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chapter-6 Run. For . You’re. Life.

Take a deep breath.

exhale and inhale.


Just run and never look back.

I keep on thinking on those words as I run for my life, never would have I thought that I would feel that much of fear, lost and betrayal.

She betrayed me... trusted her... I took her under my wind..... I treated her like a sister that I never had and for the first time in my life I question my existence.

I keep on running in the pitch black night, trying to find a place to hide from the guards.

Strangely, Even though it's very dark yet I still visualize everything more clearly; could be because all my life I have been kept in the dark with no light ? . Suddenly I spot a small cave that was hidden at the very side of the mountain and with all my speed I sprint towards it.

I feel the rush of adrenaline as I enter the cave as I hope that there is no danger waiting for me there. I sit down i a small corner near the entrance but as I try to catch my breath I recall yesterday's dreadful events.

Flash back*

"before you were even here, I was in your shoes before ... I -I -I was part of a evolutionary group that aimed to free women out of this hell but the more we spoke the more we faced more violence ..until they took us into a Jail were they made sure to ruin us with every possible punishments . All of the women that were with me are all dead now... except me. They always give a option either die or join them. And I with shame accepted my fate to join them but I was scared I didn't want to die" she finished with tears streaming down her face. "I know that one way or another you will free us and I had to keep you alive , those punishments were nothing to the things they are capable of and to prove this ever wondered why I never sent you to the dungeons at the end of the city. "

I kept quiet for a couple of minutes the I asked

"How do I know that you are telling the truth? "

"There is a reason to why your the only one who have a roommate , there is a reason to why you work with one supervisor,there is a reason to why still didn't have your menstruation cycle yet even though you have a full developed body , there is a reason to why you have those strange nightmares, there is a reason to why your are kept behind the scenes never in the party hall and there is a reason to why you think differently than most girls in here."

" fucking hell Dorothy I didn't ask you a question to answer me with more questions ! " Frustrated that's what I feel with all those mind shattering answers.

"It's not important now , there is no time everyone is trying to find you they have been searching for you for a long time me and Emily can not hold them back anymore. You can't trust anyone but us " never in my life would I have imagine to see Dorothy speaking weird and looking behind her back as if she going to get caught for stealing something that does not belong to her ..... or is she ?

"Dor-" before I can even finish she cuts me off

" jazz your life is in danger and we have no time .... just trust me " Dorothy looked at me with eyes almost filed with tears and fear.

Her expression made me answer with yes that I never thought I would say to anyone especially to her.

" okay listen to me closely and think about one thing only "

"What is it Dorothy? "

"Run. For. You're. Life"

With every word she says I feel danger creeping more on us.

"hope that You don't regret this." my subconscious whispers to me at the back of my head.

End of flash back*

I sink further into the wall hoping it will swallow me and hide me away. As I put a hand on the mouth making sure to make no noise I listen quietly to the conversation of the guards.

"We Can't find her "

"Shit !! Sir Edison will be mad ! What are we going to do now ? "

"We can get another girl with more beauty than the one that we lost and he will sure forgive us"

"But he is very picky and I heard that he never took another b*tch after the death of his girl in the last war"

"He is a man of course he won't be hung one one girl"

"everyone shut ! We go back try hunter's idea and hope for the best . we have no other choice"

I feel more relaxed as I listen to the fading footsteps of the guards as they get back on the their trucks and head back to the shelters.

I can't believe that I escaped safely but part of me is left with Emily and Dorothy hoping that they are okay.. guess I will have to pray for the best.

I fall into a deep sleep as I dream of a beautiful pair chocolate brown eyes that looked at me with an unknown emotions...those eyes they belonged to ... sir Edison.

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