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Chapter 7: chapter-7 Off to the races

Start of flashback in her dream*

I keep on quite as I recall Dorothy's words in my head.

" the only way for you out here is preforming the main song"

"No no you can't be serios now Dorothy I will get caught"

"Jazz the main song is where the girls are picked , the girls a bid on according to their performance and the main song is your way out. And you can sing I heard you singing this song before you will pass."

"But I won't do any of those weird moves . Just singing"

"Fair enough, I will make sure that you get the right make up and dress. After that, you have to make sure that your bidder is a young man , those have more access outside the shelter borders and that's what most of them go after the party.

You will have this pill with you slide it in your shoes and when you get there ask for a drink make sure to distract him and put the pill in his drink and he will sleep like a baby."

"5- mins till the next main performance jazz and Nina get ready."

The rest Dorothy's words echo in my head as I recall the plan carefully. I hope that I make it out aliv-.

"My my who would have thought that the boring one would get the main performance half time ? " can my day get any better , I think as Nina's venom coated voice cut my thoughts.

"Thank you Nina for the spirit, I am only replacing Lilly's place"

"Girl i don't care just don't ruin my show !" She spits her words and turns around as if she owns the place. If I wasn't too nervous I would have showed her a good beating her up " performance"

I sign and turn to the mirror still not realizing that the girl staring back at me is

I look ... good , great , weird .... okay what ever.

I rub my nervous hands on the red dress that I am wearing it's not too revealing nor covering it's more like an elegant style with its strapless top hugging my thin waist and flowing at the skirt part. Does that every make any sense ? . What ever I don't care I just want to get out of here. I check my hair that was curled giving it the natural vibe as it flows to my waist. Then, I make sure that the lip paint did not smudged. For the first time I care about my look.

"1 min girls , here's your microphones ..... no off on the stage"

Me and Nina move to the stage with her small tight tube like dress she moves like a pro.

" welcome ladies and gentlemen to the party hall , We wanted to welcome you all and let's get this party started. " a round of applause was given and the presenter counted with

"To begin with our main performance with our two heavenly voices girls here. Please welcome the off to the races girls "

"Don't snort, don't snort, don't snort " I whisper to my self as I listen to the pathetic excuse of presenter. If I wasn't here on a mission I would have showed you the I maa beat you all up girl.

Song* (Lana del Ray off to the races)

The first spotlight is on Nina as she begins:

Nina : My old man is a bad man

But I can't deny the way he holds my hand

And he grabs me, he has me by my heart

He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past

He doesn't mind I have a L.A crass way about me

He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart

Nina and jazz: Swimming pool

Glimmering darling

White bikini off with my red nail polish

Watch me in the swimming pool

Bright blue ripples, you

Sitting sipping on your Black Cristal, oh yeah

second spotlight on jazz :Light of my life, fire in my loins

Be a good baby, do what I want

Light of my life, fire in my loins

Gimme them gold coins

Gimme them coins

And I'm off to the races, cases

Of Bacardi chasers

Chasing me all over town

'Cause he knows I'm wasted,

Facing time again at Riker's Island

And I won't get out

Because I'm crazy, baby

I need you to come here and save me

I'm your little scarlet starlet

Singing in the garden

Kiss me on my open mouth

Ready for you

Nina: My old man is, a tough man

But he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam

And he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul

He doesn't mind I have a flat broke down life

In fact he says he thinks it's what he might like about me, admires me

The way I roll like a rolling stone

nina and jazz: Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom

Chateau Marmont

Slipping on my red dress, putting on my make up

Glass film, perfume, cognac, lilac

Fumes, says it feels like heaven to him

Both girls move to wards the center of the stage*

jazz: Light of his life, fire of his loins

Keep me forever, tell me you want me

Light of your life, fire of your loins

Tell me you want me, gimme them coins

And I'm off to the races, cases

Of Bacardi chasers

Chasing me all over town

'Cause he knows I'm wasted, facing

Time again at Riker's

Island and I won't get out

Because I'm crazy, baby

I need you to come here and save me

I'm your little scarlet starlet

Singing in the garden

Kiss me on my open mouth

Now I'm off to the races, laces

Leather on my waist is

Tight and I am falling down

I can see your faces, shameless

Cipriani's basement

Love you, but I'm going down

God I'm so crazy, baby

I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving

I'm your little harlot starlet

Queen of Coney Island

Raising hell all over town

Sorry 'bout it

jazz cuts of nina and goes a little near the Audience *

My old man is a thief, and

I'm gonna stay and pray with him till the end

But I trust in the decision of the law

To watch over us

Take him when he may, if he may

I'm not afraid to say

That I'd die without him

Who else is gonna put up with me this way?

I need you, I breathe you, I'll never leave you

They would rue the day, I was alone without you

You're lying with your gold chain on

Cigar hanging from your lips

I said, "Hon' you never looked so beautiful

As you do now my man"

And we're off to the races, places

Ready set the gate is down

And then we're going in

To Las Vegas, pay us

'Cause you know we'll race this

Honey it is time to spit

Boy you're so crazy, baby

I love you forever

Not maybe

You are my one true love

You are my one true love

You are my one true love.

Narrator *

Jazz finished with a flirty smile , as she tries to find a young man that would be easy enough to escape form but little did she know that she caught the attention of every one there. Women were jealous for the amount of attention that she got form every man there . Her voice, her shy simple dances with her dress made her look like a forbidden fruit.

At the end of her performance Nina had already left the stage as she did feel like her show was take away sand people were already focused on her song partner.

Jazz was ready to leave the stage but she was interrupted when the present to her arm and turned her while saying " well gentlemen that was a spectacular performance from this angel. wasn't it ? "

The quite room turned to an eruption of applauding and whistles and compliments the many were inappropriate , a long with roses thrown at the stage.

During all the noise and men who were willing to pay large sums to gets this girl for a night. A man sat at the private balcony with his harsh unforgiving eyes gazing at the crowd and at the girl.

This girl he thought quietly , could it be ?

He was a man with a reputation of wealth and danger, his moves are always calculating but at this very moment he forget everything gazing at the girl with unexplainable expression.

Sir Edison was once a man with heart and feelings but today he is a man of power and wealth. But, strangely he couldn't believe his eyes or his ears.

"This voice , this face , could it be her ? " he thought with a war behind his calm mask of a face.

"Daniel " with one word form his boss Daniel walked to his boss with a determination to obey his demands.

"Yes sir Edison "

" this girl I want her up here and make sure that no one touches her or says anything to her and get me leni to pay for her"

"Of course sir"

Daniel left and sir Edison continued to gaze at the girl while ruining a hand in his black hair that reached his neck as a sign of frustration wondering if his mind is playing tricks on him.

Jazz POV *

Shit those people are nuts like really crazy ,out of their minds.

" I will pay 5000 gold for her !!"

"6000 gold"

"7000 gold"

WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM AN OBJECT YOU CRAZY PEOPLE, I wanted to scream at those people. But before I could do anything a well build tall man with a buzz cut walked right on the stage and whispered something to the presenter and form the shock that was written on the face of the presenter he let go of my arm that was about to be bruised form the right grip. I was about to take my leave but the man with the buzz cut too my arm.

" hey you , let me go you shithead !! "

I scream at the the man, I had enough of this shit I am go back to my room those people are nuts man

The buzz cut man looked at me with a hard expression while saying to the presenter

" leni , I am not going to say this again one more time sir Edison wants her and I will take her to him"

" but he never too any girl form here, the girls that he usually take are here , I can't give you this one she is still fresh and i can make a lot of money off her. " the leni guy said with an unsure expression but his words made furious.


"He will pay you the double "

"For how along "

"I don't know and for your advantage don't ask "

Both men continued their debate as if like I don't exist . If only I had a knife with me I would have cut them both into a kabab dish.

The buzz cut guy didn't leave chance for the leni guy to speak as he walked away with me in his hand as if I am a human sized doll. I hate my life.

This was not supposed how the plan to go. What am I going to do. Okay girl ! Of course if the Edison guy is up here then her must be an old man with missing teeth so just play it cool hit him on the head and run like it's dinner time.

I keep on repeating my plan till we get to a shinny metal door and surprisingly the brick wall let go of my hand and says

" if you want to stay alive behave "

"If you want to keep your head shut the hell up you mannerless evil form of a human " I fire back with anger. Man I ain't an object to treat me like this.


If it's weren't for the instructions that were given by his boss, Daniel would have liked the woman already.

"You may enter inside and wait for the arrival of sir Edison arrival"

"Were would his majesty be?" Jazz asked with sarcasm but she didn't know that the only thing preventing him from hurting her is his boss.

" paying for your worth" he answered with anger

And pushed her inside the room she was saying " brainless pigs"

Sir Edison wasn't far away nor late as he watched the scene informó of him and both Jaz and Daniel were unaware.

With an amused calm expression he walked towards the door and then stood in front of Daniel

" was is she ? " he asked

"Sir , it's was nothing but if I may, that woman will be hard to deal with" answered Daniel

" leave that to me "

With that being said sir Edison Entered the room

And for the first time in years his heart was beating wildly in his chest.

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