"Ah-Jie, don't let go of my hand."
"Baby, I'm right here. There is no need to worry. And could you please ease up your grip a little bit."
"Oops, Sorry!"
Both Jie and Xu Mey were in the Radiology department of the hospital. They were waiting outside for their turn when Xu Mey suddenly felt anxious for some reason and held Jie's hand in a tight grip almost breaking his bones.
"Ms. Xu Mey, you can come inside now," hearing the nurse calling her, Xu Mey's already clammy hands started trembling. Jie had no idea what she was so scared of. They had come for a routine checkup and an ultrasound test, what was the need for this strange fear?
"Please, lie down."
Xu Mey did as she was told but didn't let go of Jie's hand at all. Jie stroked her hair with a smile trying to calm her nerves.
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