As I walked out of the door, I kissed my mom and dad and bid my goodbyes. I was going to Delhi (a big city) for further studies for my 11th grade and till then I had never even been to a movie with any of friends alone. You see, my parents were overprotective of me, they always wanted to protect me from this cruel world because I was a tiny, delicate and emotionally sensitive creature. But to me the world out there wasnt cruel, it felt like magic. I wanted to pursue my dreams, of being a robotic engineer. So I made my way and got into a good coaching institute. "This is it" I said, as I walked out the door. I had to make myself proud, I had to have IIT (the best engineering college) because I craved success more than I craved for 'fun'.
I had promised myself I'd never fall for a boy because I had never been much lucky when it came to love. Call it insecurity or commitment issues but I never wanted to lose to anyone and love meant exactly that.
There I was traveling in the train thinking that I might be the only girl who lives in a pg and i would have to struggle a lot being alone in a city which didn't resemble home at all. Alone was home for me but to live alone for 2 years felt like a big blow to my heart. The trees went by, the smell of hometown soon faded as the train moved further away. The familiarity in the surroundings was lost.
I was not a little girl anymore.
My life was okay back then and all I could think was how'd I Rajul, my closest friend, who was younger than me but emotionally much stronger than me. He had my back even in the most gravel situations and motivated me at every point of my life. I might have been just 16 but I had seen things in my life that made me more mature than a 22 year old. I wonder if he'd still be there for me. I wondered if all the friendships that were engraved in me would leave a scar.
As the trees passed by, I listened to "welcome to new york" and my mind kept on humming it as "welcome to new Delhi". I was excited for what life had in store for me.
Isn't it funny how at the end of school, you cry and make a pact that we all will talk to each other will remain friends forever, but the thing is, it's a rarity. Friends who call you even after your school ends are gems, such one of mine was panda who had gone to Kota(another big city) to study for PCB. I had chosen PCM. We always ended up fighting over whether maths was better or biology.( Maths is better though jk everyone has a preference).
The trees went by, and all I could hear was goodbye.
"Your destination is here"
"Welcome to new Delhi" uncle said as he picked me up and dropped me in my pg.
My pg owner was a nice lady, everyone used to call her bhabhi. As i set my stuff in the almirah, I met kriti di, who became the first friend I ever had in Delhi. She was wearing them denim shorts, the kind that not everyone could pull off.she was so beautiful. Eyes like that of an old actress, lips the colour of bubblegum, and voice the sound of an angel. Oh how I envied her beauty! Little did I know she would mean so much to me as the time went by.
Since she was the only person around at that day, she politely asked my name and my background and reached out to me.
She calmly helped me out and took me out for ice cream with our other roommate , sonal di in the evening.
Little did I know, it was the beginning of a beautiful journey.
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