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100% Being a Light Novel Protagonist Really Sucks! / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Waking In a Strange World!

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Waking In a Strange World!

I can feel myself being pulled from the depths of unconsciousness... And I don't like it. Why can't I just sleep for the rest of my life? Imagine... No worries... No human interaction... Nothing but pure, unadulterated bliss!

As my train of thought continues down this track, I can slowly start to sense things around me. Light shines through my eyelids, doing nothing but forcing me closer towards the ever-growing shore of consciousness.

I had spent the entire night before playing a recently released VRMMO called "Magic Nexus GO!" It's the latest entry in the Magic Nexus series, a wildly popular franchise spanning several consoles and platforms. I've been playing these games since I can remember, so I had to play it on the midnight launch.

The only problem is, I spent all night playing it. By the time I checked the time bar in the menus, it was already almost eight in the morning! I knew I had to get some sleep, lest I want to risk throwing my big sister into a rage. She's always been a little overprotective when it comes to her family.

My thoughts started wandering while I drift closer and closer to waking up. But something feels off. My bed feels different, almost like it's a different mattress, and I can start to hear faint murmuring from somewhere nearby. It sounds like multiple people... That's weird.

"He just appeared here in the nude! What else was I supposed to do with him?" The voice sounded young, almost like it belonged to a middle schooler.

"I don't know! But putting him in MY bed without my permission?! I told you never to come in here without my express consent!" Whoever is talking must be older. They have a much deeper voice than the other.

"Oh, come on! Is that seriously your only concern?! I think the more glaring issue is that he's even here! What will we do when he wakes up?" A third voice? This one seems similar to the one before it but has a more immature tone.

I can't comprehend much of the conversation, but I do take note of the sound of the voices.

As I continue to wake up, the murmuring turns into chatter, getting louder and louder. With curiosity seizing hold of me, my eyes flutter open. Bright light flows in from a window on the opposite side of the room. I'm sprawled out on a king size mattress, and as I look towards the foot of the bed, I notice the source of the chatter.

Three utterly gorgeous women stand before me, each with a pained expression on her face.

On the left stands a woman with crystal blue eyes and long, luscious emerald hair. I bet it's soft to the touch... Uh, where was I? Oh right. She was the tallest of the three. She also seemed to be very angry.

In the middle, a girl around 14 years old is cowering. I couldn't tell if the expression on her face was one of worry or disgust. Either way, her purple eyes, as well as her shoulder-length golden hair, was enough to captivate me. Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that!

Finally, on the far right, A woman who seemed to be the oldest stood with an admonishing glare, probably directed toward the other two. Her long light blue hair and crimson eyes definitely made her the best looking out of the three.

They continued to bicker for another minute or so before realizing that I was awake. The mood of the room almost immediately changed, donning a palpable awkwardness in seconds. Finally, after a long silence, the blue-haired maiden spoke.

"Oh, you've awoken... Do you mind telling us who you are? Or maybe how you got here? We want answers, peasant!" What was with the tone? And why'd she call me peasant?!

"Yeah, you peasant! Tell us why you're here!" The youngest chimed in. What's with the hostility??

"Both of you shaddap! Just take a look at him. He seems as confused as we are, so let's try to be a little friendlier." The blue-eyed woman said, obviously annoyed. Finally, someone who I may be able to explain myself to. "So, do you mind telling us what's going on?"

"She's right! I have absolutely no idea what's going on. Where am I? What is this place?" I was hoping they'd give me some answers. Maybe then I'll be able to get my bearings. In the state I'm in, there's no way I'll give them any information about me.

"What do you mean where are you?! The royal palace, of course!" The loli's starting to get on my nerves. "You do know that you're in the Ainswal Kingdom, right?"

... A kingdom?

MysticDeku MysticDeku

The first formal chapter has been released! I can't wait to write more, and I'm excited to develop this story. I'm hoping to put out around two chapters a week, so if you enjoyed, please keep following the publication! Thanks for reading!

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