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Chapter 6: The dilemma

What do you intend to do now?! Zhiyang asked Chen

Hmmm, I wanted to treat the matter like a gentleman but since they want to make a fool of me, Ill make them pay' Chen concluded

That movie star, John needs to disappear, use whatever means possible but do not kill him. I don't want any blood on my hands' Chen instructed Zhiyang

Can't you just leave the girl, I don't understand this obsession over her' Zhiyang suggested

You won't understand. She is not only pretty and practically the only girl that makes me feel something. She is also from a very rich family, when her parents dies, all their wealth will be shared between her and her twin sister. Her father is a very close friend of my father, he secretly told my father the company Tang is currently working in belongs to him, and when he dies, he has willed the whole company to her. Everything has been fine until that bastard came along. I can't let her go, no matter what she does' Chen said

But you are rich yourself, I still don't understand' Zhiyang started

Look, dont disturb yourself with rich men's talk! Chen cuts in.

Just do what I tell you, and all will be fine. You will be getting a very huge reward when everything works according to plan' he further added

Okay, okay, I don't care as long as I am getting my share. I can just kill him you know, with no trace back to any of us' Zhiyang suggested again

No, I will be the first suspect if he dies but if we can threaten him to disappear, I'll have her all to myself. Just find something implicating to use against him, he is a superstar, that shouldn't be hard' Chen said with certainty

Okay boss Zhiyang answered

Zhiyang and Chen have been friends since university days, Zhiyang is a hoodlum has helped his friend on several occasions to carry out any evil plan he has, while Chen on his part helps Zhiyang financially. Anytime Chen has any issue with anyone on campus, Zhiyang is the hit man he calls, and Zhiyang never disappoints as his reputation precedes him, he is a short bulky man with muscles showing his dedication to the gym and he is known to be brutal.

I don't understand!' Fang looked at her sister in disbelief

I am serious and I have already said yes, so you cannot talk me out of it' Tang sounded excited

But what about Chen?' Fang asked

Yes? What about him?' Tang sounded displeased

You already know I don't love him, my relationship with him was all as a result of the pressure our parents put on me, the love was never there Tang said

Love?!' Fang laughed scornfully

Do you think marriage is all about love? What will stop him from leaving you the instance he gets tired of you? Or what will stop him from breaking your heart again? Have you even thought of the implication of what you did? Our parents? Their relationship with Chen's parents? What will become of your engagement with Chen?' Fang looked at Tang disappointedly

Tang was not expecting the kind of attitude she was receiving from Fang, she thought Fang will be understanding at least of all people. She was disappointed as stood up and bid her twin sister goodbye.

She got into her car and started driving home, she stopped halfway and started reliving every moment that led to her present predicament. She know as long as Chen is still interested, her parents will never consent to her marrying John, the only option she has is to beg Chen to call off her engagement. But how will she approach the matter? Will he understand she never loved him?

There's only one way to find out she told herself as she turned the car around and

started driving towards Chen's house.

In a matter of time, she was already at Chen's gate. She didn't bother to call as she already know he will be around. It is Sunday evening and he practically has nowhere to go

Does he really have any friend?' She asked herself. She has asked him on several occasions about any of his friends but he always tell her they are not around. She entered the house and met him in the living room.

If you came to apologize, just know the time of apology has passed' Chen said scornfully

Tang sighed as she helped herself to a seat, she knew what she was about to ask will add to the problem on ground but that is the only option she has, she cannot elope and get married as John suggested. All her life has been in Beijing starting from the most important thing to even the irrelevant ones, her job, her family, her favorite spa and so on. She cannot just leave everything and go. She needs to try at least.

I didn't come to apologize but I am here to ask

you for a favor' Tang said in a calm voice

A favor?!' Chen asked rhetorically. After the nightmare you made me witness, you didn't even bother to apologize or even call, and here you are to ask me for a favor. Who do you think I am exactly?' Chen asked angrily

I know I should have called or at least texted, but I didn't see any need to. Truth is Chen, I don't have any guilt sleeping with John

Well you should!' Chen cuts in.

Exactly, I know I should but I am not and that says a lot. Chen I don't want to hurt you, I was planning to come and tell you, it all happened so fast but the truth is I love John and I wish we can end this relationship between us. I like you but I love John, if you have ever loved someone you'd understand how I feel.

So you are breaking up with me?! Is that it? After all these times of putting up with you, you want to leave all of a sudden? Does that sound right? Ask yourself that? Let me make something clear to you, you are not going anywhere! I am going to marry you whether you like it or not Tang!. I am not a child and you can't come and be playing games with me!' Chen shouted

But....' Tang started

No buts' Chen cuts in. The only reason I haven't told my parents is the out of the respect I have for your family, don't take me for a fool. Our marriage is happening, you better let that sink in!' Chen concluded as he made his way upstairs.

Tang was in a dilemma, it is either she gives up on her love or she elopes and leaves everything and everyone!

Little did she know Chen is planning something else.....

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