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395. Prelude To Zhao Ang's Rebellion

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Wang Shan stepped forward, handing Yan Yan a detailed document outlining the proposed terms. "These are the conditions we seek to establish. Your help during the negotiations will be crucial to our envoys.", Yan Yan accepted the document, his eyes scanning it briefly before he tucked it into his belt. "I will study these terms thoroughly and ensure that our envoys are well prepared and well guarded."

Liu Zhang, feeling the need to inspire Yan Yan, wanted to offer some words of encouragement. "General Yan Yan," he began, his voice soft and tentative, "I, uh, trust in your abilities and, um, believe that you will, uh, secure a favorable outcome for Us."

Yan Yan, ever the disciplined soldier, nodded respectfully, though his face remained impassive. "Thank you, my lord. I will do my utmost to serve you, My Lord."

Despite his efforts to inspire Yan Yan, Liu Zhang's words lacked the presence needed to inspire confidence. He doesn't sense the difference in the atmosphere and the slight shift in the room as Zhang Wei and Wang Shan exchanged barely perceptible glances.

Wang Shan quickly stepped in, his voice brimming with the authority Liu Zhang lacked. "General Yan Yan, your mission is critical for the continuity of our war against Zhang Lu, which is more important than the conflict with the southern tribes."

Zhang Wei added, "And remember, the stability of our resources rests on these negotiations. We are counting on your wisdom to bring this conflict to a satisfactory pause."

Yan Yan nodded again, his expression resolute. "I understand. I will not let my lord and everyone here down."

With his orders clear, Yan Yan took his leave, moving with the purpose of preparing his men for the safety of the envoys he would escort, so that they would not have any accidents during the meeting or when they leave after the meeting.

Zhang Wei and Wang Shan soon turned their attention back to Liu Zhang, who sat passively at the head of the table. "My lord," Zhang Wei said smoothly, "with your approval, we shall finalize the preparations and ensure the envoys are ready to depart by morning."

Liu Zhang nodded, feeling that what Zhang Wei just said was right. "Yes, proceed with the plans. I trust both Master Zhang Wei and Wang Shan to handle the details."

The two advisors bowed slightly, their expressions guardedly satisfied. "Thank you, my lord," Wang Shan said. "We will ensure everything is in order."

Elsewhere in the castle, a secret meeting was taking place unknown to everyone but the members of the meeting, as only selected people were invited and not many had the same mind as them.

Fa Zheng, Meng Da, and Zhang Song had gathered in a secluded room at the Serenity Inn in its VIP room, their expressions serious as they discussed the state of Liu Zhang's Court.

"This tyranny of Zhang Wei and Wang Shan must end," Fa Zheng said, his voice low but intense. "Liu Zhang is little more than a puppet in their hands, with them using him to enrich themselves and their group."

Meng Da nodded, his face grim. "They wield too much power, making decisions without Lord Liu Zhang's proper consent. It is dangerous for My Lord to be controlled by such men."

Zhang Song leaned forward, his eyes sharp. "We must act carefully. Open defiance could lead to chaos. What we need is to start undermining their influence," he said, his voice magnetic.

Then he added, "We must gain my lord's trust and then support him to assert his authority, reducing Zhang Wei and Wang Shan's power. Once we have done that, we can help him cleanse his court of their cronies."

Fa Zheng nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, but first we need to build Our Lord's confidence and help him develop a mind of his own." Said Fa Zheng while holding his chin.

"He must learn to question and assess Zhang Wei and Wang Shan's advice, rather than just following it blindly and follow what his heart says and act on it." He added that he felt that this could help Liu Zhang increase confidence in himself.

Meng Da agreed, with a solemn look on his face. "Absolutely. Additionally, we need to slowly replace the servants around Liu Zhang. Most of them are Zhang Wei and Wang Shan's men who influence him on a daily basis."

"If we can place our own trusted individuals close to him, we can start to counteract their sway.", While Meng Da saying so he began to think about who he could place around Liu Zhang.

Zhang Song rubbed his chin, considering their next steps. "We should begin by subtly encouraging Liu Zhang to make small decisions on his own. Each success will build his confidence. At the same time, we need to provide him with alternative viewpoints, showing him that he has options beyond what Zhang Wei and Wang Shan present."

Fa Zheng added, "And we must be vigilant in gathering evidence of their overreach. If we can present Liu Zhang with clear examples of how Zhang Wei and Wang Shan are acting against his interests, it will open his eyes to their manipulation."

Meng Da nodded, already planning his moves. "I will start identifying loyal men who can serve my lord on a daily basis. We must ensure they are discreet and trustworthy, capable of gradually replacing Zhang Wei and Wang Shan's network of servants."

Zhang Song's eyes gleamed with determination. "Let's proceed with caution and precision. Our actions must be coordinated and deliberate. Remember, our goal is not only to remove Zhang Wei and Wang Shan but to strengthen our lord's rule and ensure the stability of Chengdu while everything is happening."

The three men nodded toward each other, their faces filled with determination. They understood the challenges of the task ahead but were united in their resolve to cleanse Liu Zhang's court of Zhang Wei and Wang Shan's influence.

As the secret meeting concluded, Fa Zheng, Meng Da, and Zhang Song left with a renewed sense of purpose, which was to help Liu Zhang and liberate Yi Province to end the suffering of the common people.

Far to the north of Chengdu, in the city of Tianshui, another plan was unfolding. Zhao Ang and Wang Yi, determined to bring down the warlord Ma Teng, were ready to set their scheme in motion.

In a dimly lit room, Zhao Ang reviewed the details of their plan with Wang Yi. The atmosphere was tense, as their plan had begun to set in motion with their letter had been sent to Cao Ren.

Zhao Ang looked up from the documents, his brow furrowed with concern. "Yi'er, do you think the plan will go as we have envisioned? There are so many variables, so much that could go wrong."

Wang Yi met his gaze with unwavering confidence. "Husband, you must have optimism. Remember, our goal is not to engage Ma Teng directly but to change sides and force him and his army out of Tianshui with the help of Cao Cao's Army. This is a strategic maneuver for us, not a battle to win."

She continued, her voice steady and reassuring, "I've made sure that all parts of our government stand on our side. I've cajoled and persuaded the wives of key officials, securing their support. They will influence their husbands to align with us when the time comes."

Zhao Ang nodded slowly, taking in her words. "You have done well, Yi'er. Your efforts in rallying support for us are invaluable. Still, the uncertainty is killing me. Ma Teng is a formidable opponent, and not that easy to be pushed out."

Wang Yi reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Our preparations have been thorough. We have accounted for every possible scenario. The key is to remain calm and trust in our plan. Ma Teng's power relies on strength and brute force without any strategy, but our strength lies in strategy, cunning, and preparation."

Zhao Ang took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his worries lift slightly. "You are right. We must remain calm. Cao Ren's Army will assist us, and we must be ready to act decisively."

Wang Yi smiled, her confidence infectious. "Exactly. Once Cao Ren's army supports us, the tide will turn in our favor. Ma Teng will have no choice but to retreat. We will ensure a smooth transition of power to ensure Tianshui stability."

The couple spent the next several hours fine-tuning their plans, ensuring that every detail was accounted for. They reviewed the messages to be sent to their allies within the city, coordinating the timing of their actions to coincide with Cao Ren's Army.

Outside of Tianshui, Cao Ren was having a meeting in the main tent with all of his subordinates. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation everyone gathered around the table.

Jia Kui, Cao Hong, Zhang Ji, Xu Huang, Han Sui, and his eight rider generals. The table was covered with maps and letters, the most important of which was the one from Zhao Ang that Cao Ren had just received.

Cao Ren held up the letter, its contents clearly weighing heavily on his mind. "Everyone, I have received this letter from Zhao Ang, the Governor of Tianshui. He requests that we reduce the intensity of our attack and support him in ousting Ma Teng. Zhao Ang claims he wishes to swear his allegiance to Our Lord."

Jia Kui was the one who spoke first. "General Cao Ren, this could be a ploy. We must ensure that Zhao Ang's offer is genuine. The stakes are too high to act on mere promises from Zhao Ang."

Cao Hong, Cao Cao's cousin who's known for his straightforward approach, chimed in. "True, but if Zhao Ang is sincere, we could take Tianshui with minimal bloodshed. What We need is a way to test his loyalty."

Han Sui, leaning forward, added, "I agree. Zhao Ang must also provide proof of his influence within Tianshui. If he doesn't have any influence within Tianshui as he was overridden by Ma Teng's influence then our support would be wasted."

Xu Huang put his hand on the table and suggested, "We could use this opportunity to gather intelligence as well. If Zhao Ang has the power he claims, we could leverage his position to our advantage."

Cao Ren nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed. General Han Sui, I want you to lead a small group of trusted men and make contact with Zhao Ang. Ensure he understands that there's no turning back and help him in his armed rebellion against Ma Teng from inside."

Han Sui bowed slightly. "I will leave immediately, General Cao Ren. We will assess Zhao Ang's position and ensure he can deliver on his promises as well as support him to achieve what he promised."

Cao Ren nodded satisfied with Han Sui's answer, then turned to Jia Kui. "Master Jia Kui, please advise General Han Sui on how best to approach this situation. We must be prepared for any outcome."

Jia Kui nodded. "Of course, General. General Han Sui, we need to ensure our approach is both cautious and assertive. Verify Zhao Ang's control over key positions within Tianshui and then inform us whenever we should proceed or not."

Han Sui cupped his hand toward both Cao Ren and Jia Kui, ready to mobilize his men. "I will see to it that Zhao Ang's influence in Tianshui is exactly as what he said, and support him from inside."

As Han Sui exited the tent to prepare his detachment, Cao Ren addressed the remaining people in the tent. "Prepare our forces for a potential shift in strategy. Maintain pressure on Tianshui, but be ready to support General Han Sui if Zhao Ang proves his loyalty." The meeting concluded with Cao Ren saying that. On the other hand, Han Sui leads a small group of his most skilled and trusted men toward Tianshui, to infiltrate it with the help of Zhao Ang's messenger.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 825

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 936 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10)

INT: 587

CHR: 96

WIS: 509

WILL: 397

ATR Points: 0

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