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Write a reviewit's a great FF, i like it, just finished reading it all, the story is kinda repeating, but its pokemon so it's obvious and sometimes you just get mad at MC because he could have caught this pokemon or that one, but no he doesn't. But it's good because the MC is not too overpowered with new pokemon. I like the world setting and the plot and for that to make sense MC let's some people go even though he could finish then easily, overall from me it's a solid 4.2 stars and chill to read story 👍. Good job Author.
1 Star In Writing Quality Horrible punctuation that’s easily noticeable when you use the listen feature of this app 5 Star in Updating Stability Nothing to say here, 1k chapters 👌 3 Stars the rest Story development is mid Other two u didn’t even do In the end it’s decent
Super cliché,La gramática es horrenda,tiene sexo en todos los capítulos y en 1300 capitulos no hace una mierda. .......................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ....
Reveal SpoilerA good read.........i can't stop reading.....................................................................................................................
i love the mixed reviews on this its a good laugh reading them! i think its a great FF if you can get over the minor inconsistencies and the not so great SPaG however overall theres a great amount of world building however my only major qualm is the arc length inconsistencies they tend to be a tad confusing at times
Just a warning to everyone wanting to read this the later arcs are slow paced and each hundreds of chapters long if you do not have the patience for a dumb MC also I don’t recommend but for people who like to read the manga and have watched the entirety of one piece i recommend this to you
What is L + ratio? L + ratio is used as a mocking insult on social media, often in reply to a post or opinion considered particularly bad. The letter L is used as a slang term for loss (as in the opposite of win). The word ratio is used in its social media sense referring to a situation in which a post has a high proportion of replies compared to likes or reposts, which usually indicates a barrage of negative replies criticizing and often mocking the post.
Actually enjoyed reading first several chapters and don’t really mind that the mc is going to town with every girl he meets. But it became too much for me in the later chapters, the novel became hentai with pokemon in it.
Helpful information for people considering starting this novel. Things I wish I knew going into this 1000+ chapter behemoth. - This is an unrepentant power fantasy, but it gains texture and depth as it goes on. - The first few chapters are rough, but the plot moves, so skim and try not to go cross-eyed. - Around chapter 30, characters besides the MC suddenly gain independent thought, and act in human ways. I think it starts with Erika’s gym battle. - Around chapter 50, the author discovers grammar (or an editor). Like night and day from the first chapters. - The carry limit for Pokemon is 8. - His system apparently allows for unlimited (so far) EV training, so pay attention to his Pokemon’s stats, not their level or evolution stage, and the battles make more sense. Hope that helps! I took a break around chapter 60 to let people know that it gets better.
apart from the author being good at churning out new chapters, there is nothing worthy to be admired of... the writing, the grammar, sentence structure, etc are all thrown out the window and what we have to read is a convoluted mess of a paragraph where there are no commas, no full stops, nothing. Then the author follows that up with randomly mixing 1st person and 3rd person perspective in between lines making it a headache to read. Joining them are all the grammar and syntax mistakes which combined made this story impossible for me to read... At this point I don't even care about those who say it gets better after a while, coz I can't read such a shitty start to the point where it apparently improves
best Pokemon fanfic in my view. chapter update is a bit slow. MC is naive and dumb at first for not killing villains who are the worst at start but later MC is going through character development and by adding a bit of spicy(R18) chapters and story development it is like a cocktail 🍸 . the only thing i personally not like is not adding Valerie in harem as she was most beautiful and best character after cynthia in Pokemon universe( personal view ) The chapters are well written. Story development is good. sometimes it gets annoying when MC always leaves an antagonist alive even knowing that he will cause great disaster only for it to come and bite his back. ( I can sympathise with the author that he does so that the story can continue with regard to Pokemon anime, movie etc) The spicy chapters(R18) are well written. These chapters are like a cool breeze in the desert as reading only a story is more boring. Lastly my favourite Pokemon in the story is Crystal and Plz update more frequently like chapter a day
For being consistent with the weekly updates for such long time for that I give my Thanks to the author. It is also being my first Pokémon fanfui I started with .
Hire the Best Certified Hacker for Crypto Recovery > Consult iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY position as the top choice for crypto recovery is further solidified by his utilization of cutting-edge technology and tools. By staying ahead of the curve and implementing the latest advancements in the field, iFORCE is able to offer innovative solutions for recovering lost cryptocurrencies. iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY offers competitive pricing, providing excellent value for the services he provides. This combination of technical proficiency, ethical standards, and affordability makes him the preferred choice for individuals seeking reliable crypto recovery solutions.
it's good bro.. why not make an academy for Pokémon battles or something like make him a principal and make an event in school something thing's like those hmm and have a baby haha
It is a good book though the character development change for Mc is a bit big with the lust and messing with other girls like it’s freaking all you can eat buffet
inconsistent updates, the quality drops significantly after passing a certain chapter don't remember when but it got inconsistent...then the character, they are pretty good but lacking in background and design
The plot is predictable mc goes new region mc knew the evil organizations mc let them escape mc question himself why this happened? mc guilt himself mc try to destroy the organization but he won mc think they are the balance of the world 🤣 mc let them summon a legendary mc want to be a manipulator mc fight legendary mc feel like a hero mc finish league = mc dumb = author dumber Peace out ✌️
j'ai lu une autre fan fiction pokemon, celle ci est pour moi mauvaise, l'histoire démarre beaucoup trop vite, les pokémons sont déjà evolués au chapitre 1, le travail est déjà totalement mâché, ce genre de livre ou tout est facile sont ennuyeux...
It's a very decent story but the grammar at the start wasn't all that well but it got way better as the story went on. My issue is he hasn't been updating and posting more chapters as often now but I understand people can be busy
No puedo describir a esta historia con otra palabra que no sea perfecto, cada parte de la historia me gustó. El carácter y personalidad del protagonista, los Pokemon que atrapa y la evolución de cada uno, las escenas picantes, la trama de fondo en cada región visto desde el punto de vista del protagonista y también el desarrollo del personaje Una de las mejores historias que leí. Ya estoy cansado de esos protagonistas que son demasiado fuertes y se terminan volviendo locos o malos o terminan asustando a sus propios amigos o waifus, este oculta su poder y solo quiere viajar y tener aventuras, tiene su lado cruel pero lo mantiene limitado, solo castiga a los que lo merecen y no mata a sus oponentes. También me gusta la personalidad de las chicas de su harem.
Reveal SpoilerI like the story👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 I hope you will keep updating, even with the problems.
I have not got far , but I dont know how something with such awful grammar got such good reviews. Its probably made by a younger person, considering the cliche black hair and red eyes mc. But the grammar makes it almost unreadable, and the mc didn't even take time to process things when he got into the world. just jumped straight to it. Because thats how humans react to being sent to another world I guess..?either way I am not judging this novel based on pity, but for what I have read. Seems like authors fantasy rather, then anything else.
it's a great FF, i like it, just finished reading it all, the story is kinda repeating, but its pokemon so it's obvious and sometimes you just get mad at MC because he could have caught this pokemon or that one, but no he doesn't. But it's good because the MC is not too overpowered with new pokemon. I like the world setting and the plot and for that to make sense MC let's some people go even though he could finish then easily, overall from me it's a solid 4.2 stars and chill to read story 👍. Good job Author.
1 Star In Writing Quality Horrible punctuation that’s easily noticeable when you use the listen feature of this app 5 Star in Updating Stability Nothing to say here, 1k chapters 👌 3 Stars the rest Story development is mid Other two u didn’t even do In the end it’s decent
Super cliché,La gramática es horrenda,tiene sexo en todos los capítulos y en 1300 capitulos no hace una mierda. .......................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ....
Reveal SpoilerA good read.........i can't stop reading.....................................................................................................................
i love the mixed reviews on this its a good laugh reading them! i think its a great FF if you can get over the minor inconsistencies and the not so great SPaG however overall theres a great amount of world building however my only major qualm is the arc length inconsistencies they tend to be a tad confusing at times
Just a warning to everyone wanting to read this the later arcs are slow paced and each hundreds of chapters long if you do not have the patience for a dumb MC also I don’t recommend but for people who like to read the manga and have watched the entirety of one piece i recommend this to you
What is L + ratio? L + ratio is used as a mocking insult on social media, often in reply to a post or opinion considered particularly bad. The letter L is used as a slang term for loss (as in the opposite of win). The word ratio is used in its social media sense referring to a situation in which a post has a high proportion of replies compared to likes or reposts, which usually indicates a barrage of negative replies criticizing and often mocking the post.
Actually enjoyed reading first several chapters and don’t really mind that the mc is going to town with every girl he meets. But it became too much for me in the later chapters, the novel became hentai with pokemon in it.
Helpful information for people considering starting this novel. Things I wish I knew going into this 1000+ chapter behemoth. - This is an unrepentant power fantasy, but it gains texture and depth as it goes on. - The first few chapters are rough, but the plot moves, so skim and try not to go cross-eyed. - Around chapter 30, characters besides the MC suddenly gain independent thought, and act in human ways. I think it starts with Erika’s gym battle. - Around chapter 50, the author discovers grammar (or an editor). Like night and day from the first chapters. - The carry limit for Pokemon is 8. - His system apparently allows for unlimited (so far) EV training, so pay attention to his Pokemon’s stats, not their level or evolution stage, and the battles make more sense. Hope that helps! I took a break around chapter 60 to let people know that it gets better.
apart from the author being good at churning out new chapters, there is nothing worthy to be admired of... the writing, the grammar, sentence structure, etc are all thrown out the window and what we have to read is a convoluted mess of a paragraph where there are no commas, no full stops, nothing. Then the author follows that up with randomly mixing 1st person and 3rd person perspective in between lines making it a headache to read. Joining them are all the grammar and syntax mistakes which combined made this story impossible for me to read... At this point I don't even care about those who say it gets better after a while, coz I can't read such a shitty start to the point where it apparently improves
best Pokemon fanfic in my view. chapter update is a bit slow. MC is naive and dumb at first for not killing villains who are the worst at start but later MC is going through character development and by adding a bit of spicy(R18) chapters and story development it is like a cocktail 🍸 . the only thing i personally not like is not adding Valerie in harem as she was most beautiful and best character after cynthia in Pokemon universe( personal view ) The chapters are well written. Story development is good. sometimes it gets annoying when MC always leaves an antagonist alive even knowing that he will cause great disaster only for it to come and bite his back. ( I can sympathise with the author that he does so that the story can continue with regard to Pokemon anime, movie etc) The spicy chapters(R18) are well written. These chapters are like a cool breeze in the desert as reading only a story is more boring. Lastly my favourite Pokemon in the story is Crystal and Plz update more frequently like chapter a day
For being consistent with the weekly updates for such long time for that I give my Thanks to the author. It is also being my first Pokémon fanfui I started with .
Hire the Best Certified Hacker for Crypto Recovery > Consult iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY position as the top choice for crypto recovery is further solidified by his utilization of cutting-edge technology and tools. By staying ahead of the curve and implementing the latest advancements in the field, iFORCE is able to offer innovative solutions for recovering lost cryptocurrencies. iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY offers competitive pricing, providing excellent value for the services he provides. This combination of technical proficiency, ethical standards, and affordability makes him the preferred choice for individuals seeking reliable crypto recovery solutions.
it's good bro.. why not make an academy for Pokémon battles or something like make him a principal and make an event in school something thing's like those hmm and have a baby haha
It is a good book though the character development change for Mc is a bit big with the lust and messing with other girls like it’s freaking all you can eat buffet
inconsistent updates, the quality drops significantly after passing a certain chapter don't remember when but it got inconsistent...then the character, they are pretty good but lacking in background and design
The plot is predictable mc goes new region mc knew the evil organizations mc let them escape mc question himself why this happened? mc guilt himself mc try to destroy the organization but he won mc think they are the balance of the world 🤣 mc let them summon a legendary mc want to be a manipulator mc fight legendary mc feel like a hero mc finish league = mc dumb = author dumber Peace out ✌️
j'ai lu une autre fan fiction pokemon, celle ci est pour moi mauvaise, l'histoire démarre beaucoup trop vite, les pokémons sont déjà evolués au chapitre 1, le travail est déjà totalement mâché, ce genre de livre ou tout est facile sont ennuyeux...
It's a very decent story but the grammar at the start wasn't all that well but it got way better as the story went on. My issue is he hasn't been updating and posting more chapters as often now but I understand people can be busy
No puedo describir a esta historia con otra palabra que no sea perfecto, cada parte de la historia me gustó. El carácter y personalidad del protagonista, los Pokemon que atrapa y la evolución de cada uno, las escenas picantes, la trama de fondo en cada región visto desde el punto de vista del protagonista y también el desarrollo del personaje Una de las mejores historias que leí. Ya estoy cansado de esos protagonistas que son demasiado fuertes y se terminan volviendo locos o malos o terminan asustando a sus propios amigos o waifus, este oculta su poder y solo quiere viajar y tener aventuras, tiene su lado cruel pero lo mantiene limitado, solo castiga a los que lo merecen y no mata a sus oponentes. También me gusta la personalidad de las chicas de su harem.
Reveal SpoilerI like the story👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 I hope you will keep updating, even with the problems.
I have not got far , but I dont know how something with such awful grammar got such good reviews. Its probably made by a younger person, considering the cliche black hair and red eyes mc. But the grammar makes it almost unreadable, and the mc didn't even take time to process things when he got into the world. just jumped straight to it. Because thats how humans react to being sent to another world I guess..?either way I am not judging this novel based on pity, but for what I have read. Seems like authors fantasy rather, then anything else.