We all have an existence in our lives that we are running from. That existence could be a person, a thing, a memory, a lie or simply our past itself. There are two types of liars in this world; one that is an honest liar and the other one that is a dishonest liar.
The difference in both liars is simple and yet not so simple. Honest liars are those that have accepted the things they are running from. They don't let that same truth of their lives haunt them for the rest of their lives.
But dishonest liars are those who keep running from things instead of accepting them. They not only lie to other people around them, but they also lie to even themselves. And because of lying to themselves, they spend their entire life being haunted by their own truths and lies similarly.
Xu Mey was one of the honest liars. She could lie to the whole world but her own self was never convinced by all her lies. But now, she didn't even want to lie to Ye Jie anymore.
Okay, so one part of the past is out.
And as none of you must have noticed but this is the start of volume three named: The Camouflage of Deception.
In other words, this volume is all about the lies all of them are living especially our leads.
And this is the only chapter of the day cuz I still have to plan out the volume three but since I didn't want to disappoint you guys, I didn't take a break for today.
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