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89.95% Reborn In The Three Kingdoms / Chapter 435: 421. Battle On Beihai

Chapter 435: 421. Battle On Beihai

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Li Dian agreed. "We'll need to maintain constant pressure, harassing their lines and preventing them from reinforcing their location. This will require patience and persistence." As the day turned into night, both armies prepared for the long struggle ahead. The Baihu Army fortified their positions further, ready for whatever the next day would bring. Meanwhile, Xiahou Yuan and Li Dian began their siege preparations, knowing that the battle for Jibei would be a test of endurance and strategy.

The dawn of the next day saw a grim determination in the eyes of both armies. As the sun rose, Xiahou Yuan and Li Dian, commanding their 75,000 men, initiated their assault on the Baihu Army's fortified positions.

Xiahou Yuan raised his sword, signaling the advance. "Forward! Break their lines and show them the might of Cao Cao's forces!" The ground trembled as the vast army surged forward, their disciplined ranks a testament to their training and resolve.

In the fortified camp, Dian Wei and Chen Deng watched the approaching forces. Dian Wei's face was a mask of steely determination. "Here they come. We must hold our ground and repel their assault."

Chen Deng nodded, his strategic mind racing. "Focus on maintaining our fortifications. Use our archers to thin their ranks and prepare our infantry for the inevitable clash."

The first wave of attackers met a hail of arrows as they neared the Baihu Army's defenses. Despite the barrage, they pressed on, determined to breach the fortifications. The clang of steel and the shouts of battle soon filled the air as the two armies clashed.

Dian Wei, a towering figure on the battlefield, led his men with unmatched ferocity. His axe swung with deadly precision, cutting down any who dared approach. "Hold the line! Do not let them break through!" His voice boomed over the din of battle, inspiring his soldiers to fight with renewed vigor.

Chen Deng, meanwhile, coordinated the defense from a vantage point, directing troops to reinforce weakened sections of the line and ensuring that supplies of arrows and their supplies remained steady. "Keep the pressure on them! Do not let them gain any ground!"

As the battle raged on, it became clear that neither side was willing to yield. The afternoon sun blazed down upon the battlefield, illuminating scenes of chaos and carnage.

Both armies suffered heavy casualties, with the ground littered with the fallen and the medical tents filled with numerous wounded soldiers on both sides.

By evening, the battle showed no signs of abating. The ferocity of the conflict had taken its toll on both sides, yet both side's resolve remained unbroken. Xiahou Yuan and Li Dian regrouped their forces, preparing for another assault, while Dian Wei and Chen Deng continued to bolster their defenses.

Xiahou Yuan, his armor stained with the blood of battle, addressed his officers. "Their defenses are formidable, but we must continue to press our advantage. We cannot allow them to regain their strength overnight."

Li Dian, equally weary but resolute, added, "We need to find a weakness in their fortifications. Keep the pressure on them and prepare for another coordinated attack at dawn."

In the Baihu Army camp, Dian Wei and Chen Deng assessed their situation. Dian Wei, despite his fatigue, remained defiant. "They are relentless, but we are much more relentless compared to them. We will hold this position and push them back so we can take Jibei."

Chen Deng, ever the strategist, suggested, "We should ask the Orioles to help monitor their movements and prepare for any surprise tactics they might employ. We need to stay one step ahead."

As the day broke, the battle resumed with renewed ferocity. The ground trembled under the march of thousands of soldiers, the clash of steel and the roar of war cries filling the air. Casualties began to mount on both sides, the intensity of the conflict promising a long and grueling struggle.

Meanwhile, far to the east in Beihai, another fierce battle was underway. The Zhuque Army, led by Taishi Ci and Bu Zhi, was relentlessly assaulting the city's defenses. Beihai's strategic importance was underscored by its port, the only one in the campaign, which made it a crucial target.

Lie Fan's navy, under the command of Jiang Qin, played a pivotal role in the siege. Using the Hwacha that was installed on their ships, the navy provided suppressing fire, raining down arrows and explosive projectiles on the defenders.

The coordinated attack from land and sea left Beihai's defenders reeling, as they had never encountered such tactics and strange siege weapons.

Taishi Ci, leading from the front, rallied his troops. "Push forward! We must capture Beihai and join our brothers the Qinlong Army in capturing our target! Victory will be ours!" His presence on the battlefield was a source of inspiration for his soldiers, who fought with renewed vigor.

Bu Zhi, meanwhile, directed the siege operations with meticulous precision. "Focus our attacks on their weakest points. Maintain pressure on their fortifications and ensure our supply lines remain intact."

As the Zhuque Army hammered down on Beihai's defenses, Jiang Qin's marines prepared for a decisive move. With the port heavily bombarded by the Hwacha, the marines launched their assault, swiftly capturing key positions along the docks.

Jiang Qin, leading the charge, ordered his men, "Secure the port and eliminate any resistance. We must ensure our foothold here is unassailable." The marines moved with precision and efficiency, their training evident in every maneuver.

The combined efforts of the Zhuque Army and the navy began to turn the tide in their favor. Beihai's defenders, despite their best efforts, were unable to withstand the coordinated assault.

Slowly but surely, the city's defenses began to be pushed back and even showed signs of crumbling under the relentless pressure of the Zhuque Army and Lie Fan's Navy.

As the day turned into night, the battle for Beihai raged on. The Zhuque Army's determination and the navy's firepower continued to batter Beihai's defenses, leaving no room to rest for the defenders.

Also, the capture of Beihai's port marked a significant milestone in the battle, with the marines under Jiang Qin managing to cut off Beihai's source of food, which was fish they earned from the sea as their ration.

As the night wore on, the relentless assault by the Zhuque Army, combined with the critical capture of Beihai's port, left the city's defenders in dire straits.

The marines under Jiang Qin had effectively severed Beihai's primary source of food, plunging the city's morale to an all-time low. With no signs of reinforcements on the horizon, desperation began to shadow the hearts of Beihai's defenders.

Oriole agents, keenly observing the situation, reported back to Taishi Ci and Bu Zhi about the grim atmosphere pervading the city's defenders. Hearing this news, Bu Zhi turned to Taishi Ci, who was deeply familiar with Beihai's populace and officials from his time serving under Kong Rong.

"General Taishi Ci," Bu Zhi began, "the defenders are on the verge of collapse. Their spirits are broken, and they lack the sustenance to continue. Given your history with Beihai, I believe you are in a unique position to persuade them to surrender without further casualties made."

Taishi Ci nodded, understanding the weight of Bu Zhi's words. "Very well, I will speak to them. If we can avoid further loss of life, it is our duty to try." With that, Taishi Ci donned his armor and prepared to approach the city walls with a small group of men as protection.

As the Zhuque Army held their positions, maintaining a strategic halt on their offensive, Taishi Ci rode to the front lines and called out to the defenders atop Beihai's walls.

"People of Beihai, hear me!" His voice carried authority and familiarity. "I am Taishi Ci, and I have served this city in the past. I stand before you not as an enemy, but as someone who wishes to see Beihai spared from further suffering."

The defenders, weary and disheartened, listened intently. Taishi Ci continued, "Your situation is dire. Food supplies have been cut off, and reinforcements are nowhere in sight. Continuing this fight will only lead to more unnecessary deaths. But there is another path."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Surrender, and I give you my word that your lives will be spared. Beihai will not be razed, and its people will not suffer any further harm. Your bravery in defending this city is undeniable, but now is the time to think of your families, your children, and the future of Beihai."

There was a moment of silence before one of the city's officials, recognizing Taishi Ci from his time under Kong Rong, stepped forward. "We know you, Taishi Ci. We trust your word. But how can we be sure that our surrender will not become a bloodshed for us?"

Taishi Ci dismounted his horse and approached the gates, unarmed. "I stand here, defenseless, as a gesture of goodwill. I give you my word and my honor as a warrior that no harm will come to those who surrender peacefully."

The official conferred with the other defenders, and after a tense few moments, the gates of Beihai slowly creaked open. Taishi Ci was met with cautious but hopeful eyes. "We accept your terms, Taishi Ci," the official said. "We surrender."

Relief washed over Taishi Ci as he turned to signal Bu Zhi and the Zhuque Army. The city of Beihai had fallen, not through force, but through the power of words and persuasion.

The Zhuque Army entered the city peacefully, and true to Taishi Ci's word, no harm came to the surrendering defenders and Beihai's populace, increasing the trust they had in Taishi Ci, the Zhuque Army, and by extension, Lie Fan, due to the honorable act.

With Beihai now under their control, Taishi Ci and Bu Zhi, alongside the cooperative Beihai officials, worked tirelessly to placate the city's residents and consolidate their hold.

They ensured that food supplies were distributed, order was maintained, and the city's infrastructure was stabilized. Their efforts quickly bore fruit, with Beihai's populace gradually accepting their new rulers and recognizing the fairness and stability Lie Fan's rule had brought.

As they focused on these efforts, a scout rushed in, breathless with urgency. "General Taishi Ci, General Bu Zhi, we have received reports of Cao Cao's Army several kilometers from our location."

Bu Zhi's expression turned serious upon hearing the news. "How many men they had?" the scout replied, "Our scouts estimate their number to be around 80,000 men. We have identified the leaders of the army as Xu Chu and Yue Jin."

Taishi Ci's brow furrowed. "80,000? That's significantly more than our current strength after the siege. This is a serious threat, especially since Xu Chu was present, he is much more powerful than me."

Bu Zhi nodded. "We must prepare for the possibility of an immediate confrontation. Fortify our positions and gather our forces. We need to devise a strategy that can defeat them and retain Beihai." After Bu Zhi finished saying his words, Taishi Ci turned to the Beihai officials. "Everyone, your cooperation has been invaluable. Now, we need your assistance once more. Help us reinforce the city's defenses and prepare Beihai defenders for a potential siege."


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 825

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 936 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10)

INT: 587

CHR: 96

WIS: 509

WILL: 397

ATR Points: 0

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