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100% The Holy Guardians: of love, of blood, of power / Chapter 27: Salmena Bloodline

Chapter 27: Salmena Bloodline

Seriel felt a dull ache and an overwhelming sense of danger when she opened her eyes. A dark spear was pointed at her neck and Xunia was standing over her, her grey eyes boring down with a hind of coldness. She knew she has lost.

"I admit defeat" Seriel said, her voice croaky. Xunia withdrew her weapon and it disappeared in thin air. She extended a hand and pulled Seriel back to her feet. Xunia's lips brushed past Seriel's ears as she whispered;

"Meet me at the back of the watch tower when dinner is over"

Then she walked away, leaving a stunned and confused Seriel. Seriel was defeated so she had no other option but to listen to Xunia. That was the day the life of the half giant changed.


"That day, she told me of her ambitions to make halflings all around our realm accepted and treated justly. She also told me about the encroachment of evil, it was apparent in her home. Those were still the warring eras. That day was when Xunia earned my respect and as time went on, my unwavering loyalty.

So, if you want people to listen to you and you want the best surbordinates, have the most convincing goal and have strength" Seriel said with a huge grin. She gently pat his shoulder and walked away, her back straight and valiant.

Jason couldn't say he understood that day but he finally got a glimpse into how fierce and how deep the loyalty of Xunia's surbodinates and the weries under her control ran deep and his admiration for his mate grew.

A few days later, Jason and his team received vital information.

The Capricorn tribe was part of the 13 zodiac tribes and was the first to leave the Aries continent. They were led by a werie called Carnie Salmena, the Alpha chief at that time. They were all black wolves who felt uncomfortable staying in a place for long so they kept migrating.

For a long time, there was never a standing Capricorn tribe. The blood wars also reduced their numbers so when the portal to a new universe opened, they jumped at the chance. They pledged themselves to the Aries clan and the new empire before leaving, making them responsible for their well being.

Their move to Earth was harder to track with their low technology at that point so the Capricorn tribe was left on their own. For a thousand years, they prospered and integrated themselves well with the human race.

The problem started a hundred years ago when the main Capricorn tribe seemingly disappeared into thin air. It caused a lot of shocks when the family of the Alpha chief disappeared alongside him. After searching for a long time, they didn't find anything, not even the name of the Alpha tribe chief so they relegated themselves to organizing the existing Capricorn tribes.

The new Capricorn tribe headquarters is pack Headren in Quebec, Canada. The chosen tribe chief was Astona Cadre. He was the grandson of the former Capricorn main tribe's Beta.

This information was given to Jason by Oliphilis. There were many gaps in the story which Styllaph provided for him. The name of the missing tribe chief, for instance, Jasper Cedari Salmena. Jason was awed on how familiar that name sounded. It was a thought that he dared not to voice out. The person he knew by that name, was his grandfather.

Miwi however, read his mind and told it to all of them.

"My father told me that my grandfather abandoned him in the Livresal pack when he was just nine years old. He was raised by a kind couple in the pack and when he was 16, he was chosen as the next Beta. He met my mother there as she was the child of the kind couple and married her, giving birth to me and my sister. That's all I know"

"He didn't have any communications with your grandfather?" Syllaph quizzed.

"None that I know of. My father never talked about him after that. I just know his name"

"What's your grandmother's name?" she asked again.

"Aeria Salmena. That's what my father told me"

"I think I've heard that name before. The name Aeria is special and is only given to one person in the Libra tribe. The second daughter of the tribe chief" Kierra said.

"Its just like my name and Koriya's name. Kierra is the second daughter while Koriya is the first born daughter. Koriya means the first given one blessed by the goddess of fertility. Kierra means the second one bestowed by the moon. If I interpret correctly, Aeria means the guide of the first spirit" she explained.

"So, what does this all mean?" Jason asked confused.

"The last I heard of Aeria Salmena, she went to the central realm, specifically to the Angel's domain, Heaven" Miwi replied him.

"When she talked to the Alpha Queen, she told her she was going to look for her daughter-in-law. Aeria only had one son, Jaoph Salmena. Jaoph is translated from Jarun to English, the chosen one. The Capricorn language's version of that name is Greeane which literally means chosen one. Do you know what that means Jason?" she asked excitedly.

"That my father is supposed to be the current Alpha chief of the Capricorn tribe and my mother is an Angel?" he asked incredulously. She nodded vigorously. They heard a loud thud behind them and quickly turned to see what made the noise. They felt quite weird to see Jenna laying unconscious on the wooden floor, her complexion as pale as a sheet.

Jason rushed to his sister and the rest of the team took their time to digest the news that had just been dumped on them.

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