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46.45% Tarasha / Chapter 72: the first day at work

Chapter 72: the first day at work


Just that day at work, Tarasha had learnt so much about

the NSCC. Luckily for her, Sylvester had ignorantly

handed over his personal laptop to her when she

promised to help him prolong a particular monitoring

session after he complained bitterly that it was too short.

He thinking that he had hidden all secret files and

protected his personal apps with passwords, he didn't

realize that the Kimberly he was working with could do

more than the project he read about.

From the laptop, she had gotten an idea of how the street

cameras were specially installed and the process laid

down to uninstall them without raising any alarm. She

learnt that the codes for uninstalling each cameras

without raising alarm or destroying them were kept in

files in hidden sections of each regional office. The file

type and what type of hidden sections referred to was

unknown to her yet, but she was very sure that the files

would be in computerized formats and they would be

hidden locations on their main control computer

systems. The PDF document from where she got this

information also stated that copies of all codes and files

used in the nation for installing and uninstalling these

cameras were contained in the Abuja office.

Tarasha recalled that Henry Paul, her neighbour was a

regional staff working in the head office. She didn't know

the capacity in which he functions but she believed that

she could get some important data from him. It didn't

take time before she got her opportunity to meet him


'Hey Evelyn' someone called as Tarasha stepped out of

gate. She looked to her right side and saw Paul. He was in

front of his gate, munching some peanuts from the nylon

in his hand as he was about to enter. His white shirt and

shorts reflected the little of sun rays radiated from


'Hi Paul' she smiled at him.

'How are you Evelyn?' He said, closing back the gate. He

began to move closer to her and feeding his eyes on her

thighs revealed below the bumshort. She took note

carefully of how he was looking at her and licking his lips


'Fine, how about you?'

'I'm fine too.' He said, half inaudible because of the

quantity of peanuts in his mouth.

'Where are you coming from?' Tarasha asked.

'From a friend's place, I went to copy a movie into my

flash drive.' He took out the flash drive from his back

pocket and showed it to her.

'What movie is that?' She asked, looking interested.

'Inseparable by Young C.c' he answered. 'I've been

wanting to get it since I saw the trailer but work did not

permit me to go to a store. So, I asked a friend to buy

online for me'

'I heard of the release too but I've not been opportune to

see the movie or trailer, I've only read the book'

'You wanna come watch with me?' He offered.

'That'll be nice' she accepted his offer joyously. 'Are you

starting right away?'

'Yes… But I could delay a little because of you'

'Thanks, I need to get something in a store next street'

'Should I accompany you?'

'No, you don't need to bother' safe rejected politely and

began to walk away slowly, to nowhere in particular, just

to buy time and make her acting complete.

'Ermm…' Paul signaled for her to wait. 'What about your

friends? I didn't see any of them since Friday last week'

'They traveled for something urgent' Tarasha answered.

'They'll be back soon, I believe'

'Okay, say hi to them when they call'

'Sure, I would' Tarasha smiled.

'I'll be expecting you' Paul said before turning back and

walking to his gate.


Tarasha was in his living room thirty minutes later. His

living room was decently decorated, not large but neat

and comfortable. Paul began to play the film after

serving Tarasha fruit juice and a pack of popcorn. They

were both seated on the opposites ends of the three

seater sofa.

One hour went by and both of them were deeply

engrossed in the film, at least Tarasha pretended to be

while she was thinking of the best way to get out what

she needed from him. She knew it would be against their

job ethics to let out the information she needed, so she

needed to do something special that would make him

give her all she wanted.

'Do you think Frank would get out of Bola's trouble?'

Tarasha tried to begin a conversation with the highly

concentrating Paul.

'Ermm… He's got to come out. That girl is evil, he may

not even be responsible for the pregnancy she's carrying'

he hurriedly answered her and returned his

concentration to the screen. He did not want to miss any

part of the thrilling movie.

'He is responsible, she couldn't have lied to her father'

Tarasha said but got no reply. She turned her face back

to the screen, taking time to think of the best possible

way to distract him.

'I'm feeling sleepy' she announced after another five

minutes. He took a glance at her and gave a "I don't

believe you" look.

'Sleepy?' He asked to be sure if that was what he really


'Yes' she replied. Without waiting for his response, she

turned and laid her head on his lap placing her legs on

the arm rest she was resting on before. She made sure

her backhead was placed in between his legs, to have

contact with his manhood. She felt him shiver as she

stretched and pressed down with her head. He stared at

her face for a while.

She was beginning to get his attention now like she

wanted. She waited for some minutes again before taking

her next move. She began to rub his bare knee with her

palm gently.

'What do you do in the office?' She turned her head to

face him as she asked. Her hand left his knee and went

under his shirt on his belly.

'I…' He squirmed and swallowed, signals were being sent

through his whole body. She had to pause to enable him

give her an answer. 'I'm a regional staff like I told you.

I'm the assistant to the regional coordinator here'

'What are your responsibilities?'

'My main responsibilities are to watch over the

streaming, cut and save files and also convert the video

files into other formats for reporting'

'Are these the only things you do everyday?' She

continued rubbing her hand on his abdomen softly.

'Yes, basically' he replied, his chubby body shivering.

She raised up her head and got up to sit on his lap. 'Are

you also involved in installing the cameras?'

'Yes, but that does not happen often.'

'How do you install the cameras? Do the NSCC have

special processes for theirs'

'No' he paused and stared into her face thoughtfully for a

while. 'Why are you asking?'

'Nothing darling' she smiled and pushed his chest

backwards, taking off his shirt. He didn't resist. 'I'm

interested in working in the NSCC, that's why I'm asking'

'Oh! You…' He vibrated all over as she placed her lips on

his n----e. She stopped and look at his face. 'Do you

know how to install the NSCC cameras?'

'Yes, it's the same way you install every other security

cameras except that the NSCC has a special code to

install and uninstall it, if one tries to uninstall with

another code, it raises an alarm in the office'

'Those codes, how do you get them?'

'It's manufactured by developers and they sell it to us,

then we protect them using IVC solution.'

'How do you use the codes?'

'The codes are used to connect each camera to our

monitoring system. You know the cameras are wireless,

so since no wires connect them, the codes makes the


'I know that, what I mean is that how do you install the

code into the cameras?'

'Okay, that happens during production. Each camera is

made to have a code that have been bought before

packaging and installing them'

'Hmm…' She paused and licked his n-----s for some

seconds again. 'Are the codes always long?' She stopped

again. She could see disappointment on his face, he was

getting tired of the questions already and wanted her to

complete the job which she had started on his body. She

could already feel his hard manhood touching her bum


'No, the codes are always six characters'

'And how are six character codes stored?'

'We use the Nitex Pad in the IVC for keeping them on our

main system. It's a very secure tool' he said impatiently,

his body already vibrating for action.

'Nitex pad' she mumbled under her breath as she got up

and pushed his chest to lay straight on the sofa. She

touched something on her back pocket as she sat in

between his legs and began to dip her hand under his


Paul had lost all his senses at this time, all he wanted was

to consume the lady in front of him and he didn't realise

that he had just done something which was against the

ethics of his job. He had given so much information, well

, he never thought he was giving it to someone that could

do any harm.

He laid there anticipating what's next when an alarm

sounded. Tarasha got up hurriedly and took out a tiny

device from her back pocket.

'Oh! It's time to use my drugs' she announced, looking

very worried. 'I have to rush home now' she said and

adjusted her top hurriedly. She tightened back the

button of her bumshort which was loose and began to

proceed towards the door immediately.

'Are you coming back?' He shouted behind as she opened

the door.

'Maybe' she replied and walked out, closing the door with

a loud bang.

Paul felt stupid and miserable as he got up and picked his

shirt which she had flung to the floor. His manliness was

still hard and yearning. He hissed as his eyes met with the

TV screen. Just now, his expectations had been raised

beyond measure and dashed again within minutes when

he was already feeling close to heaven.


9am, next morning.

Dakolo and Ken were driving out of the Jubril's house.

They had asked some more few questions which

included the names of Jubril's close friends and

addresses, they got the names of two of his friends who

were also at the party and decided to visit I one

immediately. They got the pictures as planned the day

before. The young lady had helped them to categorize

the pictures into two folders; one containing the guests in

the party which she knew were family friends of theirs

and the other containing those she did not know. The

latter had more pictures in it. All their questions had to

be answered by the young lady as they didn't see Mrs

Jubril all through their stay. She was said to be slightly

indisposed with fever.

Ken sped off as they drove out of the gate while Dakolo

tried to view the pictures. He started with the pictures of

the Jubril's family friends but couldn't recognize any one

as hard as he tried except for two notable ministers in

the country. He gave up on trying without getting to the

last picture in the folder. He decided to wait until they got

to they got to Chief Jubril's PA who should be able to

identify the guests.

In thirty minutes time, they got to Lanre's office, he was a

friend to Dare and was also an attendee of the party. He

was asked several questions about Dare and the newly

found friend, Alexander Evelyn.

After answering other questions to the best of his

knowledge, Lanre also stated that there was no

suspicious movement Dare was involved with until he

met with the new friend, Evelyn. He was said to have

changed and stop clubbing frequently like he used to do.

Lanre told them of how Dare started looking miserable

after some days of strange happiness but refused to talk

to his friends about anything, but they were able to guess

that it was either that he was jilted by the girl or he found

out that she was dating someone else. Apart from that

Lanre had nothing more to say.

After thanking Lanre, the policemen found their way out

of his office and headed for Debo's house. They got there

twenty minutes later and were ushered into his living

room. They began the interrogation at once.

'Apart from that lady, Evelyn, was there anyone else Chief

Jubril was supposed to meet?' Dakolo began.

'No, she was the only one'

'Did you see her when she came in?'

'Yes, from afar. I saw her front view for the first time that

day' Debo said thoughtfully. 'But it was from afar, I can't

even remember how she looks like'

'Then how do you know it was her?' Dakolo pushed.

'I heard Chief Jubril talk about her to his family, they

were making jest of Dare immediately she walked in with

another guy' he answered carefully.

'Who was the guy?'

'I don't know him either, I couldn't see his face clearly'

he paused and cleaned his eyes. 'The truth is I'm short-

sighted but asides from that, the only reason Chief Jubril

recognized her from that distance and wth the kind of

lightning was because he knew her face very well before.

He didn't know the guy too' Debo explained.

'Was the lightning poor?'

'No, but we couldn't see people far off' because of the

very bright lights and performers at the stage in the


'Hmm…' Dakolo hummed under his breath while

scrolling through something on his device.

'…the lady and the guy were both putting on blue clothes.

They were distinctly dressed' Debo quickly added as he

remembered. 'The guy was putting on a shiny blue suit

while she was on a short blue gown'

Dakolo suddenly looked up. 'Would you recognize them

with the clothes if you see the pictures?'

'Yes, I remember what they wore but it's a pity there are


'There are pictures' Dakolo cut in. He stood up and

collected the tablet device from Ken. He swiped it open

and went to sit on the arm rest of the couch Debo was

seated on. Debo was surprised on hearing that there

were pictures, he didn't believe until Dakolo opened the

larger folder and began to scroll through the pictures.

'Tell me if you see them here or if you see any other

strange person' Dakolo said to him.

The both of looked into the device intently for minutes,

Debo readily identifying those he knew in the pictures.

'Here he is' Debo finally said in a loud voice after ten

minutes. 'Here's the guy who came with her, in the blue


Chapter 73: hello Boss

Henry took a glance at the clock after waving at the

security men as he drove in through the gate, it was

twenty minutes past nine am. He had overslept and

ignored the alarm when it rang, waking up later by eight

o'clock, the exact time he was supposed to resume work.

He decided not to rush as he was late already by the time

he woke. It would be his first time of getting late to the

office, and it wasn't that he was going to be chastised by


His eyes met something in the rearview mirror as he

killed the engine. It took sometime for the picture to

finish processing in his brain. He opened the door and

turned to look at it, there was a blue Camry parked at the

parking space at the opposite side. The car park was

constructed to have spaces for cars at the left and right

side and a space in the middle through which vehicles

drive in and out.

The blue car could have been for anybody else but the

plate number was what looked familiar. He got out of his

car and banged the door unconsciously. Locking it again

with the control in his hand. He almost ran into another

vehicle that was trying to occupy the space beside his

car. He apologized to the driver and crossed to the other

side, to inspect the car that got his attention. It was the

same car he thought he hallucinated about the day


He turned to the front of the car to check for the mark

on the bonnet. He couldn't find it but there were signs of

repainting at the exact spot the mark was supposed to

be. He scratched his head and heaved a sigh. His heart

began to beat fast as he circled the car. Was Omotara

really in the same compound with him? He asked


He began to walk slowly away, rolling his car keys in his

hand. He decided to take a last look when he got behind

the car. 'AA689-GGQ' he read the plate number to

himself again. He moved closer and squatted behind the

car, touching the letters and numbers on the plate, just

to assure himself that the number he was seeing was real

and not a part of his hallucinations.

He got up and walked slowly to the front of the car again,

taking a peep inside. He could see football magazines and

newspapers at the backseats. That got him a little bit

confused. He was a hundred percent sure that Omotara

wasn't a lover of football, so maybe she wasn't in the

compound as he thought or maybe the car was brought

in by one of her male accomplices.

He paused and let out a deep breath, thinking of what he

could possibly do to find out who brought in the car. He

took a glance at the security post, he thought of going

there to ask but that would look strange and may raise

unnecessary security scare. A better idea came to his

mind, he turned back and walked to his car.


**Katsina, Katsina State**

Benny and Aisha waited patiently for Cole in the car as

they were set to embark on their first visit to the Ata's

Foundation. Benny had grown miraculously old

overnight, he had his hair cut lowly, his slightly greyed

hair made him look like a man in his late fifties or early

sixties. His beards were also grey and sturdy. He had a

dark pair of eyeglasses on his face. Aisha who was looking

different already only added some makeups to make her

face lighter than it was. There were both dressed in black


Soon, Cole appeared and opened the door to the driver's

side. He was also dressed in a black suit and had grown a

miraculous moustache too. He was made to look older

than his age but not as old as Benny was, he looked like a

man in his late thirties.

His phone began to ring as soon as he settled in the car.

'Hello boss' he answered the call.

'Are you set?' Tarasha's voice sounded at the other side.

'Yes, we are about to drive off'


'Yes, but not from the house like we planned'

'Good, make it go smoothly and keep me connected

always. I want to listen live to all of the discussion.'

'Got you boss' Cole replied and the call ended. He

dropped the phone and took out a tiny recording device

which he clipped behind his tie.

'Let's go' he said and took a glance at Benny by side and

Aisha at the back before starting the car engine.


Dakolo stared at the man dressed in a blue suit in the

picture, lines of disappointment began to show on his

face as he recognized the person in it. Henry E.G. Dakolo

could still recognize him even though his head was

bowed in the picture. He was seated alone, pouring wine

into the cup.A female bag and another bottle and cup of

wine was at the other side of the table.

'He looks like someone I know' Debo said, contorting his

face like someone who just swallowed a bitter pill. Ken

got up from his seat to join them.

'Okay' Dakolo said and swiped to the next picture as he

saw Ken approaching. Three other pictures which

contained Henry's image showed up as Ken joined the

view but luckily, Henry's face was not shown at all in the

new pictures. It was obvious that the photographer was

more interested in the cloth he was putting on than his


'Well…' Debo began after pausing to recollect some

information from his memory. 'I remember seeing this

man closely that day. I saw him when I went to discuss

something with someone sitting close to his table. He was

sitting alone then too.'

'So, you saw him very well?' Ken asked.

'No, not very well. I was seated at his back'

Dakolo felt a need to hide Henry's identity for the time

being. He didn't want to believe what his detective mind

was suggesting to him, that Henry could be one of the

assassins. After scrolling through all the pictures, Dakolo

and Ken returned to their seat with the device.

'I visited the NSCC's office like we planned the last time'

Dakolo began after a brief moment of quietness. 'I spoke

with Henry and he told me that the number was really


Debo shrugged. 'I don't really need that information

anymore. I don't know how Mrs Jubril intend to run the


'Do you still have the number?' Dakolo asked.

'Yes, but in the office'

'We'll need to get it as soon s possible, please' Dakolo

said and paused to type in something into his device.

After asking some more questions, they left Debo's

residence and headed back to the office. In the car,

Dakolo was unusually quiet. He kept thinking of the

possibility of Henry being a member of the Samantha

Osman's group. Maybe he was even the one in charge of

disrupting the cameras system for the gang operations. It

had to be. That was why no solution to the problem had

been found with all the efforts of the other people in the

NSCC. Or how could you explain how Henry was the man

who accompanied the suspected Alexander Evelyn to the

party? The same Evelyn who was suspected to be

Samantha Osman. But he had thought Henry was a

patriotic citizen, committed to nation building and

development. It was hard to believe that Henry is actually

a part of the assassin group.

A thought came to his mind on remembering Henry's

past association with Dare. He also recalled that the

reason for all the recent killings were still unknown.

Could it be possible that it was no political killing? That

the assassins were embarking on a personal vendetta? It

could be. And it could also be possible that Henry may

have found out that Evelyn Alexander was an assassin

and only decided to help her because Chief Jubril and

Dare were his enemies.

There were two options in Dakolo's heart now. It was

either Henry was part of the Samantha Osman's gang or

he helped the gang in carrying out Chief Jubril and Dare's


Somehow, Dakolo still felt the need the need to dig

further personally. A third and strong option was

developing in his mind. He had a soft spot for Henry

which grew ever since the time the grave injustice was

done to Henry's family. He decided to hide the picture

which showed Henry's face for sometime.

He took the tablet device from the backseat. He swiped it

open and clicked the gallery option. He pretended like he

was just taking another look at the pictures while be

transferred it to his own personal device. He deleted the

picture from the device afterwards and spent some more

time with it before returning it back.


'You've not still told me the program you used to

elongate the monitoring time of the system yesterday'

Sylvester said to his new volunteer staff. She was sitting

behind his table with the laptop he had given her to use.

'Sir, I didn't use any special program, I only changed the

settings of the same program you were running with'

shereplied him.

'But how come I never saw that option in the settings

area?' he got up from his seat and began to make a turn.

Tarasha answered with a shrug. He stood still when he

got beside her and bent to look into the laptop. 'Can you

show me where it is?'

'Sure.' She clicked open the software and waited some

minutes for it to load.

A knock sounded on the door. 'Come in' Sylvester picked

up the door control and turned to the door to click

unlock. Someone pushed open the door and walked in.

'Good morning Mr Sylvester' Dayo walked in briskly.

'Good morning Mr Dayo' Sylvester turned back to receive

him. 'How are you doing today?'

'Fine sir' Dayo said, taking special interest in the lady who

had Mr Sylvester bending over to look into her laptop

while she was comfortable seated. He thought it was one

of their junior staffs who had such effrontery.

'Alright, how may I help you?'

'Sir' Dayo turned his look back to Sylvester. 'I noticed

that you made some changes to the system yesterday. It

shows that you can actually be receiving notifications

offline for over twelve hours now'

'Sixteen hours precisely' Sylvester corrected with a bold

smile. 'And I'm not just receiving notifications, the signal

would still be strong for the sixteen hours offline


'Interesting' Dayo's eyes lit up. 'That's what we're talking

about, bright innovation' Dayo commended.

'Yeah' Sylvester flashed his teeth brightly, resting his bum

on the table.

'I actually came to see if I could learn the new method

from you, I may need to combine something of such in

my new project' Dayo presented his real reason of


'Ermm… 'Sylvester's smile diminished, now he knew the

reason for Dayo's commendation. He had wanted to take

the credit for Tarasha's work, that's was part of the

reason he wanted to learn how Tarasha did the job.

'I didn't really do it myself' he finally confessed, after

realizing he had no choice.

'Oh!' Dayo gave him a naughty kind of look. Sylvester

could interpret the look as a silent way of saying "I

thought as much, I knew you weren't so intelligent".

'Who did it?' Dayo asked when Sylvester remained


'She did… We did it together' he replied, pointing to

himself and Kimberly.

'Wow!' Dayo exclaimed, trying to take a peep at the lady's

face but she would not still look back.

'She's my new personal staff, Kimberly' Sylvester

introduced. That was when Kimberly finally turned back,

she got up from her seat and smiled at Dayo. 'This is

Dayo, he works with Henry E.G'

'Nice to meet you sir' Kimberly said cheerfully as they

shook hands.

'My pleasure' Dayo replied, still holding her hand in his.

He wondered silently why she wasn't looking back until

Sylvester introduced her. 'So how did you do it?'

'I was about to show him when you came in' Tarasha

replied and sat back on the seat.

'Okay' Dayo said and joined Sylvester as they both looked

into the laptop to learn grim Kimberly.


2pm, same day.

'Afolabi David, Audu Noah, Sunny Nkem, Nwakolo

Ezekiel' Ken read aloud, looking into the computer

screen. 'All found dead, in the same event centre'

'And these guys are also the suspected kidnappers of

Henry George?' Dakolo asked, taking a glance at Ken.

'Yes, Afolabi David is the head of their gang' Ken


'Where were their bodies found?'

'Their bodies were found in the security department, the

same place Dare's body was found. The same type of

bullets were found in their bodies' Ken expatiated,

pausing from time to time to look at the screen..

'According to the report we got from the investigation,

these guys were part of the security officials provided by

the Jubrils for the event'

'Hmm… How do we connect this?' Dakolo muttered.

'Henry E.G stated that Dare was the only person he

suspected. I think Henry was contending for something

with Dare and he got threatened' Ken said.

'With this, it's highly possible that Dare was behind the


'Well, sir. One case solved already' Ken said with a smile

on his face. 'The kidnappers have been discovered. It's a

pity that they are late already.'

'Yes, but there's still a lot more to this' Dakolo said


Henry's face popped up in his mind again, he took a deep

breath. Now it has been discovered that not only was it

Henry's long time enemies that were killed, even his

recent kidnappers were also killed. Henry was looking

more dangerous to him. Very soon, he'll have no choice

than to spill it out to Ken. He already had a strategy in

mind to use once he fully verifies Henry's personal

involvement in the assassinations. Although, Henry's

involvement have been verified enough according to

police standards, he still needed to do more verifications

because of his long time emotional attachment to Henry.

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