Reviews of Pokémon world with system by chirashu - Webnovel


  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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5 dodo h sjujj estuary estuary and my mom is not an easy way of the good day to day in and best way that is not a good day to day in and my family way that is not a good day to day in the best way that he is the company has

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I quite like the flow of the story so far need some editing but the general idea and concept of it is quite amazing can't wait two more chapters are released but recommend anyone to try reading it if you can ignore the bad grammar it's quite a good storing can't wait till the world is build around him

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5 dodo h sjujj estuary estuary and my mom is not an easy way of the good day to day in and best way that is not a good day to day in and my family way that is not a good day to day in the best way that he is the company has

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I quite like the flow of the story so far need some editing but the general idea and concept of it is quite amazing can't wait two more chapters are released but recommend anyone to try reading it if you can ignore the bad grammar it's quite a good storing can't wait till the world is build around him

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