With a shudder, his rolled eyes rocked back to position rewriting themselves, as the warmth of consciousness came back his head hurt and pulsated with pain and with each pulse it shook his mind. Ashe did memories flashed into his mind, confused and disorientated he stood up now rubbing his head, with the onset he stumbled once more onto the table knocking it over and he convulsed on the floor.
After a minute the pulsating pain drool slicked out of his mouth.
"what th... th.... the hell! "
With a desperate rush to the letter he scrambled it in his hands and quickly tossed it into the flame
As he did it burst into flame igniting it instantly and leaving only ash.
Breathing heavily he stood up and looking around bent down and coughed
"What the hell has just happened to me "
he rushed towards the table to find the book to burn as he felt bad omens form everything so far , might as well be thorough, he found it on the floor open.
Looking at it he was able to read something.
He picked up the book, there was scrawling but 3 words he was able to work out clearly, Resonate, Knowledge, form, As he read them these words shot towards him causing a pulsating rush to overtake him again.
These 3 words caused him to fall again into convulsion in his vision words appeared at all sides
Resonate,Knowledge, Form, Utterance, Shape, Make Up,Energy, Compounds, Law, Sequence these words multiplied tinted red in his visage forming but melted together not distinguishable but there, more words filled his vision but they were not readable, his racked brain now rocked with the pain he grabbed his mind in pain cusping it in both hands
The pain was unbearable froth now exited his gargling mouth with desperation he crawled towards the book as he reached the bound tome he grabbed it and tossed it into the still hot fire as he did the pain still racked his brain but he watched as it caught fire and slowly turned to ash but as it did his eyes rolled back and all before him returned to black.
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review