Hey yo, it's ya boi Oliver here. I haven't played games for almost a year so I feel my skills are degrading not that it matters and I'm starting to feel myself slipping into either insanity or an even bigger piece of garbage than my previous self but that is something I can probably live with.
Sitting and waiting, well more like floating and waiting in what I assume is my mother's womb because I know of no similar experiences. I can hear muffled chatters of men and women until suddenly the chatters turn erratic, what was once calm talk slowly transitioned into a more than uncomfortable yelling. Simultaneously I feel I pressure forced upon my body and I which was previously suspended without motion was being pushed out the birth canal.
Finally, after what seems to be hours of being birthed, I finally come out whole. At first, I thought I was going to break out crying like an automatic response but all I heard was silence. My first thought was suffocation but I was quickly proved wrong when I could feel the air invigorate my lungs.
I was then handed over to the woman who birthed me or in other terms 'my mother' and was held for
a small amount of time to be used to my parents before I was taken to be placed in an Infant bed which quickly after I was out like a light.
The next time I awoke was when my mother was taking me to what would be my new home.
Soon after I had a realization, when my mother walked out of the room I was sleeping in, unlike before I was allowed a good look around and seeing the state the of the building, it shocked me, to say the least. The first step out the door I look around and the only way I can describe it is it looks like the room was made before modern technology existed but that then does beg the question does modern technology exist here and through the previous experiences I had before I was born and after my previous death I came up with a simple answer. Hell No.
Now I am currently an infant in a world without modern technology. Just great. My mother soon reaches the front door of what I assumed was a doctor's house of residence, which we then continue to walk down the street of a town which can hardly be described as such as there were few people and even fewer shops.
My mother continued to walk for about ten minutes before reaching a small house on the edge of town closing in on our new home she stops before she closes in on me and whispers in my ear.
"This is it little Oliver, our home, it's not much but your gonna have to put up with it until you grow older"
And like that, we entered into a new chapter of both of our lives.
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review