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Author's Note: /text/ = Toughts


A man finds himself in a beautiful office, basked in pure white, with rows of pillars adorning the sides. On the end of the office sits a beautiful table with many ornate carvings. After the table, sits a chair facing the other way. The revolving chair is made with the same quality as the rest of the room but there seems to be something special about it. The chair leaves off an aura of power, of lawfulness, of justice; and it seems that somebody is sitting on it. As the man moves in, he felt sudden uneasiness, a feeling of guilt. Before he could contemplate on why he is feeling these things, the chair moves a bit, not enough for him to see the person sitting on it, but he feels that whoever is sitting on it can feel his presence – and then it spoke.

"It would seem that a child has come to my residence..."

The voice is masculine, with each word full of power that if he were to say "kill yourself" you would do it without any objections. There's also something in that voice, it is a voice also full of compassion. A compassion that parents will definitely relate to.

"What a shame that a person must feel the cold touch of death to come to the blissful and happy life of heaven; but some are not worthy of such. Many of my children have deviated from the path that I have set for them, but I am not mad at that. No, I know that it would happen, I gave you all free will after all. No, the thing that makes me mad is when even after the countless warnings, they still do grave sins. Just. Like. You."

As he said that, the chair turned around to show a man that is well groomed, well clothed, and well built. If one word can describe him, it would be: King. He has golden and wavy hair, golden eyes, well groomed full beard, gold and purple robe; all of which makes him fit for a king. He looks amazing, yet his face shows anger. This man has an aura of power around him, and from that aura only,one can assume that that man is God.

The man doesn't know why he is angry at him, nor how many grave sins that he did. And he looked very infuriated and annoyed. But he didn't say anything because this maybe a test; no matter how infuriating and annoying this situation is.

"You have killed countless men, destroyed countless cities, tortured countless children and now, you are going to pay for every sin."

The man's face could tell it all, he was shocked, afraid, and confused? The man looked like he was contemplating about his life, and then, before God could continue, he speaks.

"U-Um excuse m-me God, um I t-think that you got or k-killed the wrong pers-son..."

God looked deep into his eyes, a glare that is obviously to see if he was lying. After a few seconds, God looked at his table, while the man fell down because his legs gave way. The man knew punishment but that glare was worse than anything that he could imagine. He was so afraid that his legs just went on a coma.

God took a look at a clipboard on the table for a few moments. He then took a quiet sigh yet it was heard throughout the whole office

"Ok, your name is Lore Unsung right?"

"U-Uh yeah...A-Am I gonna go to Hell?"

"Hm? Oh, of course!"

/Shit!/ Was the only thing that is in his mind. He just made things worse and it's all thanks to that damned curse of his.


Lore was about to stand up, and then, from that statement, he went back down, now from relief.

"God damn you man!"

"First of all, redundancy, second, it's all right. I hate being formal anyways; though, I don't like to swear. I'm more down to earth than you might think."

Lore somehow feels calmer and more mellow just now. Is this some /God power God has? Well no shit, he's God for God's sake... Well, just roll with it Lore, just roll with it./

"Says the one who's up in the heavens."

The two chuckled from the joke as Lore stands up.

"How about you take a seat Lore."

"There isn't one."

"Yes there is." As he points to a chair in front of the table that just seemed to appear out of existence.

"Um, okay then"

As Lore takes a seat, a cup of what smelled like tea appeared on the table.


"Uh, sure, thanks."

"You know, I'm sorry for what happened to you."

"Why does it sound like your sorry for what you done?"

"It does."

"Aren't you the one who gave me my destiny, my unbelievably hard life?"

"Do you know how you got your curse?"

"Nope, I just thought that I'm born with it."

"Oh, well let me tell you the rest of the story..."

/Damn, the cliché info dumping and expository device is God huh?/

Lore takes a sip of the tea, which is quite delicious, while preparing himself for about four paragraphs of exposition.

"I'll make this quick, your parents are to blame for your curse. Well, when I say you parents, I mean that they were the one who gave the devil the opportunity to curse you and then the devil accepted."

Lore did a spit take while making a fist. /Damn assholes who call themselves parents. No wonder why they are so successful, they're dumping all the bad omen they have unto me!/

"And you didn't do anything about it?!"

"The devil literally used most of his power to keep the curse implanted unto you. He used you as a way to mock me; and since I was divided in using my power, the power that I have left wasn't enough."

"Hmmm...Okay then."

"You're not mad?"

"It's not your fault, right?"

"Yeah... So, I know that you pretty much wasted most of your life being in unfortunate circumstances and for that, I want to repay you."

"Wait a minute, can I ask a favor before you can do whatever you are gonna do?"

"I want to meet the devil and I want him to be stripped from his power."

"Ok?... Why?"

"Don't question it."

God shrugged his arms as he snaps his fingers and after a few seconds, a dark red figure appeared to the side of Lore.

The figure was big and intimidating, with 2 horns at his head, flaming red eyes, devilish wings, and a very dreadful looking tail; all of which Lore expected.

"Lore, the devil; the devil, Lore"

"Wha! Where am I! God! What do you want now ha! You lost and that mortal there is the undeniable proof! HA HA HA H-!"

As the devil is bragging about winning over God for once, Lore angrily went over to him and bitch slapped him in the face. He then proceeded to wail on his ass. The devil didn't feel fear at first because he knows that a simple mortal isn't strong enough to hurt him, until he got slapped. The pain was incredible and what's more terrifying is the fact that the devil is beginning to feel weak from every blow.

"What *hit* the *hit* fuck *hit* is *hit* happening!!! *hit*"

"*Punch* That's for cursing me! *Punch* That's for murdering my grandmother! *Punch* That's for destroying my childhood! *Punch* That's for stealing my credit card! *Punch* And that is for being a big dick!"

Once Lore was done beating the prince of darkness up, he sat back down, drinks his tea and gets a towel God offered him.

"*Pant* *Pant* *Pant* What the fuck happened to me... *Pant* I got beat up by a fucking mortal. *Pant* You fucking asshole! You have no idea how demeaning that is! God! What did you do!"

"Hm? Oh, I just temporarily took away all of your power."

"*Pant* *Pant* Oh fuck y-you" Was all the devil said as he passed out.

"You have no idea how amazing it feels to see my enemy get beaten up by what he perceived as weaklings."

"Thanks for that, I needed to let off a little steam. So, what were you about to say to me before all this happened?"

God then snaps his finger again and the devil disappears from sight. He then fixes himself and then proceeded to speak.

"From what I was saying, to repay you from the curse that you were forced to live with, how about I give you another, better, and more fun life; which is also in another world that I made."


Jingling_Bell Jingling_Bell

Kinda fixed the story up because the first chapters weren't really appealing; so took out some stuff, rewrote some others, and just scattered the other, unnecessary info unto the later parts of the story.

Sorry for the inconvenience...

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