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Chapter 7: Chapter 1 [Offline]

A boy started up his camera. "Hello, my name is Greyson Taylor. A lot of people don't know me. I'm the quiet kid, who sits in the back of the class, known for arriving to class late and giving attitude to everyone. But something crazy happened to me. Very crazy."

"It started like a normal school day. I went to- well, I go to- a small high school in a small town in Colorado. Everything was completely normal. Until when school ended. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning of the day…"

Greyson woke up to his annoying alarm clock. He got up and showered, and did all the essentials it took to get ready in the morning. Greyson had pale grey eyes. It made him stand out when all he wanted to do was blend in. Aside from that, he had dirty blond hair. He looked somewhat like a Jock, except he wasn't athletic at all. He was skinny, but had a nice build.

He ran downstairs, tugging his shoe on and ran into the kitchen, grabbed some toast, then ran to the door, swung his backpack around his shoulder and walked out of his house. He was running late.

He walked a few blocks to get to school in the morning but he didn't mind. When he arrives, he was immediately greeted by Shon Chavez, who was an actual jock, with a Letterman's Jacket and everything.

Shon grabbed him and slammed him against a locker. He hit the dial. It hurt, but he didn't react. Instead, he stared dully into Shons eyes, hopeful getting him to stop using intimidation.

He laughed in his head. Yeah right. He thought. Then a girl walked over. "Hey, Shon, stop it." The girl, Kaira Grey, was known for getting into fights… And winning.

"What are you going to do about it, Kaira?" Shon taunted.

Greyson was intrigued, but had a way of not showing his emotions. "Shon." Kaira said defiantly.

"What? You want me to use you as my punching bag instead?" Shon almost let Greyson go, but then remembered he was there, then grabbed him tighter by the shirt.

"I'd like to see you try." The girl glared at him. Shon clenched his jaw then let go of Greyson.

"Your lucky, Taylor." Shon whispered in his ear, then walked away.

Kaira started walking away. "Thank you." Greyson said quietly, then walked away, to his 1st period.

He walked in just as the bell rang. "Late again, Mr. Taylor?" The teacher, Mrs. Rose, scolded.

"Yep. Same reason." He said walking to his seat, not caring what people thought of him.

He pulled out his notebook, and dug around for a pencil. He found it then opened his notebook to a random page. He started to doodle.

"You should pay attention." A nerdy girl next to him whispered.

"I don't care." He told her, harshly.

"Just take some notes at least-" The girl insisted.

"Leave me alone, Scarlet." Greyson told her.

She glared at him, but listened. Scarlet Enrald. She and Greyson were the closest thing that Greyson had to a friend. Except, he didn't have friends. Scarlet was the kid in your class who everyone knew was a teachers pet, and always got straight A's.

Unlike Greyson, who could only dream of getting anything higher than a 'C.' Greyson wasn't as bad as he looked. He would occasionally scribble down what his English teacher was talking about. Finally, the bell rang.

"Mr.Taylor, come see me." Mrs. Rose called out.

The whole class murmured, and Greyson rolled his eyes. As everyone was leaving he strolled up to her. "Yes, Mrs. Rose?" He said, politely.

"Why were you late to class again, Greyson. You know what time the bell rings." Mrs. Rose glared at him.

"Yeah, you see, I was running late this morning and I had to use the bathroom. That's it. I lost track of time." Greyson lied. "Can I go now? So I'm not late to my next class?"

Mrs. Rose sighed. "I suppose. Don't let it happen again."

Greyson nodded then walked out of the classroom to his locker. There waiting for him was none other than Scarlet Enrald. "Yes, Scarlet."

Greyson opened his locker. "Was that about you being late?" Scarlet asked.

She out a piece of paper in his locker. "I don't want your pity notes. I'm fine on my own, thanks." Greyson took the piece of paper out and shoved it back into Scarlets hands. He grabbed his next notebook.

"But you need them." Scarlet out the piece of paper back into his locker.

Greyson took it out and shut his locker. Her walked away from Scarlet, and held the piece of paper up, crumpling it in his hand. He got his next class, late again. This day was going to be a long one.


The school day ended, and a bunch of people gathered outside of the school, as most of them lived within walking distance. Scarlet ran up to him. "Do you know how to leave people alone?" Greyson said.

"Of course. I choose not too." Scarlet said.

Greyson started walking away from her. "Hey, why is the sky purple?" People called in awe.

Greyson looked up. The sky was purple. "What the…" His voice trailed off.

Scarlet caught up to him. "We should get home. Something might happen." Scarlet said.

"Agreed." Greyson started running in the direction of his house, and accidentally bumped into someone.

It happened to be Kaira, but he didn't care. He heard Scarlet apologize to her, then continued running after Greyson. As they got closer, they realized that the source of the weird color of the sky was coming from Greyson's house. He fumbled with his keys but managed to open the door.

Scarlet and Greyson dropped their backpacks on his floor. Conveniently, the Enrald's lived next door to the Taylor's. But Scarlets parents worked late and would stay at Greyson's house until her parents got home.

They started investigating. Greyson was making sure his parents were okay, but they weren't there. They were still at work. They searched the whole house, but found nothing that could be the reason why the sky was purple.

There was one place they hadn't checked. Greyson stopped at the door to his basement. "Greyson, you know your not allowed-"

"So what? What if my parents are down there, in trouble? I'm sure it's okay for me to go check. The question is, are you coming with me, or not." Greyson opened the door and ran down the stairs.

Scarlet reluctantly followed. Greyson's basement was dusty. In it was a scratched up mirror. Also, there was junk. "Look see, there's nothing down here. Can we go back up-" Scarlet started.

"Scarlet, Greyson?" A voice from upstairs called.

The two high schoolers in the basement looked at each other. "We forgot about Sunshine!" Scarlet said, and Greyson rolled his eyes.

"Where are you guys? I saw your backpacks at the door, so don't try to hide from me!" The girl upstairs called. "Are you guys in the basement?" The girl came down the stairs.

"What are you guys doing down here… in the dark." Sunshine stepped off of the steps and turned the light on.

"You guys are so weird." Sunshine said.

"At least we're not fake." Greyson pointed out.

"I'm not fake!" Sunshine glared at him.

"Keep telling yourself that." Greyson rolled his eyes.

Sunshine and Scarlet were identical twins, but that was just a title given to them. In reality, their lives were completely different. Both had caramel brown hair and blue eyes, but Scarlet always had her hair up in some way, whether it be in a ponytail of a braid and she wore glasses. Sunshine always had her hair down and curled and she wore contacts.

One was popular and the other was a nerd. The room started to shake. "Earthquake?" Sunshine said.

"No." Scarlet was mesmerized by the mirror which now started glowing the same shade of purple that the sky was.

"What the…" Greyson had a tendency to say that.

Wind started blowing. The three of them stood there unable to move. The wind was very strong. Then it stopped. "How was there wind. In the basement." Scarlet said.

The mirror glowed brighter. It started to suck the air out the room, pulling the three of them towards it. Greyson flew into the mirror first, followed by the twins.

There was an awful silence. Greyson couldn't open his eyes and before he knew it, he hit the ground.

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