He Jian originally planned to wait for a moment of distraction to contact Li Qiao but his plans were spoiled when Xu Mey extended her hand and said, "Your phone, Jian Ge."
The trio had already blocked Li Qiao's number and only He Jian was left. He Jian was definitely reluctant but he had to give in to Xu Mey. She took his phone and blocked the number but didn't pass the phone back.
"Xiao Mey, my phone?" He Jian asked for his phone but Xu Mey paid no heed to his words as she stuffed his phone in her front pocket.
She eyed him skeptically before saying, "I don't trust you. So, your phone and you will stick with me."
"What? How can you even say that?" He Jian gave a look of being wronged. "I only wanted to remind you how much you love Qiao and-" Xu Mey raised her hand to stop him from saying anything else.
I'm not gonna justify this chapter. Not at all!
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