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Chapter 3: Denial and Disbelief

After a while of talking at the local pub, Mei decided to finally ask the question she was thinking about for a while now

"So where can I stay? Also how does earth- I mean this area work?? Like how do people behave, and just what is the world like?" Ah why can't I think of a better way to ask what I want to know?? I don't want to be to obvious!!

Kitt had completely forgotten about where she could stay, let alone the fact that she has no idea where she was.

"Oh, well I guess you could stay with me, and I can show you around the area tomorrow, I'm going to call an Uber real quick so he could drop us off at my place.

"An Uber? What's an Uber?"

Kitt was surprised that she didn't know what an Uber was, but he decided to just get accustomed with being surprised when Mei was around.

"An Uber is where someone drives to your location and picks you up in their car, and takes you to your destination." Kitt thought that he provided enough information for Mei already, so he pulled out his phone to call for an Uber. Just before he called an Uber driver, Mei spoke up.

"What's a car?" Back on her home planet, Lysteria, there was no need for any cars— since everyone had a way to get around easily using their abilities

Heading what Mei just asked, Kitt failed on not being surprised, as he dropped his phone "WHAT? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A CAR IS??"

Mei didn't understand that he was shocked, so she replied politely "yes, so could you please tell me what a car is? And also, what is this thing that you dropped on the ground? I've never seen any of these things before. As I said earlier, I'm not from around here, so I don't really know what these foreign objects are... "

"....." Kitt was frozen. It felt like she wanted to give him a heart attacking, surprising him so suddenly over and over again. 'How. In. The. World. Does. She. Not. Know. What. A. Car . Is. I'll just ask her where she's from, I'm sure that'll answer ALLLL my questions, and I won't need to worry anymore.. haha ha a....'

"Mei, can I ask you something??"

"Sure, ask me whatever you want!"

"Where did you live before, y'know, your boss shipped you over to this area??"

Mei didn't know what to say, and since she knew nothing about humans, she decided to just say the name of her home planet. Surely these humans have no idea of what lysteria is, right? If they did, then they would know that us monsters exist.. but they obviously don't.. why not??

"Oh, I grew up and lived in lysteria! Haha, you see, from where I came from, we don't know what any of these things are!" 'That's a perfect answer, right? Now he might not question me anymore!'

"0.0" that's it. Mei has officially broken Kitt.

Kitt knew what lysteria was, it was very popular to discuss about and some people had said that that was where monsters lived, but these were all fantasies, right?? Make believe stuff?? Imaginary? Lysteria definitely did not exist and it was definitely not another planet where monsters lived...

"Kitt? Hello? Are you there?" Mia had no idea of what she was putting Kitt through, but she just really wanted to know more about where she was and what it was like on earth.


"Yes, Kitt? Is something the matter?"

"Your not human, are you??"


Silence filled the air

No one spoke a word

They were just sitting in a bar, waiting for an Uber

Mei was the first to break the silence. She grabbed Kitt by his collar and lifted him high of off his feet with one hand.

"How did you find out?? Where you stalking me? Do you know who I am? Are you a spy sent from lysteria to make sure I suffer here on earth?? As if being teleported to a whole other world wasn't bad enough already! I can't believe Mr. Staz that demon!!" Mei's red eyes looked very cold and distant at that very moment.

Every single sentence Mei had sent felt like Kitt was being stabbed over and over again. 'What. The. Absolute. Heck. Monsters are real. Lysteria is real. The person in front of me is a monster. My whole life is a lie. What's the meaning of life?? Why was I born?? And why did I have to meet a monster. At least I have seen and partially lived through a good story before my end.

Then, Kitt uttered a couple of words "n-no way.. monsters a-aren't real.. 0.0"

Then, Kitt fainted and fell to the ground.

There's no way any ordinary human could be able to accept being told so much shocking stuff in such a short period of time.

Mei was way to harsh without even realizing what she was doing.

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