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72.72% the love I found in another world / Chapter 8: Moving

Chapter 8: Moving

The next morning after everyone had gotten enough sleep,the nu family told the su family about nu nala's space,because they knew that the su family weren't bad or greedy people,so they trusted them plus they were going to be future in laws.The su family were shocked and had a hard time accepting this,but after nala took a spiritual herb from nowhere,they had to believe them no matter how crazy it sounds.While the rest of the su family were shocked,su sugo was happy because at least his"wife" had a way to protect herselt.Nu nala sneaked of to prepare breakfast along with su sugo while the two families were busy talking to each other about nu nala.

Nu nala:''sugo,can you help me make breakfast''

su sugo:''sure wifey,but you should really try to call me hubby''

nu nala:''i want to wait till i am a little older,how about i call you that on our wedding,won't it be more romantic that way''

su sugo:''okay,anything for you dear"

nu nala:''(blushing)d-dear?''

su sugo:''yep,because i will also start calling you wifey again after we get married''

nu nala:''(still blushing)s-sure,now stop teasing me and let's go make breakfast"

su sugo:''okay,okay,whatever you say"

Nu nala and su sugo them cooked breakfast for the whole family,They made mini dumplings,fried and pouched eggs,jasmine marigold and chyrustmatam tea,some light spiritual herb soup,some smoked fish filled with berries,and some pancake with maple and cherry syrup.

Nu nala:''now that we are done,let's take them in"

su sugo:''okay,they all smell and look delicious,so now i can't wait to try them,plus i am very happy that my wife can cook,and now i can learn from you"

nu nala:''why do you want to learn how to cook"

su sugo:''because when you are pregnant you can't move around a lot,so i have to be able to cook for you"

Nu nala:''(as red as a tomato)y-you rouge"

su sugo:''only for you sweetie,and no one else,but you should prepare yourself for the future you know"

nu nala:''(confused)prepare for what"

su sugo:''(smirking)of course for what i am going to do to you"

Nu nala:''(still confused)what will you do to me"

su sugo:"(smiling evilly)of course you will find out during the wedding night"

nu nala:''(confused)is there something that happens during the wedding night"

Su sugo:''(shaking his head)no wonder mother-in-law said that you were completely innocent"

Nu nala:''(still not getting it)what do you mean"

Su sugo:''don't worry about it,you will find out when the time is right,but for now we should take the food to the hall before it gets cold,and before our family starves to death"

Nu nala:''(mind completely taken of)ohg okay,we should"

su sugo:''sure"

They sent the food in and the whole family ate together in peace.{name of su sugo's family members:su chang-dad,su mei-mom,su cheng-grandpa,su meli-grandma,su chan-great uncle(su cheng's only brother),su liu-great aunt(su chan's wife),su chen-cousin(su chan's grandson,and the last person in the world that has a white talent along with su sugo and nu nala),su yang(su chan's son,and su chen's dad),su zhao(su chen's mom)}[su chen's family is at their home in the rose continent]When they sent the food in,the 2 families stopped talking because of the smell coming out of the food.

nu mumu:''thank you for making the food sweetie,if you didn't bring it we would have forgot"(since they are cultivators,they don't need to eat,and they can go a whole month without food,the higher your cultivation,the days you can survive without food)

su mei:''you never told me that na'er could cook"

nu mumu:''sorry,you guys just came yesterday,and we had a lot more to talk about so i forgot"

su mei:''its fine,i was just surprised,su'er,you should learn how to cook from your wife"

nu nala:''(blushing)h-he already said that he will,but i still don't know what he meant by he can't wait till our wedding night"

su mei:"(blank face)su'er,who taught you that,because i am pretty sure that i told chang that we will teach you when you are 10"

su sugo:''(confused)it was dad,he said that every man had to know those"

su cheng:''well there goes our son's life"

su meli:''i agree"

nu mumu:''yep,if sumo did the same,i would also react the same way"

nu sumo:''i am glad that i listen to you"

su chang:''(sweating)c-calm down dear,we can talk about this later"

su mei:''(smiling sweetly)talk about what honey~"

su chang:''(look of defeat)well,let's talk about it after we eat okay"

su mei:''naturally,i can't let na'er food go to waste like that when she spent a lot of time on it"

They family all peacefully ate the food,although the atmosphere was tense with the adults,nu nou,nu bulu,nu nala,and su sumo didn't seem to have realized,and kept on eating the heavenly tasting food in front of them.When everyone was done eating,the nu family decided to go and give their gifts,but before they left su cheng said:"you should give the royal family 2 low grade spirit coins instead,after all even in our continent only the royal family has high grade spirit coins,and they only have 10 in total"when he said that it finally dawned onto the nu family,and they were glad that they had the su family here or else they would have brought this continent trouble instead of fortune.The nu family spent the rest of the day till 6pm giving out their gifts,when they were done the king decided to have a festival as a goodbye for the nu family.The festival was lively,and there were a lot of fun games and delicious bulu and nu nou hung out together,and nu nala and su sumo hung out together.Nu nala was completely clueless about all the guys that were watching her during the whole festival,but su sumo got super jealous,so he put his hands on nu nala's waist.

Nu nala:"(blushing)y-you,w-what are you doing,we are out in the open,not at home"

su sumo:''(smirking),you are my wife,i have the rights,and what do you mean we are not at home,are you saying that if we were at home,i am allowed to hold this thin waist of yours"

Nu nala:"(blushing)t-that's not what i m-meant"

su sumo:"(speaking right to her ears)then dear~ what exactly did you mean"

nu nala:''(burying her head in his chest)n-nothing"

su sumo:"(happy)good,let's walk around holding hands"

nu nala:"(meak)o-okay"

They walked around while holding hands for the rest of the festival,they had a lot of fun and headed home completely tired but satisfied.They went to sleep after taking a bath when they went home.

rosemoon rosemoon

sorry for not posting yesterday,i forgot

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