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Chapter 52: Things aren't always as they seem, part 2

When Snow and Nate arrived at their destination, she saw that they were Down Town again, but this time they were standing in front of an old gate, between two buildings. Snow could hear noise coming from the other side, and wondered what it was.

Nate saw her standing there, staring at the Gate. It was rusty, but had a beautiful pattern at the top, which consisted of metal vines and roses.

"Come on." He beckoned, but when she didn't budge, he took her hand, intertwining their fingers. She looked down but didn't pull her hand away. He then led her through the gate and when they rounded the corner, Snow's eyes bulged out of her head.

Children was running about, chasing each other and laughing. Women were doing their laundry, and chatting with the person standing next to them. Snow looked at these people with wide eyes. The children wore clothes that was ragged and worn out. She wondered why they were so hidden from the world, then a thought dawned on her.

"They're refugees." Snow whispered.

"Yes, they are. These are the people who lost their homes due to the Demon attacks."

"Where are all the men?" Snow noticed that there wasn't any man in sight.

"Well, some of them are in the woods, cutting trees to get firewood for the night, and well, others died protecting their wife and children." Nate explained, a solemn expression on his face.

"Oh." Snow looked at the nearby children, so some of them lost their fathers or their mothers, or even both.

"How long have they been staying here?"

Nate shrugged, "only a couple of years."

"Only a couple of years?" Snow gaped at this image in front of her. "How have you stayed hidden so long?"

"Well, the King doesn't care about this part of the city. No one ever comes here, and this place is well secluded, you'd have to know that it's here to find it." Nate crossed his arms.

"How did you find this place then?"

"I live here." Nate turned to her with a smile.

Snow furrowed her brow, "but you're not a refugee."

"No, and not all of them are. Some, like me, who is from this city, lost everything in a demon attack a few years ago." Nate gazed at the children. Snow could see hurt and vulnerability in his eyes. Now she understands where it came from. He lost everything, along with these people, and nobody is doing anything about it.

"And you all just lived here since? How do you feed everyone?" Then Snow realised something. "The robberies. That's it, isn't it. That's how you take care of everyone."

Nate nodded, ''You're quick to catch on, princess."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have talked to the King, I could have helped you." Nate shook his head.

"That's just the thing, I didn't want anyones pity. I didn't want you looking at me the way you're doing right now. If I was to show you, I wanted you to be proud of what I have done here, and besides, the king won't take care of us, so we have to take care of ourselves." Snow nodded her head in understanding. She understands where he is coming from, even if she is a little upset that he didn't tell her sooner, but she won't hold it against him, because she wasn't exactly forthcoming either and he is showing her now.

"You know, you sound a lot like those bad guys that tried to stop the Summit, and almost blowing up the King in the process." Snow laughed. Nate was watching her expression closely, and looked relieved when she made a joke.

"No, that was my boss and my partner." Nate put his arm around Snow's shoulder, while they walked around.

"Wait. So that was you? You could've killed him!" Snow turned to glare at him.

"First, no. That was my partner, I wasn't involved with that. Second, that wasn't real bombs, it was smoke bombs, just enough to scare the king and delay the whole thing, but we didn't think there would be another magic-user." Nate winked at Snow.

"So, you knew who I was when we first met at the market?"

"Yes, and no. I recognised you, but I couldn't quite figure out from where, until I saw you in action."

"Why did you want to delay the summit?"

"My, my, so many questions today."

Snow gave him a pointed look before he sighed at continued.

"We don't trust the Empire."

"That's all? But they're going to sign a peace treaty.''

"That's just it. We have been at war with the Empire for fifty years. Why call the war off now?"

"Maybe because the know they are going to lose. We aren't the only ones with demon problems."

"You're right, but I don't think that's the reason for calling cease fire." Nate was quiet for a moment, all most as if he was choosing his next words. "Do you remember that story of Troy?"

"Yeah, we learned about it in history. What about it?" Snow furrowed her brows together.

"Do you remember that horse statue they made which the King thought was a sign that they gave up?"

"Yeah, and then the youngest prince told them they should burn it, but they didn't listen to him. I always thought the King was a fool, because he didn't listen to his eldest son the first time around and that got the prince killed. One should think he ought to have learned his lesson, but when he didn't listen to his youngest son's words, the King paid with his life and the great city of Troy fell at the hands of the Greeks."

Snow saw in Nate's eyes he was both impressed and proud.

"You know quite a bit of your history, don't you." Snow shrugged, but a blush began to spread over her cheeks at the intensity of his gaze.

"But what does that have to do with..." Comprehension dawned on Snow when she figured out what he was trying to say. "You think that the peace treaty is their way of getting into the city?" Nate nodded.

"It makes sense when you think about it." Nate said, Snow could feel the colour draining from her face.

"We have to warn the king, surely he must know it's a trap!"

"I agree, but the empire will arrive here in two weeks when that prince is going on his fancy road trip. There isn't much time left, if any."

Snow rolled her eyes at the bite Nate took toward the prince, but chose to ignore it. She didn't want to think about him after last night. It still hurts to know that he thinks of her that way. They started out as friends, although they both had feelings for each other, but with his duties and her training they grew apart.

"We still need to warn him, though." Nate nodded, deep in thought. Snow hook her arm with Nate's, earning a grin from him.



"You told me you had a boss and a partner?"

"Yes?" Nate answered, watching her from the corner of his eye.

"So you're not the boss of this little operation?" Snow laughed, "and here I thought we had our own little Robin Hood."

"Ha ha. Very funny." Nate rolled his eyes, "I am the leader of my own group. We are the ones who get the resources to feed this place. My friend, who is also my partner, and his group, were the ones to bring protection and to make this place feel safe, but since that dumb fool got captured, we don't get those things anymore."

"What about your boss? What does he do?"

"He's the one who orchestrated this whole system and keeps it in check. His got his own group who guards this place, and makes all the plans to advance us, and to make us better."

"I didn't see any guards when we came here." Snow furrowed her brow, looking around to see if she could spot them.

"That's the whole point. If you can't see them, then outsiders can't get suspicious and come snooping around where they're not suppose to."

"This whole thing is like a big secret organisation and your boss is the brains behind it."


"Wow. I never would have imagined that you, Nate, the bad boy, would have such a big heart." Snow kissed his cheek, laughing.

"And you are queen of it." Nate picked her up and spun around, making Snow laugh.

"Nate!" A voice yelled, "stop making out with that girl and come put your muscles to use."

When both of them turned it was an old lady who called him.

Nate sighed, "I'm coming, Mrs Potterson." He walked away, giving Snow a quick peck on the lips. She watched him move toward the the lady who called him. The woman looked tired and worn out, physically. She had on an apron, wiping her hands on it. She looked on with a scowl, and when Nate finally reached her, she looked like she was going off about something. Nate was over all tall, but with the old lady standing next to him, it looked like he was towering over her. Snow laughed at the image.

"Ohhhh, you're pretty." Snow turned around, and looked down to see a girl standing in front of her, with glossy eyes and red hair, braided into two braids.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you." Snow crouched down to look the girl in the eye, "but you know, you are just as pretty, maybe even more so."

The girl gave a big smile. ''Really?"

"Really." Snow laughed, "now tell me, what is your name?"


"It's nice to meet you Annabeth, my name is Snow."

"Snow? Oh, you're the girl who Nate can't stop talking about. He said you were very pretty."

Snow blushed, but she decided to laugh it off."Did he now?"

The girl nodded her head. "Yeah, and he said that he's going to save you from the evil prince."

Snow laughed again, I wonder what else he said to this child.

"Hey, Annabeth, who is your new friend." An older boy came walking toward them, he didn't look older than 8.

"Brother, it's Snow, the one Nate's always talking about." The girl told him. He looked at Snow with a sceptical gaze, before turning his focus back to his sister.

"Yes, I see, but mother is calling us, so come on." He took her hand and led her away, but she turned around and waved at Snow.

"Bye Snowflake" She yelled. Snow gaped at the girl, and spun around when she heard a voice behind her

"Snowflake? I should remember that one." Snow turned around and saw Nate walking towards her.

"Yeah, well I hear I'm quite popular, since you can't stop talking about me." Snow smirked, making him blush.

"Where did you hear that?" Nate cleared his throat, his eyes darting everywhere.

"From Annebeth." She smiled at his awkwardness.

"She's a child, she must've heard wrong."

Snow laughed, "You're right, that must be it." She shook her head at him.

"Come on, before anyone else wants my help." Nate quickly took her hand and led her toward one of the rooftops.

"Who was that lady, anyway?" Snow asked when they reached the top. The roof had two walls, the rest of the sides had no walls.They sat on the edge with their legs dangling over the rooftop.

"Just some old, mean lady. Nobody even likes her, but she the gets stuff done." Nate shrugged.

Snow nodded, she gazed at the view in front of her, eyes locking on the castle. The sun was high in the sky, making the crispy air a little more bearable.

"Snow, what is it?" Nate asked, touching her arm.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just deep in thought, that's all." Snow shook her head.

"It's more than that. I can see it. Talk to me." Nate put his hand on her chin, forcing her to look at him.

Snow took a deep breath, "Noctis and I had a fight last night, because he figured out what happened between you and me, and then he accused me of something."

Nate's face grew dark, "what did he accuse you of?"

Snow recounted what happened the night before and with every passing moment Nate's face grew darker. By the time Snow was finished, Nate was beyond angry. He jumped up and began pacing the roof.

"That bastard! He had no right to accuse you of such things!" Nate yelled. Snow stood up and put her hands on his shoulders to try and calm him down.

"Nate, please calm down."

"Calm down? Snow, how can you tell me to calm down? That ''prince" needs to learn some manners. You don't talk to a woman that way. No matter how angry you get! What's our relationship got to do with him anyway?" Nate yelled. He began pacing the roof. Snow let him, because then he can get out all his anger.

After a while, Nate finally stopped pacing, and went to lean against a wall, sighing.

"You know, I'm surprised that you didn't have a remark about what Noctis said, and in any case, I thought you would gladly except the fact that people think we are sleeping together."

Nate opened his eyes and looked at her. He shook his head. "No, this time... this time it's different, somehow. You're a good woman Snow, innocent and pure, and I can't let people like him tarnish your good name. I won't allow it. For some reason I don't want to disturb you."

"You won't, if we decide to do it, it would still be my choice." Snow walked over to him, standing directly in front of him.

"No." Nate whispered, shaking his head. "It's not the right time."

Snow nodded. She agreed with him. It didn't feel like the right time, but she couldn't help but wonder when was. She was scared that when she is on the hunt for The Kings Power, she might not make it back, and then she might never have a special, intimate moment with him.

"But that doesn't mean that I haven't thought about it." Nate had a lopsided grin on his face. Snow swatted him on the arm, laughing. Thank goodness he didn't see my worry on my face, Snow thought, but also realised that she would have to tell him. She didn't know when, and to think that she would have to leave him here, made the thought of leaving unbearable. He would want to come with, but she can't allow that. That would make her even more worry. She had to know that he was safe. Here, in the city, but after what he said about the Empire, she wondered if he was safe here after all.

Nate suddenly spinned them around, switching places. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. Snow wondered what he was up to now. Their close proximity made her heartbeat sped up. It pounded so loudly in her ears she was scared he could hear it. She saw his eyes flit to her mouth, like he was asking for permission.

She felt herself move forward. Like magnets their lips came crashing together. Nate put his hands on her hips, pulling her toward him. She felt his hands moving along her curves, squeezing at the right places. Snow moaned against his lips. Her hands traveled up his torso, moving along his chest, and then his broad shoulders. She felt him shudder and it pleased her to know that she could get a reaction out of him, but she wouldn't stop there.

Heat began to build as their lips moved against each other. Nate moved down her neck, sucking and licking the exposed skin. Snow began to tremble. She clutched his dark hair in pleasure.

She then pushed herself against him, slowly grinding him. He moaned loudly, one of his hands clutched her bum, as she moved against him. Their lips found each other again, hungry and full of passion.

Snow gasped as he lifted her of the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist. He took advantage of the moment and slipped his tongue into her mouth, making her moan against him.

Nate pushed her up against the wall, kissing her neck and moving lower. She leaned her head against the wall as Nate made his way down. He planted a kiss between her breasts. He lifted his head, meeting Snow's eyes, she was breathing fast and her core was on fire. With his one hand under her bum supporting her, his other hand slowly undid the first button of her blouse, then the second. When Nate looked down, his breath hitched in his throat. Snow was wearing a lacy bra. His fingers moved over one of her breasts. Snow gasped again, clutching his hair and tightening her hold around Nate's waist.

Nate undid the rest of her buttons. Then he captured her lips again, hands roaming her body. Their tongues moved together as one. Snow's hands clutched his back, pressing her body to his. Nate tried to unclip her bra, but Snow stopped him, resting her forehead against his, both breathing hard.

"We need to slow down." Snow told him and heard him sigh.

"You're right, as usual." Nate lifted his head, a sad smile on his lips.

Snow untangled herself from him, buttoning up her blouse. She already missed his warmth.

Nate took her hand, enterwining their fingers, before going back down.

Before they made it to the gate, they heard a voice call.

"Nate, is that you?" They turned around and saw a young woman walking towards them. She too looked tired and worn-out, making her look older than she really is. Her brown curls were made in a ponytail, bouncing back and forth as she walked. She must've been beautiful in her days, without all the dirt and hard working days.

"Hey, May." Nate shifted uncomfortably.

May looked at their locked hands and then she looked between them, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Nate, you didn't tell me you were bringing your girlfriend home."

Wait, girlfriend?

Nate groaned, "I was just showing her around, May."

The woman named May, laughed. "Well, are you going to introduce me?"

Nate sighed. "May, this is Snow, Snow this is May, my aunt."

Snow's eyes widened in shock. She didn't know that he had any family left.

May laughed again. "Nate didn't tell you he had any family left, did he." She stick out her hand, and Snow took it to shake it.

"I'm sorry, you just caught me off guard."

"It's alright, he never tells anyone that he has family." May smiled warmly.

"Yeah, well, we were just about to leave." Nate turned around, tugging Snow with him. Snow saw sadness enter May's eyes at Nate's coldness.

"Bye, it was nice meeting you." Snow told her.

"You too, Snow." May smiled at them.

When they passed the gate, Snow turned to him with a glare.

"You didn't tell me you had an Aunt."

Nate only shrugged. "There wasn't much to tell, and now you know."

Snow gaped at his indifference.

"You could have been nicer to her." Snow said crossing her arms. Nate sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"I know, but it's better if I don't let people in, that way I won't get hurt."

Snow took his hand, intertwining their fingers. "You let me in remember."

Nate gazed at their hands and nodded slowly.

They walked to the castle in silence and by the time they reached it, the sun was on the verge of setting.

When they reached the castle's gate, both of them stopped. A thought occured to Snow.

"So... I'm your girlfriend now, huh?" Snow looked up at Nate, watching him. A grin had appeared on his face.

"Now that's quite an upgrade right, from dating to being in an official relationship." He pulled her toward him, with one arm around her lower back.

"We weren't even dating in the first place. We never went on a date, remember"

"Oh really, now what do you call that little picnic we had up on the roof?"

"That wasn't a date."

"Ooh, you wound me, princess." Nate made a dagger-thrusted-into-his-heart motion. Snow rolled her eyes at him.

"No, but seriously, Snow. Will you...I-I mean do you want to..." Nate stammered which made Snow laughed, she leaned in and whispered.

"I'll think about it." Snow said, smiling seductively.

"Think about it?" Nate's brows shot up.

"Of course. I can't let you get me that easy."

"Course not. That would be too easy." Nate smirked making Snow laugh.

"Thank you, Nate, for today." Snow blushed when she thought about their steamy moment. Nate smirked when he saw her. He pulled her closer and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"It is my utmost pleasure, princess. Although, there are many more times to come." Snow blushed at his words.

She tried to pull away, laughing. "Not just for that you know, for showing me the truth about what you do."

Nate hummed in response and kissed her temple.

"Nate, are you going to let me go?"

"Not if I can have it my way."

Snow laughed. "Well, not today." Snow stood on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on his lips. Nate smiled down at her. The look in his eyes made her knees weak. She couldn't explain what it was, but it made her feel good. There was a smoldering look in his eyes. Snow untangled herself from Nate's arms and stepped back.

"Goodbye, Nate. I will see you in two nights time."

"Only in two nights? Why not tomorrow night?"

Right, I haven't told him that the King ordered me and Noctis to have dinner with him to make up.

"Well, the King kinda ordered me and Noctis to have dinner with him tomorrow night." Snow told him. Nate's brows shot up.

"So you're going to go, then?"

"It's not like I have a choice, really."

"Alright." Nate nodded. Snow heard the reluctance in his voice, but she's glad that he understood and that they didn't have to fight.

Snow waved a kiss goodbye. She gave on step back, before she felt fingers around her wrist and being pulled back. Lips crashed together, and Snow felt Nate's tongue enter her mouth. She moaned against his lips. Her knees felt week, and she was glad to have his one arm steady her, while the other was burried in her hair. When they pulled back, Nate whispered. "Just as long as his majesty remembers to keep his royal paws of off what's mine."

Snow rolled her eyes at him, stifling a laugh. ''Goodbye, Nate."

She walked away from him, hearing him laugh. She is finally happy and now she's going to have to leave him, and not knowing if she is going to come back frightens her. She feels so at ease when she is with him, joking around and playing with each other, and the hot make out scenes that comes with it, surely makes is worth while. Snow blushes when she thinks about his mouth on hers, their tongues moving together. What they did earlier, or what they were going to do shocked her. Nate changed her in ways she never thought possible. She never would have done that with Noctis, or anybody else for that matter. His touches always electrifies her skin, where ever he touches.

Snow smiled, thinking about him, and that's when she knew. She was falling, and falling hard for this caring badboy. Never in a million years would she have thought that she would feel this way for someone like him, but she's glad she did and she couldn't be happier.

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