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75% Rampage Online / Chapter 18: Login 18: Pressure and Stress

Chapter 18: Login 18: Pressure and Stress

<<Crystal Mist Apartment Complex>>

Time 11:18 AM

When Jae woke up, Nico was nowhere to be found. Heading to the kitchen, Jae saw a piece of paper on top of the kitchen isle. He took the piece of paper and read the note that Nico left him.

[Had a call from university, so I'm still probably out when you wake up.

If you're hungry, there are egg sandwiches in the fridge, that I brought home from work (They're really good).

Take care of yourself, alright? Be back soon!


A soft smile lifted on Jae's face while reading Nico's note. At the thought of having food in the fridge, Jae's stomach started grumbling and started demanding for attention. Unfortunately, his stomach will have to wait, since Jae needs to do his morning routine and get rid of his morning breath first. After his hygienic business has been taken care off, he walked over to the fridge and took the container of egg sandwich. Once done with re-heating the sandwiches in the micro wave, Jae headed to the living room and sat in front of Nico's laptop. Placing his breakfast on the coffee table, Jae turned on Nico's laptop then logged in to Rampage.

Jae munched onto his breakfast while waiting for GentleBreeze to load in the game. Nico really wasn't kidding when he said that the egg sandwich were really good. The first bite that he took almost blew his head off when different flavors assaulted his taste buds; the hit was definitely super effective.

Jae put GentleBreeze on auto, so that he could enjoy his breakfast while at the same time not wasting time in traveling from NPC to NPC to complete all the quests that he's done last night.

The day seemed to getting off to a great start, when the door to the apartment suddenly flew open.

"Hey!-" Jae greeted with a smile, when he saw Nico came in. But then his smile slowly turned into a frown, as he watched Nico practically drag himself into the apartment.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Jae asked in concern

Nico didn't answer and just continued walking. As soon as Nico reached the long couch, he immediately collapsed on it and was instantly out cold. Jae could've sworn that he saw Nico's soul leaving his body, looking very peaceful, which made his heart started beating faster in panic.

"Hey, Nico! Are you alright?!" Jae said in a panicked voice, as he put a hand on Nico's forehead, checking if he has a fever.

"He's alright" A voice behind Jae said in assurance.

Jae jumped up in surprise, when he heard Allyson's voice, that it almost gave him a mini heart attack,.

"Oh.... hey Allyson, when did you get here?" Jae asked with a confused smile as he rubs his chest, comforting his poor frightened heart.

"I literally just walked in with Nico a few seconds ago" Allyson deadpanned, giving Jae a look that says "Really? You didn't even notice me?"

"Oh....." Jae could only say in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck.

Seeing the blush of embarrassment on Jae's face, Allyson took pity on him and quickly changed the topic, to prevent the awkward atmosphere from growing.

"You don't have to worry about Nico. He's just tired from work and currently has a lot on his mind right now." Allyson said as she walks towards to one of the cabinets on the wall and pulled out a blanket.

While Allyson was gently putting a blanket over Nico's body, Jae suddenly asked.

"Was it because of me? Was I giving him more problems by being here?" Because of the traumatic experiences that he went through, the painful scars that came from it are still fresh in his mind that Jae started getting anxious and paranoid, his brain immediately started thinking of the worst.

"What?! No! Where did that even come from?" Allyson asked with a deep frown. She was completely blindsided by the question, which made her voice a little louder than what she intended it to be.

Before Jae could talk and explain, Nico beat him to it.

"If you people want to chat, then please kindly leave me alone so that I can sleep in peace!" Nico grumbled in irritation before going back to sleep.

Standing up, Allyson let out a sigh. She had known Nico for a long time and in times like this, it would best to leave him alone for a while.

"C'mon, Let's go for a walk" Allyson said, keeping in mind to keep her voice soft as she spoke. She held one of Jae's hand then started pulling him out of the apartment.

Allyson was about to open the door of the apartment, when she felt Jae gently tugged her hand, making her halt. Turning to Jae, Allyson lifted an eyebrow in silent question.

"I have to put on my shoes first" Jae answered softly, pointing at his pale bare feet.

Seeing that Jae was indeed still barefooted, Allyson let go of his hand and waited for him at the door. Jae quietly put on his shoes, then quickly grabbed his wallet and the framed glasses that Nico gave him before silently returning to where Allyson is. Seeing Jae all set and read to go, Allyson quietly opened the door to the apartment and left with Jae in tow.

As Allyson and Jae exited the building; Allyson noticed Jae still looking somber and troubled, that she could literally smell his anxiety reeking out of him, from far away. Allyson couldn't help but think that the way Jae's acting is somehow related to the horrible experiences that he went through. Acting on impulse, Allyson took Jae's hand once again. Jae was so stunned at Allyson's actions that his mind went blank, not knowing what to do.

"Look.... I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but hear me when I say this; Nico has no problem with you what-so-ever. I've known him for a long time and that's just how he always acts when he's stressed out. Just give him some time to rest and he'll be back to his normal self, okay?" Allyson said in comfort, while giving Jae's hand a gentle squeeze.

Feeling his anxiety lifted, even if it was just a little bit. Jae gave Allyson the most genuine small but grateful smile.

Feeling the anxiety and tension leave Jae's body, Allyson beamed at him with approval.

"Now... since we still have a lot of time till sleeping beauty wakes up, how about we hit the mall and see what we can do there?" Allyson suggested excitedly. Just the thought of her walking side by side with the person that she admired for a long time, Allyson could barley contain the excitement bubbling up inside her.

Jae thought for a second before agreeing with Allyson's idea "Umm... Okay. I've been been meaning to buy a new phone as well anyway."

"Great! Then let's go!" Allyson said excitedly as she started walking.

Unknowingly or maybe Allyson just forgot, but she kept holding onto Jae's hand that she ended up dragging Jae along with her. Jae thought that once Allyson was done comforting him that she would eventually let go of his hand, so when she kept holding unto it, he was surprised but he also wasn't complaining. They walked hand in hand in comfortable silence, as they headed to the mall that's literally just 10 minutes away.

On the way, Jae had a constant blush on his face while Allyson was doing internal screaming and back flips. Allyson, at that time was having the best time of her life. She really thought that Jae would eventually pull his hand free from hers, but instead of letting go, Jae kept holding onto her hand like it was the most normal thing in the world. Plus, even though Jae literally looked like he just woke up with his messy hair and wrinkled shirt with his black framed glasses, Allyson still thought that he looked sexy as heck.

<<Regalia Tower>>

Time 12:15 PM

Arriving at the mall, the first thing that they did was find the international bank. Thankfully Jae's savings card is still with him or else he wouldn't know how he could've survived in another country without any money at all. Actually, Jae's has been really blessed ever since he entered the country; Even though he made some really stupid mistakes in the beginning, those stupid mistakes eventually led him into meeting Nico; Who fearlessly, went face to face with death, only to save a stranger like him. That was the first time that he has met someone who keeps on giving, without asking anything in return. Jae will be forever grateful to Nico for saving him, because if Nico didn't show up that night at the dark alley, his dead body would probably still be lying on a ditch somewhere.

Having saved enough money form his years with Hysteria, Jae withdrew the needed estimated amount of money that he needed, since he was thinking of buying some stuff that he needs on a daily basis; Also he wanted to help Nico with his rent, thinking that it's the least he can do to help Nico lighten up his burden.

After they left the bank, Allyson led Jae to the technology floor, where all the technology related things could be found. Since Jae "accidentally" crushed his smartphone, he now needed a new one. Going from store to store, Jae took his time looking for the perfect make and model that suits his taste the most; While Allyson accompanied Jae enthusiastically and without any complaint.

Finally finding the right phone for him, Jae immediately bought it. After the store technician installed all the features that he wanted, Jae looked at his new phone with a satisfied smile on his face.

It took some time, but in the end as long as Jae was happy, Allyson was also happy. She was more than happy to accompany Jae in buying all the things that he needed or even wanted. She led him where to find what he wanted and even asked and talked to the sales clerk for him, when Jae doesn't understand something.

As they walked out of the phone shop; At the edge of his vision, something caught Jae's attention.

"Hey Allyson?" Jae's gentle voice got Allyson's attention.

"Yeah?" Allyson asked turning to him

"Is it okay if we check out the laptops on the next shop?" Jae asked hesitantly. He already made Allyson wait too long for him while buying his phone, so he wasn't' sure if Allyson would still want to accompany him.

"Sure" Allyson answer immediately with a bright smile, which in turn made Jae smile as well.

"Thanks" Jae said bashfully

"Why are you so shy? C'mon this is nothing!" Allyson said, giggling at Jae's cute antics

"I just don't want to keep imposing myself, when I already received too much from you guys, yah know?" Jae said sheepishly, which made Allyson erupt in laughter.

"You know... For your age, you overthink way too much. Live a little will you!" Allyson said, playfully bumping him on the shoulder. "Besides, I was the one who brought you here, so I'm more than willing to accompany you anywhere you wanna go. Plus, us girls... this is kind off our thing. Shopping is kind of our specialty" Allyson added, giving Jae a playful wink.

This time, Jae couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him, helping him release the stress and anxiety that he has been feeling for a while now.

Intending to only check out some laptops, Jae ended up actually buying a laptop of his own. When he saw the specs of one particular gaming laptop that was introduced to him by the sell clerk, he instantly knew, he needed to get his hands on that laptop.

Walking out of the laptop shop, Jae was grinning from ear to ear, like a kid who just received his gift on Christmas day. Not only was Jae able to stanch a high quality laptop for himself, he also got an amazing deal out of it.

At that moment, Jae felt really happy and all of it wouldn't be possible if it weren't for Allyson.

Suddenly turning to Alyson, Jae asked.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet" Allyson answered truthfully. In fact she was starving.

"Where do you wanna eat? My treat!"

At the sound of free food, Allyson's heart started beating faster from excitement, but she was careful in hiding it well.

"You sure?" Allyson asked, not wanting to show her shamelessness upon hearing the synonym for free food, at the same time trying her best to contain her excitement.

"Yeah... It's the least I can do to show how much I appreciate everything that you've done for me today." Jae said, rubbing the back of his neck, returning to being bashful.

"Well, okay then!" Allyson said with enthusiasm. "Plus, I would never decline free food." Allyson added, giving Jae a huge toothy grin.

"Great!" Jae said with soft smile.

Giving Allyson the freedom to choose where she wanted to eat, she actually chose a Korean restaurant. Putting Jae into consideration and her cravings for Samgyeopsal, it wasn't hard for Allyson to decided on where to eat.

They laughed and enjoyed each other's company while eating, both having a great time.

Jae was ready to go home after he paid for the bill, but Allyson had other plans. As soon as they exited the restaurant, Allyson dragged Jae to the clothing floor and went on a shopping spree; for Jae not for her. Ever since that night at the alley, Jae's belongings has been greatly reduced, including the limited clothes that he brought with him into the country; After they ate, Allyson thought "What better way to help them digest the food that they just ate, that go shopping for clothes!", so shop for clothes they did.

True to her claims of being a shopping expert, Allyson sat Jae down and just told him to relax, before going on ahead and picked out some clothes for him. Allyson knew that Jae couldn't spend too much since he just bought a brand new phone and laptop, so she just focused on the essentials. She picked out a few options for every type of garment; From shirts to pants to shorts, even underwear, which made Jae blushed so much. At first Jae felt embarrassed for letting Allyson do all the work for him, but when he saw how much Allyson was enjoying it, he decided to just let her continue what she's doing.

Allyson made good of her promise and brought back excellent options for Jae to choose from, which really impressed him.

"Wow, these are all wonderful Allyson" Jae said in praise.

"Of course! 'My' Jae only deserves the best!" Allyson teased, which made Jae blush like a tomato.

Allyson was very efficient with time in picking up options for Jae, while Jae was very decisive on exactly what style he wanted, which really helped in saving time. Jae ended up buying two t-shirts, one tank top, a pair of pants, a set (7 pairs) of underwear, a pair of sweat pants and a pair of shorts. Allyson felt more than satisfied with her job well done in helping out Jae pick out some clothes, in fact she was feeling ecstatic. The thought alone, that she helped picked out Jae's clothes, made her wanna do a whole acro routine, while screaming on top of her lungs. It was safe to say that she was pretty happy.

As they were walking out of the shop, Allyson suddenly stopped then quickly said "I'll be right back" Before dashing back into the store, leaving a confused Jae standing at the entrance of the store. A couple of minuets later, Allyson came out of the store, panting.

"Here" Allyson said as she panted, handing a shopping bag to Jae.

"What's this?" Jae asked in confusion, starring at the shopping bag

"Well, let's just say that it's a gift from your number one fan" Allyson said with a wink, forcefully handing Jae the paper bag, then walked away before Jae could even react.

Starring at the newly added shopping bag on his hand, Jae's heart started to swell with happiness. Jae quickly caught up to Allyson then said "Thank you!" with a soft voice, full of emotions.

Allyson was trying her best, not to ball from happiness at that moment, so instead she returned Jae's gratitude with the brightness smile that she could ever give, hoping to show her joy through her smile.

Having done everything that they've set out to do, both decided that it was time to go home.

<<Crystal Mist Apartment Complex>>

Time 5:05 PM

Jae and Allyson were happily chatting when they entered Nico's apartment. Seeing both Jae and Alyson enter, Nico gave both Jae and Allyson a quick nod before quickly returning to whoever he's talking to.

"Uhhh... Yeah. - That'd be amazing! -Yup! - Thanks again Yvonne, you're a life saver! -Mhm! - Yup, great! Thanks! See yah at rehearsals! - Mhm - Bye!"

"I see you guys had some fun" Nico said with a slight grin on his face, noticing the shopping bags on Jae's hand.

"We had a little fun" Allyson said with a knowing smile, which made Nico chuckle. "So... Basing on that phone call, I'm guessing Yvonne's in?" Allyson asked, as she slumped beside Nico on the long couch.

"Mhm!" Nico hummed, relief evident in his voice "I really thought that she would decline since she's preparing to audition for the European Symphony"

"Well... All things work together for good, right?" Allyson said with a relieved smile. Having the chance to join the European Symphony is a huge deal, so Allyson was really thankful that Yvonne could make time from her busy schedule to play at the showcase.

"Amen to that!" Nico agreed

"Have you eaten already? We brought take out if you want?" Allyson offered

"Please!" Nico said in gratitude "I just woke up and I'm starving like heck!"

"Welp! We can't let that happened can we?" Allyson said before standing up and headed to the kitchen.

While Allyson and Nico were talking, Jae was busy with all the things that the he bought, so it surprised him a little when Nico suddenly talked to him.

"Had fun?" Nico asked, noticing the radiant glow on Jae face.

"Yeah!" Jae answered with grin, as he walked over to sit on the solo couch. "I got to buy a new phone and a laptop as well" Jae said, placing his new laptop on the coffee table.

"That's perfect! Since I'll be needing my laptop for the up coming days and won't be able to lend it to you" Nico said. Jae noticed by the way Nico talked, that he really is going through a lot at he moment. Wanting to help lessen the burden on Nico's shoulder, Jae fished out a bundle of money from his pocket and slid it on the coffee table towards Nico.

"By the way, I know this isn't much, but I hope it can help with the rent." Jae said, "You've done so much for me and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everything. I don't want to keep piling up the burden that I've already brought you. So, I really hope you take this."

"But-" Nico started reasoning

"Please" Jae said, knowing that Nico would refuse, "I know you're not asking for anything in return when you helped me, that's why I'm giving it on my own free will. I really want to help you! So.... please let me"

Nico was very conflicted on what he should do, because in the first place, he had done everything out on his own free will and wasn't asking or expecting anything in return. On the other hand, Nico could really feel Jae's heart felt sincerity, that refusing him would be really disrespectful.

"Might as well take it, since he'll be staying here for a long time" Allyson's voice interrupted Nico from his thoughts.

Nico's apartment is pretty small, so Allyson could pretty much hear everything clearly from the kitchen. And she was pretty spot on, when she guessed that Nico would be having second thoughts on receiving the money. Knowing Jae's sincerity, it was better for Nico to take the money rather than declining it; at least that way Jae would think that he would be less of a burden.

Understanding Allyson's silent nudge, Nico took the money with a grateful smile and said "Thanks! This would really help a lot!"

"Okay! Now that that's out of the way, did you rest well?" Allyson asked while placing Nico's food on the coffee table. "Because you know, you can bid sleep farewell for the time being with your upcoming busy schedule"

"Why? What happened?" Jae asked in curiosity, pausing from setting up his brand new laptop.

"Well, you see... Every year, the performing arts university that we graduated from, holds an annual charity showcase. But this showcase isn't just your any normal showcase. It is attended by the most successful and influential alumni of the university, that made their mark on the performing arts and entertainment industry; which means, once in a life time opportunities could open up for everyone that's gonna perform at that showcase." Allyson explained

"Okay???" Jae said, still looking very confused

"Well, this year's showcase would be directed and led by non other than by... this guy next to me" Allyson said, pointing at Nico

"Ohhhh...." Jae said as understanding dawned on him like a tidal wave, making everything more clearer. Realizing that the burden on Nico's shoulder was truly massive, Jae realized that he was still too ignorant and naive to quickly jump into conclusions.

Letting out sigh, Nico took the bowl of food on the coffee table and just started eating. There's no use to letting the pressure and stress eat him up. He was placed into that position with great expectations; All he could do now, is try and do his very best to reach those expectations.


Earlier -*When Nico just got home from work, he got a voice mail from the Pearl of the Orient Seas University of the Arts, where he graduated, asking for him to come at his earliest convince. It was not everyday that the university would contact Nico, so he thought that it must have been an important matter. Nico rested for a couple of hours before going to university.

When Nico arrived at the University, he was guided to the president's office, which surprised that living daylights out of him. His mind went into over drive, trying to think of every possible conversation that he could be having with the president of the university. The president's secretary that fetched him and led him to the president's office, just gave Nico a bright smile before leaving him in front of the president's office after knocking. Hearing a voice inside the office giving him permission to enter, Nico nervously opened the door to the office, excused himself, before entering.

When the president saw that it was Nico, he gave him a small smile before asking him to take a sit. Nico politely took a sit in one of the chairs, opposite the president's table. As soon as Nico took his sit, the president didn't waste more time on pleasantries and got straight to business. Nico was a little startled by the president's straight forwardness, but he guess it made sense, since the president is indeed a busy man. The president then passed a tablet to Nico, gesturing for him to read what's on it. Nico carefully took the tablet form the president, trying his hardest not to drop it because of his uncontrollable shaky hands.

As Nico started reading the email, his eyes widen when he saw who the sender was, but was also confused as to what it has got to do with him. He raised his head and gave the president a confused look, only for the president to gesture with his hand for him to keep reading. Nico didn't waste anymore time and read through the email. As he reads more and more of the content on the email, Nico's heart started beating faster and faster. When he finally finished reading the email, he was such in a state of shock, that his brain was having such a hard time absorbing what was in the email.

Basically, the email contains a request from the grandson of the university's founder, who is the top share holder of the university and also the nephew of the president; Stating that he personally wanted Nico to direct this year's annual charity showcase, after being very moved by Nico's graduation original composition. The president gave Nico some time for the information to sink in before passing on a folder. Nico's body started going on auto pilot and subconscious took the folder. The president explained to Nico that everything that he needed to know about the showcase is already in the envelope. The president also informed Nico that he will be having three assistants coordinators, to help him with everything that he needed regarding the showcase.

After the president explained everything, he asked Nico if he has any questions, to which Nico subconsciously politely answered with a "no". Seeing that everything was set, the president paged his assistant, before extending a hand towards Nico. Nico shook the president's hand, politely thanked him, before heading out of the office with the secretary.

As Nico was walking out of campus, all the information from his meeting with the president finally sunk in, hitting him hard like a huge tidal wave. Suddenly feeling his legs turned into jello, Nico slumped on the closest bench, before letting out a long pained groan. He rested his elbows on his knees, as he hunch over, griping his hair with both hands as he feel a headache waiting to happened. Nico didn't know what came over him when he accepted the job, when in fact there were more qualified people to handle it. Make no mistake, Nico was flattered and honored to be personally requested by the grandson of the university's founder, but as the same time he thought that they were overestimating his talent too much; To the point of entrusting him with such heavy responsibility. Nico literally and physically couldn't even move his body, that he had to call Allyson for help.

Regalia Tower -*Is a fictional state of the art mall located at the center of the nation's capital. It has 25 floors; each floor containing a specific attraction for food, clothing, technology, appliances and many more. All floors are accessible to the public, except for the 25th floor. The 25th floor houses the most expensive items that are up for auction. It is is only accessible through limited reservation.*

The phrase "All things work together for good" came from -*Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.*

harpdance26 harpdance26

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