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The Human Kitt

Here Mei Ling was, in an unknown world, surrounded by millions and billions of "humans".

Mei ling looked around at her surroundings

"SERIOUSLY MR. STAZ!! I MEAN COME ON! YOU KNOW IM ONE OF THE WORST STUDENTS WHEN IT COMES TO HUMAN KNOWLEDGE! jeez seriously all I know about humans is that they seriously think vampires actually drink human blood! Humans are so unsanitary and filthy creatures! I would NEVER drink the blood of a HUMAN!" Ahh this was horrible! "Calm down, Mei Ling, calm down, I just need to look around and maybe ask some humans where I am?? Yeah! That's a great idea Mei Mei!!"

Mei ling walked over to a building where she saw humans at. 'Okay Mei ling just calm down!! Everything will be fine! Just walk in the store already!!' Mei ling opened the stores door and walked inside.

Everyone was staring at her. There were some whispers about her, and after all, who could blame them??

Someone had just entered the store with Bright, long, silky black hair with blood red eyes, pale, smooth, beautiful skin, wearing absolutely no clothes, except for a necklace with a cross on it.

Back on Mei's home planet, no one wore clothes. To them, clothes were considered a nuisance, and it was completely normal to be naked at all times! No one cared about their bodies or looks, they only cared about their power and their plans to rule the world- like any normal teenager her age- at least on her home planet, Lysteria.

Mei ling had no idea why everyone was staring at her— especially all the boys— she had no idea that the men were entrapped in her beauty, and especially her body. They all wanted to savor this moment and keep this image in their mind forever!!

"U-uh hello.. my name is Mei Ling, and I have absolutely no idea where I am.. c-can someone please help me out and tell me anywhere I could stay or someone I could grab a bite to eat??"

Absolute silence.

No one dared utter a word.

Suddenly, someone had walked in just in time to hear Mei ling speak.

'Just who was this beautiful naked stranger before their eyes— wait— WHY WAS SHE NAKED??' And how could she have no idea where she was?? Is she drunk? She must be crazy! Yeah, she's just crazy. That's it!

"Uh.. hello? Can someone please help me? I really don't have any idea of where I am.. My Ruler, Mr. Spaz, just sent me here without any information-" wait. She couldn't tell them that she was teleported here and had never been on earth before. She needed an excuse!! "Uh- well- when I was a-asleep, apparently My Ruler shipped me here without my consent.." wait. They would believe her, she needed some proof. She had to use some magic to create a fake note.. but these mortals couldn't see her use magic!! She'd be in HUGE trouble!!

Mei reached behind her back, and put her hands where pockets would be on human clothes, and pulled out a note from no where. Legit nowhere. It came out of thin air, and obviously everyone knew that she didn't have pockets to store that note in.. just what in the world was going on??

Mei ling decided to hand it to the person who just entered moments ago, and said "here, please read this out loud for everyone to here, but it seems like no one wants to speak to me, so please read it on my behalf!!"

What. What did this person just say?? She was shipped here.. while asleep.. and she's naked.. and— WHAT THE HELL— SHE JUST ASKED ME TO READ HER MAGIC NOTE FOR HER?? This is to confusing, but I guess I'll read it.. I'm intrigued with her 'story'.

And so, the brown haired man read the note out loud "sorry Mei ling but you didn't give me my coffee today, so now I hate your guts, you should be lucky you didn't end up where everyone else does once they don't follow my orders.. I took pity on you since you worked for me for 6 years and were an exceptional person, but... goodbye, and good luck! I hope you have a fun time in your new surroundings!"

(What a random fake note, right?? Haha)

What the heck did he read just now.. this 'Mei Ling' had led a very interesting life apparently. There was no way He was gonna miss out on this story!!

"Miss, I would be glad to show you around!" YESS HAHA I GET TO TRAVEL AROUND WITH A BEAUTIFUL STORY UNFOLDING AROUND ME!! The brown haired man was definitely.. unique...

Mei ling was ecstatic "oh thank you very much sir! What's your name? I told you mine didn't I?"

Meanwhile, everyone inside the store was dead silent, just staring at the girl— having no idea what the heck was going on! Today was certainly an interesting day that no one would ever dare to forget!

The brown haired man saw all of this attention they were receiving and thought 'yeah right I'm going to let all you people into MY amazing story' and decided it would be best to talk somewhere else— with this naked stranger in front of him.

"Let's go somewhere else to talk, Miss Ling! Follow me!"

Mei ling honestly didn't care about where they were going or who she was with.. 'it doesn't matter, even if he is some killer or Rapist, I'm immortal, so I can't die, and plus, I could just use a little magic and knock him out.. as long as I have my necklace on!Doesn't really matter to me anyway, as long as he gives me some information about where I am and a place to live...' the brown haired stranger Interrupted her thoughts

"Ah! Here we are! The local pub! Now, miss Ling, allow me to introduce myself! I will not tell you my real name, but you can call me kitt! Also, don't even try looking me up, because kitt has nothing to do with my real name! So anyways, I'm very interested, please tell me your whole life story, in detail, of course!!"

Mei didn't care about his weird behavior and just smiled. 'Living in the human world is so difficult! Humans are such weird creatures! 'She had to come up with so many excuses since being teleported to earth, and she had only been there for about 30 minutes. 'I guess lll tell him part of my real past, just so I don't have to come up with as many excuses!'

"Oh.. uhm.. well, I grew up alone, I went to school, sometimes classmates would push me through my house walls, sometimes they would dunk bucket of blood on my head, And also we had to compete everyday, no matter where we were or who we were! It was honestly really boring! I went easy on everyone cause if I didn't— I mean I wouldn't want to accidentally kill anyone! It's far to easy to just accidentally use a little of my strength and then crush someone's skull, so I always tried my best to skip the wars and battles!"

What the hell kind of life did this girl live?? She's a little frightening- oh I COMPLETELY FORGOT- SHE ISN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES! "Okay, Mei Mei, I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna call you that from now on! Can you please put on some clothes??"

"Why? Clothes are very uncomfortable!" Mei ling had no idea how weird it was to be naked in public.

"Just do it! Here! Have some clothes!" Kitt handed the clothes to Mei that he had bought on the way to the pub

To outsiders, this scene between the two of them was very weird.. even in a bar.

Once again, everyone was silent, just staring at these two weird strangers.

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