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6.94% Reborn In The Three Kingdoms / Chapter 32: The Beginning Of Crusade Againts The Yellow Turbans

Chapter 32: The Beginning Of Crusade Againts The Yellow Turbans

Checking that everything is ready, Lie Fan with Liu Pi, Xu Kai, and his 20 guards bring the 100 fruit wine and beers back to enter Luoyang for Lie Fan to socialize expanding his connection in the Capital, especially with the Eunuchs as they were influential in swaying the Emperor especially with now they will go to battle all military generals will be under the threat of bribes

Entering Luoyang again, Lie Fan decided to rent a room in a luxurious Inn named Fragrant Flower and settled to stay there for the rest of the month paying 30.000 taels to stay for a month.

After storing his luggage, Lie Fan began to tour Luoyang, especially looking for the Dynastic Temple location to search for Wells located the south of the temple marking it in his Vision Map for the future where Doing Zhuo began to loot and burn Luoyang he can send the Oriole to search for the Imperial Seal

Lie Fan spends the late morning marking for we'll in the south of the Dynastic Temple then return to Zhu Jun Manor to send his gift for Zhu Jun alongside Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi's gift too.

Lie Fan begins to spend the month following Zhu Jun, introducing himself to the Capital social circle and meeting Military Generals and Civil Officials giving them gifts while building relations at least to an acquaintance as having a social foothold in the capital is Important for his future agenda

He asks around for Wang Yun and Cai Yong's locations but he was told that both of them left the Capital and don't know when they will be back there are rumors they left the Capital because they lost a power struggle against the eunuch led by Zhang Rang.

Wang Yun was assigned as Inspector Of Yu Province so he was still in Yu Province, while Cai Yong everyone doesn't know where he went but there's a rumor that he hide in Wu Commandery

In the month of waiting for the Han Army to begin to march, Lie Fan also survey restaurants and taverns that going to go bankrupt to buy them as branches for Serenity Inn and Dragon's Fang expanding their network to the capital

On the 8th Month of 183 AD, He Jin as the General In Chief announces the army to assemble in front of Luoyang East Gate to gather up and receive their order

Lie Fan alongside his retinue joined up with Zhu Jun on the way there, Lie Fan was assigned as one of the many generals in Zhu Jun's army, he led his original 2.760 with 240 from the imperial army joining his rank to round it up to 3.000 Men, 3.000 Man Generals is in the middle-rank commander in the army making him the youngest general with high rank there

Lie Fan's closeness with Zhu Jun doesn't go unnoticedced and some of the younger generals envied him while some older generals despise him thinking that he become a general thanks to his relationship with Zhu Jun

Arriving at the East Gate, Lie Fan and his retinue joined Zhu Jun's army ranks while Zhu Jun go towards He Jin standing behind him alongside Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi as they are the main generals

He Jin: "Everyone! Today we are going to bring peace to all lands in the Empire! The group of rebels known as The Yellow Turbans have caused chaos to the land, pillaging and raping in the name of their movement to overthrow our Empire! You all are the guardians of the people and The Empire, let's defeat those rebels in the name of The Empire!

Everyone: "HOAHHHH!!!!"

He Jin: "Our Army will be divided into 4 Army, the main army numbering 230.000 Men will be led by Me protecting the capital and attacking the rebel's base in Ji and You Province, Huang Army numbering 40.000 Men will be led by General Huangfu Song heading towards You and Qing Province, Zhu Army numbering 40.000 Men led by General Zhu Jun heading toward Yu and Xu Province, and Lu Army numbering 40.000 men led by General Lu Zhi heading toward both Ji and Yan province"

Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, And Lu Zhi step forward showing their majestic prestige when their name was called evoking cheers from their respective armies

He Jin: " May Heaven always bless us along the way!"

After He Jin was done with his speech, the army began to move and separate themselves according to their leader, Zhu Jun's Army was posted in the back and will be the first one to move.

Lie Fan led his army following Zhu Jun's division and positioned his rank in the front so he can be in the same area as Zhu Jun who will lead his division in March toward Yu Province

Zhu Jun: "Little Lie this will be your first battle under the Empire army right so I gave you some advice, do your best to get as much merits so you can reach a higher rank faster haha!"

Lie Fan: "I will try and do my best General!"

Zhu Jun: "Hahaha that's the spirit! Come now everyone let's say start our march!"

Zhu Jun leads his army to go toward Yu Province, they spend a month marching towards Yu Province. Along the way, they encounter many Yellow Turbans from big to small groups, especially when they were on the outskirts of Yan Province and entering Yu Province

Lie Fan Army was appointed as one of the Vanguards of the Zhu Jun Army, so his army and the other vanguards were the ones who battled against the encountered Yellow Turbans and Lie Fan showed his talent when he battled the Yellow Turbans.

Sun Qian's advancement of his military strategy and tactics mastery when learning under Lu Zhi for 1 month, demonstrated how an army can fight without having casualties with ambush and surprise tactics alongside Lie Fan's martial prowess stunned the generals and Zhu Jun

Zhu Jun began to include Lie Fan in their military discussion on how they approach a certain situation, Lie Fan showed great aptitude for strategy and knows the locals see pretty well which makes him shine more than other generals with Sun Qian alongside him this duo was known as they think tank for Zhu Jun to increase his confidence in his strategy

After entering the heart of Yu Province, the yellow turbans' resistance began to be stronger due to the number they encounter with Zhu Jun leading 40.000 men to eliminate them quickly there are casualties along the way but it's under a minimum number, but they continue to match

Around Yu Province to search for cities or villages under attack

Lie Fan: "These Yellow Turban bastards are never-ending, Our army will be exhausted sooner or later if this continues every day"

Sun Qian: "My Lord this is the normal tactic of peasant revolt, using numbers to overwhelm the Imperial Army as they are less experienced and using makeshift weapons with no armor"

Lie Fan: "I know that's why it's a nuisance sometimes, what do you think General Zhu Jun?"

Zhu Jun: "I think it's normal, their number is bigger than the revolt I suppress before but in the end, they will not last long as unorganized rebels will fail sooner or later"

Lie Fan: "Let's see how long it wi- Look there!"

With Lie Fan's shout, everyone turned their head to the area Lie Fan pointed out and saw a city under Yellow Turban attack, from the number it looks like 50.000 - 75.000 Yellow Turbans.

Zhu Jun: "My God that's the biggest one we ever saw, come everyone to your battle formation!"

Under Zhu Jun's order, every general began to position their army to their respective position in the battle formation. Lie Fan positioned his army at the front as he is one of the vanguards, while preparing their battle formation from their rear there's an army approaching numbering 40.000 men and from their banner, it was Huangfu Song's army

Huangfu Song: " Old Zhu looks like you need some help here, with your number alone fighting open field will cause many men to fall let me help you here"

Zhu Jun: " Old Huang I alone can handle this but what you said is true so I accept your request"

Huangfu Song: "Hahaha still as butter as ever accepting help from others, come let me introduce you to Cao Cao, Cao Song's son. he has a great aptitude for military strategies and tactics and this is Sun Jian, Sun Wentai from Wu a brave general nicknamed tiger of Jiangdong"

Cao Cao: " Cao Cao, Cao Mengde greets General Zhu Jun"

Sun Jian: "Sun Jian, Sun Wentai greets General Zhu Jun"

Lie Fan who wants to join his army overhears their conversation and turns around to see Cao Cao and Sun Jian, the first was the man who will be hailed as the Hero Of Chaos and the First Emperor of Wei in the future while the other will be the father of the Emperor Of Wu and the founder of the Imperial Seal. After remembering the faces, Lie Fan continue riding toward his army position to join them in battle, and before doing that he tells Sun Qian to stay at Zhu Jun's side

Lie Fan: "Chao Bo, Chao Bai, Zang Ba, and Liu Pi when the attack order is given, let's do our usual formation to attack, with Me and Liu Pi leading the Guard Battalion on the left side, Zang Ba leading the Cavalry Battalion on the right side, and Chao Bo Infantry Battalion in the middle while Chao Bai Archer Battalion on the rear"

All: "Yes My Lord!"

Everyone began to move towards their position to prepare and wait for Zhu Jun's order for the attack to begin


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 16 Years Old

Level: 11

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 40

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 151.700


STR: 280 -> 290 (STR Potion)

VIT: 95

AGI: 88

INT: 104

CHR: 88

WIS: 74

Will: 40

ATR Points: 0

Tang12 Tang12

Bonus Chapter as a thanks to the support I got from you all!

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