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98.52% Minecraft: A New Beginning / Chapter 67: Episode 63: A New Purpose (2)

Chapter 67: Episode 63: A New Purpose (2)


Arthur's POV


No matter how much time has passed, I still can't believe the amount of iron in this place.

I'm still riding my horse, refuses to move a single block until Sisilla starts explaining.

"What are you doing, standing still like a cactus? I thought your kingdom needed resources."

The voice of Sisilla snap me back to reality and I quickly stare at her.

"Are these ships... Is this..." I try to ask some sensible questions but I'm still astonished about the things I'm seeing.

"Deep breathe now. No need to hurry." Sisilla says.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

After a while, I feel a lot calmer and my thoughts are slightly cleared up.

I dismounted my horse and start walking towards one of the ships.

I start tapping on the side of the ship. It's probably one iron block thick and ten blocks high. The estimated length is about 45 blocks.

This is the biggest ships I have ever seen in my life. Way bigger than the capital ship of Chaephitopia, Devilena.

I don't see any sails or holes on the sides for the oars.

"How do these ships move?" I suddenly ask a question and I can see Sisilla walking towards me.

"Even though the nether has a strong breeze, using sails on these ships are useless since they are too heavy." Sisilla starts explaining. "Using oars are too inefficient since it involves diverting manpower for the rowing so, I ordered the smartest noble family in my kingdom, Ricciardi, to invent a new method of sea travel and they invented the steam engine."

"Steam engine?" I ask.

Sisilla walks towards the stern of the ship and I follow her.

"Using cauldron filled with water and furnace to create steam then funneling it to a tube to spin the 'Propeller'." She says while pointing at what looks like a four-bladed weapon made out of iron.

I didn't understand a single word Sisilla said but it doesn't matter. We now have plenty of iron to make armor and weapons.

"Aah... I remember the days when I used to travel the world with these ships." Sisilla says while staring at the ship. "I've been in all the six seas. Holy Sea, Frozen Sea, Sea of Traders, Shallow Sea, Eastern Sea, and the Sunken Sea."

She suddenly looks at me and I flinch at her gaze.

"Arthur, what are the seas called these days? I assume their names have changed." She asks.

I pause for a moment to think. I remember all the name of the seas and their original name through my mother's strict teaching. She wanted me to know the history of this world and emphasizes how important it is.

'In order for us to move forward, we sometimes need to take a step back.' Those are the words of my mother and I can never ever forget them.

"The 'Sea of Traders' is no longer called that but rather the 'Pirate Sea'." I start explaining.

"Huh. So my people are back to slaving and plundering." Sisilla casually says like it's not a big deal.

"The sea south of Astikuviel and Forest of Monsters is changed to 'Arthropod Sea' from 'Shallow Sea' since Giant Spiders usually wash up the shore and started attacking the civilians and they also attack ships." I continue.

"The sea west of Xaerin is still called 'Sunken Sea', named after the great sea battle," I say.

"Yes, I remember that day. Half of my wooden fleet sunk on that sea along with the fleet of Xaerin and Aezeokar." She says in a happy tone that made me uncomfortable since it was said that thousands of people died that day.

"The sea north and east of Aezeokar, 'Frozen Sea' is still called that while the 'Holy Sea', located west, has changed into 'Dead Sea' after the brutal invasion of the underwater monument by the Guardians, and lastly, the 'Eastern Sea', located east of the Forest of Monsters, is now called 'Undead Sea'," I finally finish explaining.

This past week, I never get the chance to talk to Sisilla since she just keeps on galloping forward, ignoring me completely but now we are having a lengthy conversation.

"I see," Sisilla says while taking a deep breath and equipping a diamond pickaxe in her hand. "We should get started."

"Wait," I say to her and she quickly stares at me. "You sure about this? What if you still need these ships?"

"You said that your kingdom manages to field one thousand soldiers and they are now in the western border of Astikuviel," Sisilla says.


Thankfully, Queen Thea manages to gather quite a lot of support from the north and the capital. Even though one thousand is not a lot, it's still sufficient in stopping the advance of the undead army.

"Well, this fleet can ferry up to twenty thousand troops. Let's just leave a dozen or so ships in case we might need them." Sisilla says.

"Plus, this is our fault." She says and it made me stare at her since this is my first hearing a sad tone from her. "We bled the world dry of resources, thinking a single charge will win the war, leaving the future generation with stones weapons and leather armor."

I equip the diamond tip spear in my hand given by King Carolus and stare at it.

Is she talking about diamonds?

"Enough with the talk." Sisilla voice suddenly roars the cave. "We should get to work." She says while throwing something at me.

I quickly put away the diamond spear in my inventory and catch the thing Sisilla just threw.

It's an enchanted iron pickaxe.

Sisilla places chests on the ground and said to store everything we mined before sending it to Queen Thea.

We start working in silence while I wonder if my kingdom will ever survive the coming battle.


Raimer Van Ranst's POV


"Any news about the army of the undead?" I ask one of the soldiers walking beside me and my wife.

We're heading towards the meeting room to discuss with the other Dukes about the monster situation.

"No, your grace." The soldier replies.

"That's great then. The monsters still haven't made a move." I say.

It didn't take long for the news of the undead appearing in the border to spread across the kingdom. Everyone panic at first but I quickly calmed down the masses.

The Dukes of the north, west, and south even came to the capital and 'swear' their allegiance to protect the kingdom. I guess thousands of vicious monsters are the fastest way to unite this fragile kingdom.

"You sure about this, Felicia?" I ask my wife since I'm worried about her. "You can just rest in your room."

"What kind of a queen I'll be if I just spend my entire time lying in bed." She says. "Besides, do you really think you can talk to the other Dukes and manages to convince them without me?"

Both of us stares at each other then start laughing.

Felicia knows how big-headed and selfish these dukes are. She also knows how to get around this and bend them to her will. That's how she managed to convince my father to marry her even though he's totally against it since he thought the royal power will split into two with the other powerful house.

We manage to reach the meeting room. I assume everyone is already present the moment we get inside but before the guards can open the door, a man suddenly approaches us on the side.

The forty-year-old man smiles at us while bowing his head.

"Prince Raimer and Duchess Felicia." He says while raising his head. "Wait. My apologies. It's King Raimer and Queen Felicia now." He says.

"I hope you both understand why I didn't manage to attend your coronation." The old man says while slightly bowing his head.

"Of course, Duke Thales Cardenas," Felicia replies. "You were busy defending the south from Chaephitopian pirates and not because you don't like King Raimer."

Duke Thales flinches at Felicia sarcastic words and turns quiet.

She motions the guards to open the door and they quickly obey. She then offers the Duke to enter the room first but he shakes his head and ushers us inside.

All of the people of the room quickly stand in their chairs and both Felicia and I walk towards the very end of the table to sit in our chairs.

After both of us sit in our respective chairs, the rest of the people quickly follow.

I look at everybody in the room and all of them flinches at my gaze. They were probably celebrating that they are now free from my father and his son isn't worth worrying over but they didn't account the monsters appearing.

"So," I start speaking and made everyone stare at me. "Let's get to the point and tell me exactly how many soldiers are you all willing to send."

"First things first," Duke Panares Kornmann, the Duke of the north, says. "How many monsters appeared in the border?"

I look at my general, Lord Periumus, and nod my head.

"So far, the scouts said that there are about ten thousands of them." Lord Periumus starts reading out loud the reports in his hand.

Everyone gasp after hearing Lord Periumus but the general didn't bother with the reactions of everyone and just starts reading again.

"They also said that these monsters can walk under the light of the sun." Lord Periumus says.

"Wait." Duke Gale Franssen, Duke of the west, suddenly interrupts. "I heard that these are undead creatures and last time I checked, undead monsters can't walk in daylight."

"We're living in a world filled with monsters so it's not really strange having these types of monsters, Duke Gale," I interject. "Plus, according to the librarians, this isn't the first time these monsters came to this world."

I ordered every librarian in the capital to read every book about these creatures and thankfully, they found something.

I nod at Lord Periumus once again and this time, he places a map on the table.

"The monsters are currently building a fortress at the center of the borders of our kingdom and Astikuviel." Lord Periumus says while pointing at the map. "It also seems it's their primary objective since we haven't seen any them traveling around."

"I know this will shock all of you but..." Lord Periumus pauses for a moment. "It said that their armor and weapons are made out of gold."

One of the people in the room starts coughing and everyone else turn silent.

"All ten thousand?" Felicia asks.

"Yes, my queen." Lord Periumus answers. "The scouts also said about an army of Creepers."

Everyone is now in full panic. People start blurting curses and I can hear someone saying 'We don't stand a chance'.

I wonder where these creatures find this much gold and who made this equipment for them? It will be a tragedy if there are monsters in this world who have crafting and enchanting abilities.

I raise my hand to settle them down. I let everyone vent out their fears and anxieties.

Everyone finally turns quiet and waits for me to speak.

"I guess everybody now knows what's at stake." I start speaking. "So, back to my first question, how many soldiers can you all send?"

"Due to the last failed invasion in Aezeokar" Duke Panares starts speaking first. "I can only send around three hundred."

"I need to defend the southern border from pirates." Duke Thales says. "Two hundred."

Everyone heads finally turn to the largest house and currently the most powerful territory in the kingdom.

My father was very afraid of the Drowned King invasion on the west so he made sure the western border is fully funded and well-defended. Most of the kingdom's expenses went to building an army and fortifying the border.

'This kingdom hasn't experience being invaded by monsters and it's just a matter of time before it happens. Not on my time, not on my watch, not before I rule this world." These are my father's words and it's engraved in my head.

Duke Gale leans his back in the chair and stares at me.

"Let me blunt with you, 'My King'." Duke Gale says and the way he pronounces 'My King' is strange like it disgusts him. "There's nobody in this kingdom who likes the Van Ranst family." He says. "The way the late king ripped the boys in our lands from their mothers and put weapons in their hands to fight some nonsense wars."

Duke Gale leans forward and places both of his hands on the table.

"I may not like you but it doesn't mean that I don't care about this kingdom." Duke Gale says. "I can send one thousand."

Everyone nods in approval after hearing Duke Gale's words.

"Wonderful," I say out loud and I look at Duke Niel, Duke of the east and cousin of Felicia. I appointed him to protect the eastern territory.

"Two hundred." Duke Niel just says without any fancy words or excuses.

Add my army of three hundred, two thousand soldiers. The kingdom can field this amount of force but it's not enough.

It seems I need to talk with the other kingdom's rulers and I know this plan will not go well.

Nayamorac Nayamorac

I'm still adjusting myself to writing since I've been gone for a while so apologies for the sporadic releases.

If you really like my novel, don't forget to vote.

I hope you all enjoy this.

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