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Pathetic Creatures

"Hey! Wake up Kitt! Stop laying on the ground while I'm questioning you!!"

'Ahh what am I going to do! Humans aren't strong at all! Unlike monsters, humans still got sick and needed to be taken care of! If only this stupid human answered my questions earlier, then I would know where to take him to get him treated!! Ahh this is sooo annoying!'

I can't believe this. I actually found someone who was willing to help me, and then they just faint right in front of me, and what's worse HE DIDN'T EVEN ANSWER ANY OF MY QUESTIONS ughhhh...

Now I have to find another human to help me with Kitt!

That should be easy enough! I'm surrounded by people! I'll just choose one and get them to help me!

Mei surveyed the crowd until she found someone whom she thought wouldn't ask to many questions, and to top it of, would be to annoying! 'Maybe it was a good think Kitt fainted..'

The human Mei set her eyes on had dark brown hair, green eyes, and most important of all, she looked like she was always calm and rational, and would always be willing to help! Well, at least that's what the human looked like. Mei had concluded all this information about this green eye girl just from looking at her, and assuming based on appearance.

Mei might of guessed correctly, but then again, she might not of guessed accurately.

Anyways, it didn't really matter who helped her, but Mei didn't want anyone else annoying her during her stay on earth.

"Excuse me, miss with the green eyes, could you please help me take Kitt to a recovery area?" Mei tried to sound as polite as possible when confronting the green eyed girl.

The green eyed girl looked startled "I- O-of course!!"

'I knew it! Haha of course she would be willing to help!'

"Well thank you very much Miss, I'm Mei Ling and I'm- well I'm new in town and I have no idea where I can take Kitt, so could you please take us someone where he could recover??"

"A-ah well.. o-of course M-miss Mei L-ling"

The green eyed girl appeared to be very nervous and she looked to be on the verge of tears

"T-the thing is, u-um, well... I'm also new in town and have no idea where anything is..."

The green eyed girl noticed that the lady called Mei Ling looked disappointed and desperately wanted to help

"B-but I do know the number for the ambulance, and they could take him to the hospital!"

Mei ling didn't understand, but since she didn't want another human fainting on her, she acted like she understood what a 'number', a 'ambulance', and a 'hospital' was.

"Thank you very much, green eyed girl!"

Mei ling didn't realize that she had actually called the green eyed girl by Mei ling's nickname for her

"G-green eyed girl?? Oh— I'm so sorry! I forgot to tell you my name!! I'm Lin Wei, but you can just call me Lin for short! And don't worry! I already called the ambulance, and they should be here any minute now!"

"Oh, okay! Thank you very much, Lin Wei!! Since you said earlier that you were also new here, would you like to explore this area and get to know our surroundings sometime together? Kitt was supposed to show me around tomorrow, but I'm not so sure right now.. but later, do you want to hang out together?"

This startled Lin Wei. She was used to being alone, having no friends, and always being ignored, so this sudden request really surprised her.

"O-of course! I would love to! It would be great to get to know the area with a friend!" Lin Wei was overjoyed to actually make a "friend"

A friend..? No. Mei doesn't have any friends. Only enemies. This new girl, Lin Wei, was only her mere acquaintance.

But of course, Mei ling couldn't tell Lin Wei that, or else she would have to deal with another troublesome human.

"Oh! Look over there! The ambulance is here already!! See, I told you it would get here fast!!"

"Indeed it did.." Mei Ling mumbled "but nowhere near as fast as me or anyone else from Lysteria..."

Mei ling and Lin Wei watched as Kitt was put on a stretcher and was transported inside of the ambulance.

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