullets and they had an abundance of them. The M1911 Ravyn gave me is nice but I have to give it back. This Glock 20 should do the trick. I reached for it and the ground started to shake. I grabbed the Glock and ran.
Sorry for the long chapter I needed to get the story moving an introduce some characters while progressing the story.