Following at the archery field, Lord Tasar watched his sons compete against one another and their competitors. From the time they were little to now each one has grown onto honorable young men.
Sparing a look at his wives who birth and help raise them into the men they are today, Lord Tasar sighed in content.
If he could forget the past week, he could delude himself into thinking nothing was wrong within his family.
The competition lasted until mid-day, with Lord Tasar's second son, Cyran, winning. Feeling festive Lord Tasar decided to let the merriment continue and have an open-air feast via bonfires.
Plans made the majority of the women went back to their homes to change out of their sweating clothes or to help with cooking. While the men went about settling up the tables and bonfires.
Saavi also wanted to advise her young Miss to go change, but Mika stopped her before she could speak by seizing her bow again.
Joanos watched Mika all day, witnessing her grab the bow and walked towards the shooting range he followed along.
"Wyn, grab my bow and follow me." Joanos' steward, Wyn, went and complied with Joanos' wishes.
"Miss Mikaela, we have a shadow." Kaze sensed Joanos' presence pursuing after them from Lord Tasar's tent.
"En. I know. Everyone else has left to get ready for the feast, that means the shooting range is empty. This will be the perfect time to scope him out."
Kaze nodded in understanding, walking ahead he place Mika's bow case on an archer's table.
Though the shooting range was empty, the noise from the set up for the feast was loud. Mika watched and listened as everyone went about their job not minding her presence at the range one bit.
Picking up her bow Mika notched an arrow about to take aim when Joanos to arrive at the next table over.
"Miss Mikaela, I thought to keep you company I hope you don't mind."
Lowering her bow Mika inclined her head without saying a word in reply.
Raising her bow anew, Mika steadied her hands and released her arrow striking the eight-point area.
Ignoring Joanos' proximity completely, Mika then shot three more arrows in rapid succession. Providing Joanos limited time to converse.
Kaze smirked, he watches this young master Joanos get thrown off his game simply from Miss Mikaela's presence.
If young master Joanos thought he was still going to get the "obedient Mikaela" she gave to Lord Tasar he could forget it.
Picking up on the slight change in Miss Mikaela's aura, Joanos was caught off guard, Have I assess Miss Mikaela wrongly? Joanos thought.
Looking at the young girl standing beside him, Joanos couldn't help the inferior feeling building inside him.
Deciding to change tactics Joanos asked Mika a question.
"Will you marry me?"
Mika just about to release her another arrow when Joanos asked this question, making her lose concentration. Resulting in the arrow going wide before falling to the ground.
Joanos gave himself a round of applause in his mind for the crack in Mika's defenses. Feeling like he was back on even playing the field again, Joanos continue with this line of questioning.
"What do you think of me?"
Mika sighed and placed her bow down on the table, turning to Joanos and gave him a once over from head to toe.
Recognizing, Mika was scrutinizing his looks, Joanos stood a little taller while giving little cough to hide his bashfulness.
Only a foot taller than she was, with soft almost feminine-like features. Including his green eyes, dark long hair and a sun-kissed complexion, Mika would say he was beautiful, not handsome.
"Young master Joanos must be joking, if Lord Tasar didn't introduce you as "young master" I wouldn't have thought you a male."
Mika tilts her head towards his crotch here, with a pondering look on her face.
Joanos followed Mika sights, where is this young girl looking!? Joanos though when he heard Mika words and saw her actions.
Kaze couldn't help the laugh that left his mouth as he thought back to his and Miss Mikaela's previous conversation about eunuchs.
Feeling his world flip upside down, Joanos stood froze staring into Mika's snickering eyes.
This brat! She has the nerve to say such things to my face then look at me with an innocent face! Joanos thoughts were having a meltdown as his face as still as stone.
Thinking she may have been a little too harsh on him, as Joanos hasn't said anything for a while, Mika gave him an out.
"Young Master Joanos, Why don't we play a game?... We'll each shoot an arrow, and whoever gets the best score will ask a question while the loser has to answer... What do you think?"
Joanos was trying to come up with the best response to Mika's previous statements when she spoke again.
Thinking this might be good to get things back on track, Joanos agreed.