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86.66% Trusting Milo / Chapter 13: T H I R T E E N

Chapter 13: T H I R T E E N


After I finished the mission with Wes, I noticed Indie still hadn't come back. I handed my controller to Dave and then made my way upstairs towards the bathroom. There were people all over the place and I began searching the crowds for my little green eyed kitten.

I thought I heard someone yell but the music was blaring through the house and I couldn't be too sure. When I got closer to the door, I was about to knock, when I heard a blood curdling scream on the other side.

I flung the door open to one of the football jocks from school straddling Indie, and then all I saw was red.

I don't remember how many times I had knocked his face in, and truthfully I didn't fucking care. The fact that this disgusting piece of shit had the audacity to even touch my girl, made my blood boil. The kid got a couple hits in, but I didn't even feel it.

Indie cried out just as I went for another swing. All of my attention snapped to her; I had been so busy wailing on this dude that I never even checked to make sure she was okay.

I got up and started walking to her, but right at she called out my name, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and I watched her body fall limp.

I cradled her in my arms, quickly looking around for any signs of damage. My hand that was placed under her head began to feel sticky. Lifting it up, I realized it was blood and everything started to move in slow motion.

"Milo, what the hell ha--," Tanner said as he ran into the bathroom, his eyes widening in horror when he saw the scene before him.

"Get her to Carlos, now!," he yelled, yanking me out of my trance.

I raced down the hallway, carrying her bridal style to the SUV, Jake and Tyler trailing behind me. Once I had slid into the back seat, Tyler drove us to see the gang's on site doctor.

"What the fuck happened?!" Jake growled out.

"I walked in on Gage attacking her," I grumbled out, clenching my jaw tighter as the image reappeared in my mind.

"Does she have any other injuries besides her head?," Tyler asked.

With that said, I started to analyze her from the face down. I saw that the button to her pants were undone, making the anger rise up again. I noticed her shirt had been pulled up, exposing some skin but stopped instantly when my eyes landed on a blackened line going straight across her lower abdomen.

What the fuck?

I lifted her shirt a little more to get a better view, only to realize I was looking at a very ugly, purple and black bruise.

"What the fuck?," I questioned again, but this time out loud.

Jake whipped his head around as I clicked the dome light on, lifting her shirt up more.

We looked down at her stomach to see three dark lines with purple splotches surrounding them. My heart rate was through the roof at this point, and my eyes were beginning to water.

"Who the fuck would do that?," Jake said through gritted teeth.

"Do what? What are you talking about?," Tyler said, reangeling the rear view mirror to put Indie in sight.

I felt the car jerk, knowing he now saw what we could see.

Within seconds, the car had jolted to a stop. I leapt out with her in my arms, racing up the front steps. I threw the door open and took her directly to the basement, knowing that Tanner had already called him with the details.

"Lay her down here," Carlos instructed.

I laid her fragile little body down as gently as I could, stepping back so that he could examine her.

I watched as he cut her clothes off, making me shoot a glare over to the guys, silently telling them to look the other way. They complied.

"Oh my...," I heard Carlos whisper, making all of us jerk our heads around.

What I saw next would haunt me forever. Bruises decorated her entire body, there were rope burn scars on her ankles, and she had 'worthless' carved into her thigh...

I felt multiple emotions fill me to the core; anger, worry, guilt, shame. But most of all, I felt broken. How could anyone do something like this to her? How did I not notice? How could I have let this happen? Why didn't she tell me? Who the fuck would do this?

I had so many questions, and I knew I wouldn't get the answers until she woke up. I stormed out of the basement and went to sit in the car, not wanting to be near anyone right now.

"We'll figure out who did this," Jake said after joining me in the SUV.

I just sat in silence, not having faith in my voice. I may be a gang leader in training, but nothing could have prepared me for that.

Tanner and the girls showed up about an hour later. Vera and Em had broken down in tears while I told them everything we knew.

"Who would do such a thing?," Vera cried out.

"I don't know," I said dryly, trying not to lose my temper. It's not her fault this happened to Indie.

Carlos came out of couple hours later asking us to join him downstairs. Indie had been admitted to one of the rooms so that he could keep an eye on her.

"Before you all go in there... I had to remove all the make up in order to examine her properly... she looks a bit different than you're used to,"

"The damage report is extensive. She had some internal bleeding, two fractured ribs, carvings down her leg, rope burn scars that are now medicated, her spine will need a readjustment, she has had multiple broken bones in time that never healed properly, she has bruises scattered across her body some of which came from a blunt force object. She is currently in a medically induced coma," he said monotonously while flipping through the papers on his clipboard.

"Milo, I don't know where you found this girl... but she has been through some unimaginable things...," he added.

The girls were sobbing uncontrollably while the guys were shaking with rage.

"She's my girlfriend," I stated through gritted teeth, throwing the door open to see my angel laying down with tubes running into her mouth and nose. I almost broke down right there.

I pulled a seat up next to the bed and pulled her hand into mine. I moved a few strands behind her ear and grimaced when I saw the giant bruise on her cheek and the one plastered across her neck.

"Who the fuck tried to strangle you?," I asked aloud, knowing damn well she couldn't hear me nor answer.

I heard the girls gasp from behind me as they walked in.

"I don't understand why she wouldn't tell me...," I said, looking up to see everyone's saddened faces.

"I'm sure she had her reasons, bubba," Vera said softly while placing her hand on my shoulder.

Eventually, Carlos sent everyone home to get some rest, telling them that he didn't know when she would wake up. I insisted on staying, so he brought me some pillows and blankets while I got comfortable on the couch.

D A Y S • L A T E R

The crew had come to check on Indie periodically throughout the week, as well as my mom and dad. We were all anxious for her to wake up. I had been a mess without her. Tanner ended up having to stand in my place during the shipments and meetings; I couldn't bare the thought of leaving her side.

I can promise you, I'm going to kill the mother fucker that dared to lay a hand on her.

I was sitting with Em, watching some sappy lifetime movie when I heard a groan. I whipped my head around to see Indie's eyes fluttering open.

"I'll get the doctor!," Em called out as she ran out of the room.

I hastily walked to her bedside and sat in the chair. "I missed you, mi reina," I said softly while taking her hand in mine.

"M-Milo... W-Where am I?," she asked while looking around the room in a daze.

"You're at the docs house. Baby, do you remember what happened?," I questioned, unsure of how to approach the situation.

She looked up as if she were trying to recall her last memory, and then fear and panic took over her facial features.

"T-The guy f-from the dance floor... h-he... h-he came into the b-bathroom...," by this point, the tears were pouring out like a dam had been released. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her entire body trembling.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl. I took care of him, don't you worry," I whispered in her ear while kissing her forehead and stroking her back.

After a few minutes, my dad and Carlos came in, happy to see her awake. Doc asked if he could talk to her about a few things. She seemed hesitant at first, but I nodded at her letting her know he could be trusted.

"Sure," she replied quietly.

"Okay then, first things first, Indigo, my name is Carlos--" he began.

"Please, call me Indie... you did save my life after all," she said calmly.

I saw him smile halfheartedly at her before continuing, "Right. Indie... well, when you were brought here, you had an alarming amount of bruises on your body. Could you explain how you got them?"

I felt her tense up in my hold.

I looked down at her and then up at my dad and Carlos to see they both had the same concerned look etched on their face as I did.

"You have to tell us, mi amor. I can't protect you, if I don't know who's hurting you...," I said in a rather begging tone.

She sat silently for a minute, tears rolled down her cheeks. I could tell she was battling with herself as I watched a mix of emotions flash through her dark green orbs.

After a few more minutes of silence, I could see that they were losing hope in her telling us the truth; I was too.

I just don't understand how anyone could do this to her. I don't blame her for not saying anything... I can tell that it pains her to even acknowledge the abuse.

"J-Jim...," she choked out.

"As in your dad?," I asked, trying to keep myself from throwing the chair across the room.

"Y-Yes," she muttered.

It came out in almost a whisper and I wasn't sure if they had even heard her. But my suspicions were quickly confirmed when I looked over to see my dad clenching his fists, disgust and anger filling his facial features.

And I know my expression mirrored his. Her own fucking father?!

P L E A S E • V O T E

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