The car turned onto the road, away from the screeching bar customers. Mr... whatever talked and talked to me without me really hearing him.
The drive seemed to continue for eternity, my mind sluggish to the events around me. Mr... whatever stopped talking and he looked at me for a second. His mouth moved to for the word, 'You ca... hear me can yo...'
I watch him through lidded eyes, the idea was to fall asleep before I was sober enough to talk about 'her.'
I felt it coming, another wave of nausea come over me. My mouth filled with the flavor of my past dinner, something like tacos? Mr... something, looked over at me in panic. The car made a sudden stop and he unbuckled me, yelling about 'you!' I quickly crack open the side door and made a graceful fall out of the open door and into the outside world. I felt my tacos come out of me in chunks of beef and cheese. I look away from the colorful mess and at the night sky. The stars shined brighter than normally. It reminded me... a tear streaked down my cheek.
Mr... I give up... how knows... Anyway the man walked up behind me and sat next to me on the soft grass underneath the blanket of darkness, he wrapped his left arm around my shoulders. He pulled me close so I leaned against his chest. My eyes continued to pour out the salty water without my hand in it.
We sat in silence under the tinkering lights. It felt like this scene, this feeling, was the reason we existed. To feel the moment, like we only lived for this.
The birds talked in twitters, the squirrels scrambled amongst the trees, and the endless 'whoosh' of wind travelling through leaves and branches.