Xu Mey listened to Lin Shen's advise and splashed her face with some cold water. After that, she got a cup of coffee and walked out on an open terrace to take some fresh air.
Sitting on the bench, she was taking a sip of her hot coffee when her eyes fell on a familiar face sitting with an IV drip attached to his hand.
"Mr. Kaden?" Xu Mey called out his name and Kaden jolted a bit in surprise.
"Gosh! You scared me!" He placed his hand over his heart to calm down a bit.
"I'm sorry about that," Xu Mey spoke softly before taking a seat opposite of him. "What are you doing here? Are you sick?"
"Nah! It's nothing much. I ate something not knowing there was pineapple powder in it." Kaden replied calmly.
"You're allergic to pineapple?" Xu Mey raised her brow inquiringly.
"Yeah!" Kaden answered honestly. "Why are you asking?"
We have a new entry!
Now, the question is whether she is the one for Wu Wang or his first love is still gonna win?
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
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