Xu Liqing's wedding was quite different from Xu Mey's. For instance, there was only flower decor but it was done lavishly by a famous florist. Also, Xu Liqing was wearing a white gown for her wedding. She didn't want to go with the traditional red dress.
The dress was quite beautiful but sigh! The person wearing the dress was not worth it at all. Xu Mey sat in a corner with Ye Jie and some other old people. She didn't want to be involved with this ceremony at all.
To be honest, she didn't have to even be here at all for her plan to work. But she needed a front row for this show. Otherwise, it'll not be worth it at all!
As for Ye Jie, he was more interested in holding his wife's hand then the wedding before him. He could only think, 'My baby's hand is so soft. Why is it so soft today? Gosh! She's looking gorgeous. How I wish this ends faster.' Now, this one is called 'The whipped husband!'
So, you guys actually managed to keep us in top 20. Even though we are still fighting with 20 and 21 positions.
So, this is the extra that I promised for being in the top 20.
Hope you're enjoying this wedding!
Happy TGIF!
It's 4 a.m and I'm staring at the screen. Ugh! One more chapter to go!
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