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60% Trusting Milo / Chapter 9: N I N E

Chapter 9: N I N E


I watched as realization hit her, chewing on the inside of my cheek so I don't laugh at how entirely adorable she looked. This girl was everything and more. The first day I met her, she was quiet and seclusive-- completely shut off. A little over a week later, she's politely telling another man off, for me... 

Her nervousness is a definite turn on, but her new found confidence was fucking sexy too. I was having an extremely hard time not losing all self control after that kiss. I'm almost sure it was her first time, and that made Milo Junior way too excited. 

"W-Well... what was I supposed to say?," she asked softly.

"Exactly that," I stated in a 'matter of fact' tone.

After an older woman came to take our order, we continued to talk about everything that came to mind. I learned that she wanted to be an art teacher, her favorite flowers are sunflowers, she prefers night over day, and enjoys reading more than watching television.

"What do your parents do?," she asked out of nowhere.

I knew this was coming and I had even planned for it.

"Well, you've been to my moms coffee shop-- that was her dream... my dad helped her get it all up and running before I was born. It became the town's center piece," I said.

"And your dad?," she asked.

I took a deep breath, stalling.

"Do you trust me?," I asked her, panic and fear clouding my mind that she would run away from me once she found out the truth. I looked up to see her smiling at me. Her reply was short and sweet, "of course, Milo."

Hearing her say that she trusted me made all of my worries fly out the window. With that, I began to tell her about the family business. I told her that my dad was the leader of the Santino Pandilla, that I was the next in line to take over, how Tanner was my right hand, how Jake was my third in command, how Tyler was my top soldier, how the gang is a family and how we take care of one another. When I was done, we sat in an uncomfortable silence for what felt like ages. At this point, I knew she didn't want anything to do with me so I debated on asking if she wanted me to take her home. Her eyes flickered up to meet mine and what she said next, made me determined to make her mine tonight.

"Hm, makes sense with the whole mansion and G.I. Joe's in the front yard thing. So, what? That makes you like a total bad ass, right?," she asked with a smile playing on her cute little lips.

Our first date went better than I ever expected it to. I drove her home, holding her hand in mine the whole way back. Instead of dropping her off at the park, I decided to stop a couple of houses from hers. I didn't want her being on the streets this late looking the way she did. I hopped out of the truck and made my way over to the passenger side, opening the door for her. She stepped out and timidly looked towards her house. She didn't look like she wanted to go, but then again, I'm sure my face said the same.

"Indie," I said, wanting to gain her attention for this.

"Yes?," she asked.

"Tonight's date was perfect. And I want there to be more in the future. My mom taught me patience and I swear to you that I'm trying to be. But every day that passes knowing I can't have you is like torture. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine," I said, feeling the weight lift from my shoulders. I couldn't see her face since she was staring at the ground; I wanted to know her thoughts. It was killing me. I placed my finger under her chin and gently lifted her head up, half expecting her to tell me she didn't feel that way. Instead, I saw tears streaming down her sweet face and a smile that was creeping it's way to the surface. Her eyes held nothing but love and adoration, making my heart palpitate.

"You like me...?," she asked as if it were really a question.

"Oh angel, I lo-- like you very much.," I said, stopping myself from saying my true thoughts. I couldn't tell her I was in love with her yet. That would definitely scare her off. But I knew I did. I knew from the moment I watched her skate across the lot of Willow High.

I felt little arms wrap around my waist and looked down to see Indie burying her face in my chest. "I like you very much too," she said, her words muffled into my shirt. I held her tightly in my arms and kissed her forehead, wondering how I got so lucky to meet her.

I knew she had to go and I caught myself wishing that her home was with me. Before she left, she stood on her tippy toes and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. And just like that, she was skating down the sidewalk.


I slowly made my way back into the house. Once my front door was shut, I let out a deep breath; my mind wanting to relive tonight on repeat. Walking towards my room, I noticed a light on in the living room. My heart began to race. He never leaves his room after supper.

I was in a complete state of panic and thought about just running back out the front door. I felt a heavy hand being placed on my shoulder, the pressure daring me to turn around.

"Where the fuck have you been, and dressed like that?!," he barked out as his eyes darkened.

I didn't even know what lie to make up. I wasn't prepared for this. But I wasn't given too much time for an explanation either before I felt his fist collide into my chest. I fell back on the ground, wheezing for air. He wasted no time and was straddling me in seconds, throwing punch after punch into my stomach. I cried out, begging him to stop. He grunted out a chuckle while lifting me up by my neck. I squirmed under his grip, my feet no longer touching the ground.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you lately, but I'm going to remind you who the fuck runs shit around here!," he hollered out. He dropped me to the ground and began to kick my arms violently as I shielded my face. I felt a few blows hit me in the back of my head, making black spots appear in my vision. At this point, I was sobbing and coughing up blood. 

I thought he was done, but then I heard him shuffling through the kitchen drawers. He came back with a steak knife and lifted me up by my hair, dragging me through the house while I kicked and screamed. He threw me to the ground, my head thumping on the floor in the process. My vision blurred again and I felt him yank my maxi skirt down. I groaned, not seeming to be able to move much anymore. And then a sharp pain pierced through my thigh as he began carving into my skin. I howled out in anguish, tears falling down the side of my face and into my hair. Thankfully, after what I think was a few minutes, the darkness swallowed me.

N E X T • M O R N I N G

I woke up with my entire body aching, my chest felt like it was on fire. I scrambled out of bed and walked to the mirror. I had sickening dark bruises wrapped all around my neck, multiple bruises were scattered along my torso and arms, then plastered down my left thigh was the word 'worthless' carved with dried blood hanging off each letter. I began to sob, remembering the harsh punishment I received last night.  

I don't know if I'm going to last until my birthday.

I didn't respond to any of the texts I received throughout the day from the crew. I knew if I spoke to Milo right now, I'd break. Monday came and I decided not to go to school. The bruises along my neck looked worse, so Jim agreed for me to stay behind. I texted Milo telling him I was sick so that he wouldn't worry, or show up at my house uninvited. By Tuesday, my neck was looking a bit better but I wasn't mentally prepared to talk with anyone so I convinced Jim into letting me miss school for one more day.

My nightmares had been getting worse and to be honest, I needed to catch up on some much needed sleep. So, I spent the rest of the day laying around, replaying my date with Milo in my head. I thought about the punishment I endured after being caught. I should've been scared straight but to me it was all worth it because now I was dating Milo Santino.


"Wake the hell up!," I heard Jim yell through the house.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed. I brushed my hair out and just let it do it's natural thing today since I knew the effort wasn't worth it. Grabbing some clothes out of my hidden spot; I tugged on a black tight fitting long sleeved turtle neck, then pulled my distressed denim overalls up while flinging the straps over my shoulders and fastening them into the buttons. After putting on concealer and mascara, I threw on my converse and left for school.

I rolled into the lot seeing the gang all huddled up at the yellow Volkswagen. Everyone's head shot up when they heard me skating towards them. Milo wore the biggest grin, which I couldn't help but reciprocate. 

"Good morning mi belleza," he said as he planted a kiss on my temple.

"Are you feeling better?!," Vera asked, worry laced in her voice.

"Much, now that I'm here," I said truthfully, smiling at her in return.

"Good! Group hug on 3!," Tanner shouted.

"3!," Jake chirped out.

Before I could process what was happening, I felt a hurdle of arms wrapped around me. I began to giggle in pure delight. 

Why can't I just live at school instead?

P L E A S E • V O T E

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