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The Alpha's Mate.(BL) The Alpha's Mate.(BL) original

The Alpha's Mate.(BL)

Author: ThinkingAshy

© WebNovel

Ch 1 The Meeting

A small introduction to the characters before I start

Jax (The main character Info:Human. Sexualitly:Pansexual. age 19 and finishing highschool.he has black fluffy but soft silky hair with red tips. Bright emerald and grey/Blue eyes. body is kinda like a little muscle but mostly skinny. enjoys Reading,Singing,dancing,drawing,and fighting.

Zero (The other main character. Wolf pack leader+Mafia leader. sexuality:Straight. age 22 out of school. has Dark Black almost blue hair. His eyes are Bright blue with small specks of green. Body is very well built he has a lot of muscle and he's the mafia leader and the Alpha of his pack. Enjoys Killing, gambling,fighting,dancing,and Stealing.

~!This is a Gay fantasy so be aware! and there will be new characters through out the story but I wanted the readers to know the main ones now~

Begin story Chapter 1 Meeting.

Jax P.O.V. I wake up to my alarm which rang for a few minutes before I got up and turn it off I grab my Big black EXO hoodie then I go to my drawers and I grab my black skinny jeans I put them on and grab my Dark grey converse and I walk out of my room. I go into the living room and I see my dad sleeping on the couch most likely drugged out...going to the kitchen I grab a price of toast and eat it as I go to the bathroom so I could fix my fluffy unkempt Red/Black hair I brush it to the side and just barely spray it into place I look into the mirror and see that my eyes were their usual emerald green with just a small hint of Grey and blue. after I'm done I leave the bathroom grab my long board and put on my converse then I leave for school. on the way to school⏭ On the way to school I stopped at the crosswalk and waited for the traffic to stop so I can the little white guy showed up instead of the orange/red stop hand I walked across as I was walking I saw a huge guy walking by he had sunglasses on and his suit was very expensive looking his hair was a dark Black almost blue and his skin was olive colored. he was absolutely beautfiul I made it to the other side of the crosswalk and was about to get back on my board when I feel a hand cover my mouth and someone growls into my ear "Not a sound. got it?" I nod my head as I Look around and see no one is gonna help me...I feel the hand leave my mouth and turn me around I look at the guy and he takes off his sunglasses as he leans down to my height and says "Look into my eyes" I look into his eyes as fear engulfs me then I realize "Your the guy I just passed on the crosswalk!" he stares at me like I was crazy. he brushes his Chestnut hair back and let's out an angry breath "Who and what are you?" the growl left his voice and I swear I could melt his voice was a deep husky and beautiful sound. I gulp and answer him praying that my voice didn't crack or show my fear "I don't know what you mean sir but I need to get to school" he grabs the collar of my shirt pulling me in as he growls again "Who and What are you!" I try to back up but his hold on my shirt was iron he pulled me in ever more as I tried to get myself away He leans forward and then I feel cold air on my neck and I realize He's sniffing my neck!?...I tense up as his head got closer to my neck and then I felt a severe pain and then a cooling wetness on my neck as I figure out he Just bit and licked me! "WHAT THE HELL!?" I yelled at him as he steps back and I grab .y board which had fallen on the ground as I run away from the hot but freaky guy...Hopefully I never see him again.

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