Have you ever had a moment when you asked yourself, 'How did I end up here?'
Well, Wu Wang was definitely going through that moment when he had to enter a zoo with Yang Ziyi. Standing at the ticket counter, he really wanted to ask himself why did he even agree to be a tour guide?
No matter how reluctant he was he still had to buy the tickets and enter the zoo along with an overly excited doctor. Yang Ziyi was like a kid in a candy store; running around, pointing around, and laughing goofily.
Although Wu Wang thought that she didn't seem elegant at all while laughing so loudly, he still felt good seeing her happy. Perhaps the reason was that her happiness was genuine and carefree. It was so infectious that even Wu Wang couldn't stop the smile from reaching his own face.
"Wang, look over there!" Yang Ziyi tugged at his sleeve and dragged him ahead. "That monkey is so cute."
Every battle leaves a scar.
But not every scar represents a victory.
Some are there to remind you, what or who you sacrificed to be here today.
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