The carriage at a pace that had Penny place her bare feet firmly on the surface so that she wouldn't fall from her seat. After dealing with the man and the guardsman, the man named Damien Quinn had taken her to the carriage and they were now headed to his mansion.
He didn't speak to her and she had no voice right now, not after seeing Frank who had been stabbed quite brutally. She had never seen a display of blood like that and the way this pureblooded vampire had dealt as if poking a lump of meat to check if it were cooked. The only difference was that it wasn't meat but a man's hand. Even though her hands were unbound before getting inside the carriage, she still felt as if they were still being bound by the coarse ropes that had left marks on her skin in the presence of this man who sat next to her.
Discreetly making sure he wasn't seeing, she looked from the corner of her eyes to see his leg crossed one leg over the other. His face turned to look at the window, the view outside as they passed through the hills. From where she sat, Penny could see how handsome he was with the silhouette like a shadow. Sharp jaw and cheekbones, brooding eyebrows with some of his inky black hair that fell on them.
Before he could catch her staring at him, she quickly turned her head away but subtly to make sure he didn't notice her or rather forgot that she existed. What Penny didn't know was that the man had been more than aware of her presence in the carriage. Though his eyes were looking outside the window, when the girl shifted slightly away from him, his eyes moved from right to left to watch her.
While Penny tried to be quiet, her stomach had different ideas. Her stomach growled once, then twice before going on for the man to tap the front window to gain the coachmen's attention. Unlike some who had only one coachman, this man had two men riding in the front of the carriage.
"Stop at Mclair's," the one who wasn't riding nodded to direct the other coachman on the order received.
"When was the last time you had a meal?" asked the pureblooded vampire who hadn't spoken to her directly after asking who had caused the wound on her mouth.
A little taken aback from the sudden question, she turned her face to see him already looking at her, "Last evening," she answered, feeling lightheaded due to the lack of sleep as well as food which was never sufficient for the slaves. The slaves were underfed to keep their body lean but there was also another reason for it which Damien was aware of. By providing an insufficient quantity of food to the slaves, it made them weak which made it easier to turn them obedient to listen to the guardsmen.
Seeing him not answer but continue to stare at her, Penny looked away from him. The more he stared at her, the more it got uncomfortable. She wanted to say, 'Stop staring at me!' but she wasn't courageous enough to do it. There was just something about this man that made her believe that it wouldn't be right to speak back at him, the last thing she wanted was to be stabbed by him.
Best was ignoring him and she did just that until the carriage came to a halt. When the door opened, he opened the door without waiting for the coachman, the door almost hitting the lower man to step aside bowing his head.
She had to be careful as she stepped down from the carriage. Her hands were free but her legs weren't, they were still shackled with a single chain that connected either side of the leg so that it would prevent her from moving fast.
Penny looked at the small building that had a board put upon it 'Mclair's Inn', the man had stopped to feed her? It confused her to no end. She had heard some of the stories regarding the slaves on how difficult it was for them with their overbearing owners who treated them worse than a dog or any other lower animal.
Slaves were never treated well. They were the filth who weren't counted in society. With the various decrees of creatures who walked on these lands like humans, vampires, pureblooded vampires, the two different witches, the society was further partitioned into a class where the pureblooded vampires were of the highest being, considered to be elites while it wasn't humans who were positioned at the bottom. There were some humans who had managed to be in the good grace of others to have a better life. It was the slaves who stood at the bottom where people didn't take their life into account.
The very purpose of the slaves was to serve the people who bought them or the people their master or mistress asked them to serve. They were the caged beings who didn't have a life of their own.
Penny who had a sheltered life without having to look into this part of the world didn't know what to make of this man's behaviour. The man hadn't treated her badly but that didn't mean he would continue to be the way he was.
To think that this man had gone far enough to stop the carriage so that she could be fed, she wondered if the man was going to feed the goat before the goat was butchered, thought Penny to herself. But then, thought Penny to herself, she had been saved from her clothes being torn down for the public to see. If it weren't for him she didn't know what trauma she would have gone through after that.
When they entered the inn, Penny noticed the way some of the passersby gave her looks. Whether it was at the sight of her dress and the clink of the sound that came from her legs due to the metal chains. The inn looked as good as a mansion would and by the look of the people who were in here, the clothes that they wore were enough to know that this was no ordinary inn. It was designed especially for the vampires as every one of them possessed to have red eyes. Some that were light, some that were dark. Amongst them were some women who were humans who were being wooed by men.
As she continued to walk, she couldn't help but start to devise a plan so that she could run away from here without being caught. The black market was far away and now that there were no guards, all she had to do was slip from here without anyone's notice to have her life of freedom again. Ignoring the looks the people in the inn gave her, she looked for the doors and windows, every possible exit that she could make use of right now.
The young woman didn't fail to notice the whisper that went among the people while they stared at her. She continued to walk, following the man who was being led by the owner of the inn.
Coming to an empty room, the pureblooded vampire was asked to sit and the owner left the room closed.
Penny hadn't been asked to sit therefore she continued to stand without a word. The room was small but enough to accommodate two people spaciously for a meal.
"What's your name?" the pureblooded vampire named Damien asked, his back leaning against the cushioned chair.
"Penny, I mean Penelope," she corrected to give out her full name.
"Penny," he tested out her name as the name rolled out of his tongue, "I am Damien Quinn and from today on you shall answer to only me, do you understand," it wasn't a question but a demand. Receiving no response from her, he stood up from his seat, the chair screeching on the floor.
She took a step back when he approached her, her feet not moving too far due to the chain which almost made her stumble back and fall if it weren't for the wall that was right behind her. When her back did hit the wall, the man came to stand right in front of her.
He placed the palm of his hand on the wall right next to her head. His body leaning forward to see the girl's eyes widened.
"I noticed the little pause when you were brought to the stage. What was that about?" he asked her.
Not wanting to take a chance, she answered by keeping a passive face while internally there was a fire going in there, "I don't know."
"Really?" the closer he got, the more she tried to move until he placed another hand on the other side of her head, "Where do you think you are going little mouse? Answer me before I do something you wouldn't like," he taunted her, his eyes looking straight into the depth of her soul, "Your heart has been beating loudly since we arrived here," there was a smile on his face but it wasn't friendly in the slightest.
Penny didn't know what and how to answer it. Since the time she had started to devise a plan of escape in her head, Penny hadn't realized that her heartbeat had been fluctuating up and down for the man who had bought her to notice.
"Shall I answer it for you?" she heard him ask, the creepy smile that had made way continuing to exist on his lips. Damien Quinn was a handsome man and Penny had agreed on it the first time he had jumped on the stage to look at her but no matter how handsome he was, there was something very dangerous about him. Maybe it was the madness in his eyes, that he didn't bother to hide.
"It was only one question," she said, her eyes staring into his.
"You speak more freely than normal slaves do. It seems like they let you go too soon. Shall we go clarify it?" The pureblooded vampire's tone was casual but he picked the smell of worry and fear that spilled out of her eyes which was clear as day, "Am I right?" he smiled, his eyes crinkling with sheer amusement.
"I was only saying what you asked, Master Damien," Penny grit her teeth yet tried to offer him a polite smile, "I apologize for offending you," she bowed her head but the bow couldn't be completed as their head bonked together.
The pureblooded vampire narrowed his eyes at her and before he could speak further, the two servants of the inn entered the room with dishes that had been prepared. The servants started to place one dish after another, which caused her mouth to water at the sight of it. Not once had she had the privilege to look at so many dishes together that was a delight to the eyes.
Damien didn't bother to move and he rather enjoyed her expression of embarrassment in the way they stood in front of the servants who didn't actually dare to look at the customers but Penny looked flustered. When Damien went to sit down on the chair, he left her just as it was before, pointing his hand on the ground.
"It would be rude to not ask you to sit while I eat. Sit," he said before starting to eat by himself while leaving her hungry.
She couldn't believe that the vampire who had bought her was eating in front of her while letting her starve without offering a single bite from the table. She swallowed at the sight of food, trying to hold back the hunger that was churning in her stomach. She had thought the man who bought her was a good man, but she should have known better.
Penny looked away from the food as well as the man to stare at the wall which had a painting of a deer in it. It was a simple image yet there was something very disturbing about it, with the way it was painted. Looking away from it too, she stared at the ground for the remainder of the time until the vampire was done eating.
And over the course of his meal, not once had he offered her the food which he ate. It was understandable at some level of the system that they lived in. She was a slave beneath his status, even an elite didn't have a meal with a regular man or a woman, and here she was someone of no value but the irony was that he had placed a value high enough for no one to buy her. In the end haggling with a word of a lie to give only three thousand gold coins.
Instead of concentrating on the food and the scent of it, she tried remembering the doors of the inn which was somewhat similar to a mansion. She had noticed a door at the back, all she needed was to get to it and out of there. Far enough for the man to not catch her in this land before going to a human town. That way she would be safe, thought Penny to herself.
A human land because they were much more trusting compared to the vampires in her eyes. With no brand on her skin, he wouldn't be able to do anything to her. He wouldn't be able to claim her to be the slave he bought. With that thought, she patiently waited in time. He was having the last course of his meal when she decided to put her theatrical skills to use which were minimum.
Her legs moved enough beneath her body for Damien to notice her, "What is wrong?" he asked. She let herself frown slightly as if in discomfort, she said,
"I need to use the bathroom."
The man stared hard at her, not speaking and letting the seconds increase making her worried. He hadn't offered her food and she hoped she wouldn't be denied to go to the bathroom.
When a servant arrived at the room they were in, Damien spoke, "Take her to the bathroom and bring her back here," he ordered the woman who bowed her head.
The servant who was a human-like herself had shown utmost respect to the vampire but when she turned to look at Penny, she raised her brows as if she was too tired before leading the way outside. Penny noticed it, her eyes narrowed but at the same time, Damien noticed her expression.
"Little mouse," Damien called Penny who stood up, "We need to fix that attitude of yours. Go now, we need to leave in ten minutes," he took a bite from the fork.
Not waiting for another word, she turned around to follow the maid. As they made their way out of the room through the corridor, she didn't see anyone around and felt some kind of relief. Looking left and right, she asked the servant, "Where is the bathroom?" but the servant woman never answered back to her as if she hadn't even spoken a word.
Sighing, she didn't bother to ask again knowing she wouldn't be getting an answer. The shackles around her feet made her nothing less than a prisoner and keeping up with the servant was hard with little movements. Finally reaching around a corner, the servant woman didn't say anything but opened the door leaving it open.
"Berium," another servant came to call her, "Mistress is asking for you."
"Tell her I am occupied with Mr. Quinn," said the servant name who had led Penny the way.
"It is urgent. The spoons are missing from the drawers," the other girl whispered for Berium to huf.
The servant woman turned to give Penny a look before saying, "I will be back here. Don't go anywhere," she instructed. Even though the place looked like any other regular inn, the place was filled with pureblooded vampires. Anyone wandering around without a chaperone was sure to get into trouble and that was exactly what happened with Penny.
After she had stepped into the bathroom as if she wanted to use it, she peeked out of the room after a few seconds to note that both the servants had disappeared from there. Slowly tip-toeing, while she slid her feet across the floor so that it wouldn't alert anyone of her presence. The task seemed harder than what she had imagined but Penny was quick. Taking a sharp turn, she went to see the back door which was wide open.
The door glowed in her mind, like heaven waiting for her, and she could hardly contain the relief that the sight brought to her mind.
Turning around to make sure there was no one seeing her, she slipped and walked through the door to finally be able to breathe. Running was impossible in this condition but she didn't want to hide here where there were people who could easily catch her. Looking forward, the inn was surrounded by trees but it was situated next to the village which they had passed by before the carriage had stopped in front of this inn. For now, she could go there.
Deciding to leave with the shackles still around her both feet, she readied herself to walk but at the same time, something came flying from above to fall a few feet away from her.
Penny who was in a hurry to leave stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a dead body laying flat and cold on the ground. For a moment shock took over her body and she didn't know what to do.
Was she supposed to leave the woman who was on the ground and flee or was she supposed to go help her? Her heart started to beat quickly.
Closing her eyes she cursed at herself before going to the woman.
"Miss?" she shook the person but the woman was long dead. Penny looked up from where the person might have fallen. There were a series of windows above and all of them were open. As she tried to wake the woman, she finally checked the breathing where no air came to be breathed on her fingers.
The woman was dead and like the woman, Penny's fingers turned cold. She doubted she would be able to run after seeing the dead woman lying cold on the wet ground behind the inn. By the color of the eyes, she noticed that it was a human as seconds passed, so did the blood that started to spill and spread around the woman's head.
Staggering back, she went inside the inn, her shackles clinking for Damien to appear before she could turn around. As if noticing something was wrong, Damien walked towards her, smelling something.
"What are you doing here? Did you hurt yourself?"
"O-outside," she stammered with a shaky voice. It wasn't the first time for Penny to see a dead body as she had seen her mother's but she had seen nothing like this before.
The pureblooded vampire gave her a look before walking towards the open door which led to the backside of the inn. After several minutes he returned back his expression grave and dark. Without giving her time, he took hold of her arm, dragging her with him. His hand on her wasn't gentle which made her flinch.
"Ow, where are you taking me?" she cried softly for him to loosen his grip on her as if he didn't know his hold had been tight on her. Taking a key from his pocket, he opened the lock of the door and pushed her inside, "Stay here," he said before locking the door with the key.
Penny placed both her hands on her head. Oh God, what just happened to that woman? Why was she dead? By the looks of how she fell it was obvious that it was a murder. What was she doing here?! She had the opportunity to run, she could have but she wanted to see if the woman was alright. Panic struck into her system, she walked back and forth in the room to pause her footsteps after a while before looking at the door that had been locked.
When Damien opened the lock of the door, his eyes narrowed to a great extent at the sight of the girl missing in the small room. With the window open, he walked towards it to see the length of the bedsheet hanging outside the window which had been knotted for one to leave the room or in this case escape.
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