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1.76% Supreme Magus / Chapter 55: Alone In The Crowd (2)

Chapter 55: Alone In The Crowd (2)

When Lith realized what he had done, it was already too late. His entire face turned red, even the end of his ears turned a bright shade of red.

'Smooth move, stud.' Solus mocked him mercilessly. 'Too bad you forgot the flowers, the chocolate, and more importantly, the ring. What will she think of such a poor performance?'

Professor Nalear giggled, making Lith turn an even brighter shade of red. He felt so ashamed of himself that he could only hide his face between his hands. He was incapable of looking at her and banged his head on the desk.

'You f*cking idiot!' He inwardly screamed. 'Since when do I have a d*ck for brains? Just when I thought that things couldn't get any worse, I turn out to be my own worst enemy'

"I'm honestly flattered by your feelings…" She said while still chuckling.

"… but I'm not into kids. I'm looking for a tall and strong mage as a life companion. If in six years I'm still single and you haven't changed your mind, I will be happy to resume this conversation."

Lith wanted to cry and run away, spending the rest of his life hiding in the deepest hole he could find. But he had already made a fool out of himself, there was no reason to add insult to injury.

He took some deep breaths to calm down, using water magic to cool down both his face and nether regions, finally regaining his focus.

'If I apologize, I will make everything worse.' He thought. 'She reacted like I was joking, let's play along. The more I stir it, the more it will stink.'

"Now, before going back to the course's topic, one last word of warning for you scum. The next time I catch you doing something disrespectful towards one of your classmates, I will make every single one of you regret not having a Guilty Ballot.

"Are we clear?"

No one dared to reply.

"Perfect. Let's forget about your pathetic, miserable existences, so I can explain to you what Principles of Advanced Magic is about."

She approached the chalkboard, a long and thin piece of mineral appeared out of thin air in her hand, allowing her to draw a human silhouette.

"As you should already know from your first three years, every human possesses a certain degree of talent for magic. The extent of such talent is defined by the amount of mana one has stored in his mana well."

Lith followed her speech with interest.

'So, they really have no concept of the mana core.' He thought.

"An individual's talent can be roughly split into three categories: the normal human, …" She hit the chalkboard at the level of the silhouette's knees, and suddenly the empty space within it was filled by a glowing blue light up to that point.

"… the magico/magica, …" This time the mineral hit at the chest level, and the light rose up accordingly.

"…and finally, the mage." The whole empty space within the silhouette was now filled to the brim with a pulsing blue color.

"While performing the first three tiers of magic, hands signs and magic words are the equivalent of a bucket, that once dropped in the mana well allows you to extract the right amount of power.

"Hence, the spellcasting will be successful, as long as you are capable of forming a perfect bucket. Sadly, from tier four and up, this process no longer works.

"This kind of magic requires such an amount of mana, that there are only two ways of extracting it from the well. The first one, that you can learn in minor academies or in the books available for purchase, is to create a bigger bucket.

"This method is feasible, but most of the time impractical. It requires so many magic words, hand signs so complicated that either your opponent is a rock, or you work with a team that keeps it occupied during a very long spellcasting time.

"Just like using a bucket too big and heavy, extracting mana out of the well that way requires much more time and effort than just using the old bucket twice."

'What the f*ck?! This is exactly what I learned from Lark's books. This explains why it took me so long to perform them correctly with fake magic.'

"The second one is only available in one of the six great academies. What I am going to teach you, has its roots in the first magic's multi casting skills. Professor Trasque should have already stressed the importance of first magic, correct?"

The whole class nodded.

"Multi casting means that an individual has the talent to form and control more than one bucket at the same time. Let's say that a mage capable of double casting, potentially they can control up to two buckets. That's the minimum requirement for tier four spells.

"Some may even require three, while only tier five magic demands an even higher multi casting capability. Please, understand that all this talk about buckets and water is just an oversimplification.

"In advanced magic, mental visualization is a key element for success. You can choose to imagine it as a jar of wine, a chest full of gold, whatever fits your bill is fine. Always remember that the second method has a much faster cast time in exchange for a greater focus and mental strength.

"It's up to you to learn how to form and control more than one 'bucket' at a time. Hand signs and magic words are still necessary to form the first one, then you need to be able to sense it and generate as many copies as you can.

"Those who are incapable of learning such a method by the end of the academic year will be dismissed as they show insufficient talent. Money and status cannot help you, only talent and hard work will guarantee your promotion."

The lesson went on for another two hours, and soon it was lunchtime.

Lith was so engrossed in what he had learned, that he completely forgot about his crush and the poor impression his previous marriage proposal could have left.

He said goodbye to Professor Nalear before leaving the classroom, but didn't give her a second look or even a thought.

'The more I learn, the more fake magic does indeed resemble true magic, but most of the things she explained are completely wrong. The only right thing she said was about mental visualization.

'If one does not realize the existence of the mana core, the current approach to magic is too passive to be effective. It's not a matter of water and buckets, it more closely resembles building and fine-tuning a power plant that can provide energy for countless applications.

'According to her theory, a fake mage with 100 mana points can only produce 100 points of energy.

'A true mage, despite having the same amount of mana, can stimulate their core to generate an output that depends on the situation, bringing it up to 120, or even 150 if necessary.

'Sure, the physical burden would be remarkable, but anything is better than being dead. Also, this difference grants a true mage a versatility that fake mages can only dream about.'

Thanks to the academy map stored in Soluspedia, Lith was able to move faster than anyone else. While others would get lost or needed to ask for directions, he managed to arrive at the canteen first.

Once again, the skill of the Forgemasters left him speechless. It was nothing like his old high school cafeteria. There was no cash register, no need to form a line or pick up a tray.

The room was of rectangular shape, five meters (16'5") high, with the long side 200 meters (656 feet) long and the short side 100 meters (328 feet) long. Except for the door he came from and the floor, all the other walls had been turned into windows.

Lith knew that above the fourth floor, where he currently was, there was still the floor for the fifth year and many others, yet by looking up he was able to see the brilliant light of noon.

The room, like all the others, was perfectly lighted. The whole canteen was filled with rectangular dinner tables, each one capable of accommodating up to six people.

The tables were evenly spaced among them, allowing students to walk to and from them with ease, even when the room was at its max capacity.

Lith chose a corner table with a corner seat. Having a wall behind him and another at his left, no one could get to his back without him noticing.

'Interesting, they choose to make the cafeteria look like a panoramic restaurant. Probably to let the students remember what the outside world looks like, and to avoid the claustrophobic feel that windowless rooms give.'

Once he sat down, he discovered that the chair was somehow bolted to the ground. Lith could not move it, but as soon as his butt touched the cushion, the seat auto-adjusted its height and size to a perfect fit.

The only thing left for him to do was to place his order. Lith put his hands on the table, injecting a small amount of mana and activating the embedded communication device.

���I'll take fillet steak, 2 centimeters (0,8 inch) high, medium-rare. Also, a vegetable cream soup, a side of roasted spiced potatoes. Red wine or beer are equally fine as a drink."

A small Warp Steps appeared in front of him, delivering his order with the exception of the alcohol.

"Sorry, sir." Said a voice coming up from the still open Warp Steps.

"Only sixteen year old students are allowed to drink fermented beverages, and only moderate quantities. You can choose between water, milk and fruit juice."

Lith sighed deeply. It would not be the same without some spirits to lighten up his heavy mood.

"I'll take water."

Soon he completely forgot about his problems. The academy's chefs were worthy of a five-star restaurant. The meat was tender and juicy. It simply melted in his mouth.

The potatoes were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, spicy enough to make his blood run and pleasantly tickle his tongue.

The cream soup was excellent as well, but Lith saved it for last. He hated vegetables, of any form and kind. Yet he left the plate clean. He knew how important it was keeping his diet balanced while his growth spurt approached.

He managed to enjoy his whole meal, ignoring the people around him and only looking at the forest outside. It stretched as far as his eye could see, and during his brief time in the canteen, he was able to spot many beasts and herbs he had never seen before.

'I wish I could take seconds, but if I eat too much, I will be so sleepy that I will barely be able to pay attention. It's my first lesson for my Master healer specialization, and first impressions are very important.'

Despite considering himself to be a great healer already, Lith was really curious about tier four light spells, since there was none in all the books he previously had access to.

'Over the years, there were so many things that I wasn't able to come up with a solution for, so many patients I have lost. This is my chance to learn from the masters and impress them.

'If I manage to keep my status as an A rank student, my life will be much easier!'

Legion20 Legion20

I wish I had access to such canteen too. No more cooking, cleaning and dish-washing required.

Chapter 56: A New Lesson

After finishing his delicious lunch, Lith had one hour off. No one had approached his table, and that made him very happy.

He was very fond of his personal space, not to mention that he had no desire to waste time making small talk with a bunch of kids.

Despite his physical appearance, Lith's mind was that of an adult man, who had lived for almost forty years between his three lives.

Except for being hormonal due to his teenage body, and being addicted to oxygen, there was nothing he had in common with his classmates.

From that perspective, isolation was a blessing in disguise. If he spoke to no one, it was impossible for anyone to notice how different he was from his peers.

Lith and Solus had spent the time during their meal discussing the temporary lack of academy's class books. Both of them complained about the fact that the academy would only release the books after the first day of class, considering it unfair.

'It's such a pity.' Solus said. 'If we had them, we could already put them into Soluspedia, getting light years ahead of the other students. Instant knowledge!'

'Yeah, but I can understand the importance of this rule. Specializations are exclusives classes of the six big academies.

'If they just delivered them to the students' homes before the beginning of the year, their contents would be accessible to all the family members. This kind of knowledge can't be released without supervision.' Lith thought.

'And what about once the students get the opportunity to go back home, at the end of the trimester?' Solus asked.

Lith mentally shrugged and then he stood up from the chair, walking towards his room.

'By that time, they already have gained the status of students. According to what Linjos told us in his office, they are both protected and kept under surveillance. My guess is that books can't leave the academy's premises.

'The only things one can take out, are what they have learned or copied in their grimoire. If you love your family, you will not put them in danger by disclosing state secrets that could cost them their and your life.

'If you hate them, instead, the moment they try to coerce you, you just need to rat them out to get rid of them for good. It's a win-win situation.'

Once back in his room, Lith called his parents. He had left home only seven hours ago, yet the enthusiasm they greeted him with made it seem as if he had disappeared for years.

"My little baby!" Elina was on the verge of tears. "Are they treating you all right? Are you eating properly?"

"Yes, mom. Everything is fine." He lied through his teeth. "The Professors I met today were all amazing. My classmates are kinda stuck-up, but so far so good. Not to mention the food. I wish I could bring you some, it's just wonderful."

Contrary to his expectations, time flew by, and he was forced to leave Tista in a hurry, after giving her a consult about a patient of hers.

All the activities related to each year took place on their own floor.

The problem was that each floor was so big that getting lost or taking a long detour was pretty easy. In Lith's case, he had miscalculated the time he needed to reach the classroom.

Only when he heard the resounding gong that announced the beginning of the lessons, did he realize how long he had spent chatting.

'F*ck! The first thing I'm going to re-invent as soon as I become a Forgemaster, is a damn wristwatch. How the heck do people keep track of the time?'

Solus calculated that even if he jogged to his destination, Lith would have not made it in time, so he was forced to run. To avoid smelling on his first day, he used water magic to collect the sweat in his palm as soon as it formed, sending it straight in Solus' pocket dimension.

Despite his best efforts, he was the last one to arrive. Luckily, the professor in charge had yet to show up. According to the schedule, Lith would have met Professor Marth, the very same Marth that had created Blood Resonance magic.

It was a great opportunity for Lith to get his attention, and maybe, if the opportunity arose, to share some of his knowledge with Marth. Having one of the Light department's top experts as his backer, or even better as a mentor, could be a real game-changer.

'Be cool, and try not to sound desperate, old man.' Lith thought to himself.

'We have a full year ahead together, maybe even two. I need to play my cards right and keep my admission's score while improving my status. I don't give a damn about friends and the other students are useless.

'Allies, on the contrary, can help me keep my family safe from the likes of Duke Hestia and provide me with the resources I'll need to equip my own Forgemaster laboratory. I can't waste years grinding away for gold, I need time to travel and find the answer to my resurrection problem.'

The classroom was much smaller than the one for the mandatory lessons. It was a square room, with each side twelve meters (39 feet). In front of the chalkboard, there were three rows of desks, separated by small corridors.

It could comfortably accommodate up to fifty students, yet according to Solus, there were only twenty-six students attending, Lith included. He occupied the closest spot to the chalkboard, sitting near the other students.

When they threw a mean glare at him, he just took out the Ballot, forcing them to shut up and mind their own business. After what had happened that morning, they didn't dare move away from him.

Also because doing that would mean getting even farther from the chalkboard and the Professor. The floor was flat, making it hard to see through all the heads in front of them already.

The man who walked into the room was outstanding in his own way. He was quite short, barely over 1.55 meters (5'1") tall, and at least sixty years old.

The top of his head was completely bald, the hair he had left on the sides was snow-white and so was his waxed handlebar mustache. His belly was so big that it made it hard to guess if he was larger than he was high.

 That, together with his pure white robe, made him resemble a real-life Humpty Dumpty.

"Hello, dear students. I'm Professor Vastor, and I'll guide you through your first steps in the light magic Master healer course."

Not everyone was as ignorant as Lith, most of them already knew what Professor Marth looked like. Before Professor Vastor could finish his introduction, the class was filled with saddened groans.

His disgruntled expression to such reaction expressed clearly how angered he was by that blatant lack of respect.

"I'm very sorry to disappoint you, but as you should have predicted, Professor Marth can't waste his precious time with the likes of you. The whole light magic research department rests on his shoulders, so you'll have to settle for me.

"Words cannot express how it saddens me to notice that even country bumpkins have more manners than the high and mighty nobles."

He wasn't referring to just Lith, but to all the students that thanks to their poor background had failed to recognize him and looked at him with admiration despite his funny appearance.

"I have good news and bad news for all of you. The good news is that we won't spend two hours in this class. I just need to explain to you the differences between tier three and four of healing magic. After that, we will move into the academy's hospital.

"There we will do some trial rounds of our resident patients, giving you the chance to meet both Professor Marth and Professor Manohar, if we are lucky enough."

The class exploded in cheers and applauses.

'What the heck?' Lith thought. 'Where do they think we are, at a stadium? Back on Earth, my college professors would have skinned them alive for such behavior.'

Vastor had a very Earth-like expression at the moment, his hands were trembling with rage, his nostrils dilated at every breath.

"The bad news…" He continued, cutting them short.

"…is that it means I will start evaluating you all right off the bat. Even today's rounds will help us to test your skills, separating the gold from shiny trash."

The room fell silent, most of the students in the first row had lost all their enthusiasm. Some were having stomach cramps due to nervousness, others seemed on the verge of puking.

It wasn't at all as they had imagined their first day of specialization would be.

Professor Vastor was delighted by the result of his speech, curling his mustache with a sadistic grin on his face.

"Let's not waste any more time. I'm sure you can't wait to stop listening to my gibberish and become real healers like your hero, Professor Marth."

'Man, I don't need tier four magic to diagnose Professor Vastor with a really bad case of 'Envy syndrome'. Being so petty at his age is really sad.' Solus said. 

'Yeah. Happens when you lose your throne to someone younger and more talented. I feel the same way.' Lith replied, thinking about how lucky his classmates were to be born with cyan mana cores, without having to work hard for years to reach that level.

"First of all, who can tell me what the greatest limitations of tiers one to three of light magic are?"

Lith raised his hand, but so did everyone else. Vastor chose one of them at random to answer.

"You, with the snob face. Feel free to share with the class." He said pointing to a girl with shoulder-length black hair in the first row.

"Professor, my name is actually…"

"I don't care." Vastor cut her short.

"I expect at least half of you to drop out within the first six months. I won't bother remembering your names."

Most faces turned red with anger, while Lith was inwardly smiling.

When compared to most nobles he had encountered in the past, Professor Vastor was really polite. At least he didn't discriminate, he treated everyone like cr*p.

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