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The vampire and the mysterious Kitt (discontinued) The vampire and the mysterious Kitt (discontinued) original

The vampire and the mysterious Kitt (discontinued)

Author: Kittyhisokaeow

© WebNovel

Kicked Out???

Mei Lynn was studying for an upcoming test for her knowledge and skills outside frantically. She would die if she didn't do good on this test. Well, more like, she would be locked away to never see the daylight, because no one could kill her anyways.

She was one of the worst students in her class. Not because she wasn't smart or anything, she was on an average level for her knowledge, but because she failed miserably at the skills portion of the test. What made it worse is that Mei Lynn chose to fail for the skills portion. She didn't want to accidentally kill anyone so she acted weak.

Mei Lynn decided to take a break from her studies when she heard a noise coming from her house. When Mei Lynn stepped inside of her house, she saw three classmates inside of her living room

What she saw was no surprise to her either, as she saw dead bodies hanging on her ceiling.

Her three classmates normally pranked her with such things, and it was quite normal for her to see dead bodies, blood all over the walls, and seeing her house being trashed when she got home.

Mei Lynn was tired of these sorts of things happening by now, but she had no way to stick up for herself since she was alone in this world and was considered "weak".

Mei ling tried to ignore the 3 teenagers, when all of a sudden, she was super punched through the walls of her house, landing her outside

"Seriously guys, Mrs. Peds told everyone not to use their powers off school grounds. You know it is forbidden but you still attack me every single day. I'm amazed by your courage" Mei said as she mocked the three

The world Mei lived in was not any ordinary world, it was full of monsters of all sorts. The monsters has different ranks. The 1st class rank was vampires, the second rank being the demons, 3rd being the werewolf's , and the rest of the monsters were deemed as unimportant and didn't attend school or anything the upperclassmen did.

The silver haired werewolf came closer to her. He grabbed Mei by the collar, and said "well be glad! You won't have to see us anymore for the rest of your life!! Haha"

This confused Mei "what does this mean? that your giving up and finally realize how amazing I am??"

This made the three laugh simultaneously before the pink haired demon said "haha yeah right!! Actually we're here to tell you that Mr.Spaz wanted to see you! Good luck loser! Haha Mr.Spaz only meets with people he's gonna kill!!"

Mei Lynn immediately understood the situation she was in and thought 'well I guess this means that I don't have to study anymore, haha...." but Mei was scared to death inside.

Without waiting for the 3 to say anymore, she rushed past them heading towards the place everyone feared. The kingdom. Run by the ruler of all monsters, Mr.Staz. Everyone knows how terrifying Mr Staz is. Once someone was called to his office, they were never seen again

"And here I am.. outside HIS DOOR.." Mei didn't realize she was talking to herself when she suddenly heard a deep voice behind her

"Miss. Mei ling, I believe it's about time you go in there for your meeting, you've been standing outside that door for about 30 minutes now, and you know MR STAZ DOESNT LIKE WAITING!!"

"Huh i.." just then Mei ling turned around and saw him

Mr Staz was standing there, behind her, glaring down at her


"Ah.. he- hello Mr. Staz! What a wonderful day it is, isn't it??"

Mr. Staz ignored her and walked past her into his room

" Don't just stay there the whole day, Come in already!"

"Ah- Yes sir!" Mei ling wanted it cherish her last day of freedom, and it wasn't like she was going to be killed, though if she wasn't an immortal vampire, she was sure she would of gotten killed a lot sooner. At most she wold be locked away for the rest of her life.. which was actually eternity.. 'well what do I have to loose..' Mei ling finally sat down across from Mr. Staz when she heard him speak

"You are prohibited from staying here on this planet any longer than you already have. You are banned from staying here any longer."

What? What did he just say? I can't stay here any longer? Then where the hell am I supposed to go??? "W-What do you mean, Mr. Staz??" This was all Mei could think to say, based on the current situation she was in

"I MEAN you are no longer aloud here and will have to live on earth for the rest of eternity!!" Mr. Staz was clearly agitated by Meis behavior "NOW LEAVE AND GO TO EARTH ALREADY!!"

"But Mr Staz, why do I have to go to EARTH?? I know nothing of earth except for the fact that it's filled with humans!! It's been about three hundred years since anyone of us has gone to Earth!! What am I going to do??"

"Figure it out yourself. I honestly don't care what happens to you. Goodbye." Then, with a snap of his fingers, Mei ling was instantly transported to earth in an unknown area.

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