While we were going back the same route I could see that Greg move a little from me and then he said "the sea isn't that cold like I thought"
"True but still I will not swim here," Meg said to him
"Not only you," Mei said
"Why," he asks them
"You don't have here someone to look at us," Meg said
"Oh right," he said to them while coming more there. 'What you planning' I ask myself and then he said after few seconds "ok short walk like that and I'm going out they start becoming too big"
"Ok," we said to him and while we were walking like that for some time he said "fuck I'm going out"
"What happened," I ask him while I not been paying attention to him but I been looking at the sky which been now clean.
"Waves become too big and I don't want to lose some things," he said to me
hi, only one chapter today (wn time) I will not be able to write seconds and publish it. yesterday I was drinking with my old classmates so u might know what happened later