Ye Jie's thoughts took a complete 180 degree turn when he noticed that Xu Mey was brooding all by herself after the call disconnected. He didn't like that look of sadness on her face.
Seeing her feeling sad, Ye Jie got angry.
He immediately walked up to his study and dialed a number without any hesitation. Before anyone could speak up from the other end, Ye Jie roared, "What the hell were you thinking?"
"Well, hello to you too, Mr. Ye Jie!" Ru's calm voice came from the other side making him more furious.
"Cut the cr*p! Why did you say all that to Xu Mey? Her revenge is not wrong. SHE IS NOT WRONG!" Ye Jie exclaimed as he wasn't gonna beat around the bush.
There was a silence for a moment before Ye Jie heard Ru's voice again. "Did I say her revenge is wrong? I certainly didn't. The only thing I reminded her of is that she's letting her hate rule her. Yes, I believe I should sugar-coat my words but my apologies for that since I wasn't taught how to say things nicely."
I honestly don't know what got into me that I wrote these chapters.
But I needed u guys to know about how YJ was being biased. As they say, everything is fair in love and war.
YJ took that too seriously. His love is always right but others are not? Isn't it biased?
I know a lot of u hate Ru after these chapters but I won't try to make u love her either. Just because she was raised without emotions that doesn't make her any less human. If Xu Mey gets hurt by words then so does she!
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